The reason that most people struggle all their lives is because they lack mental strength.
Successful people know that by having mental strength ... they’ll have the skills it takes to dominate in anything and everything they do…
If this is true … why wouldn’t everyone strive to build mental strength?
Because it’s extremely difficult.
Not only is mental strength hard to cultivate, it’s also a perishable skill...
Meaning you have to practice and train your mental strength regularly…
Or it will go away.
So, what does it take to become someone who is mentally strong?
It takes a lot of practice and commitment to doing difficult things.
Mental strength…
Mental toughness…
They’re all used to describe roughly the same thing.
But what do they mean?
Mental strength is all about keeping the promises you make to yourself, especially when things get difficult...
And acting against the weak-willed voice in your head that suppresses your potential…
This is the voice that says, “Just skip your workout today … you went to the gym yesterday”...
...Or, “Hit the snooze button for another 10 minutes, you deserve some more sleep”...
...And don’t forget, “You worked hard today … you should just kick back, relax, and watch some TV”.
I refer to this little voice in your head as the “b**** voice”.
That’s because this voice only presents you with the path of least resistance…
The easy cop-outs and excuses…
And the alternatives that will prevent you from gaining any real traction in your life.
Imagine what your life would look like if you had the mental toughness to consistently choose the most difficult options.
Instead of skipping the workout … you do it, and push yourself even harder.
Instead of pressing the snooze button, you wake up, then wake up even earlier the next day.
Instead of relaxing after a long day of work, you spend another 30 minutes to get ahead.
Cultivating mental toughness is the best thing you will ever do for yourself…
And for reasons you may not even realize yet.
When you’re trying to build a great life…
A business…
Financial freedom…
Awesome relationships…
Or anything in between...
Not only is having mental toughness extremely important...
It’s required.
When you are someone who is mentally strong...
You have complete control of your life.
With this control, you’ll be able to advance in your career, and gain independence with your projects and tasks.
You can create fulfilling relationships that you’ll be grateful for…
You can learn how to be honest with yourself, and self-aware enough to stay on track…
...and feel completely confident in yourself & your ability to do anything.
Anyone who is successful in life has developed mental toughness.
The outcome of your entire life is tied to being mentally strong and having the skills attached to mental strength such as…
And so much more...
The sad truth is this…
There are thousands of courses out there about how to be successful…
How to win in life…
How to make more money…
But they’re all the sugar coated, sexy, and “new” concepts that are going to sell.
There has never been a legitimate guide to help cultivate mental toughness.
So how do you actually become someone who is mentally strong?
It takes a lot of time, consistency, and requires zero compromise.
What most people don’t realize is that mental strength is a skill that must be built through practice and repetition...
It’s nothing that you are born with.
But I know exactly what you need to do to build your discipline and mental toughness.
The most effective way is with my 100% FREE program, 75 HARD.
75 HARD is a transformative mental toughness program that you can use to completely overhaul your life in just 75 days.
Through completing the program, you will learn to do the things you say you’re going to do, regardless of the conditions ... putting YOU in control.
If you follow the program exactly as I lay it out for you with zero compromise and zero substitutions…
You’ll be able to handle anything.
There’s really only one more way to build mental toughness and it’s this...
Like I discussed earlier...
We all have a voice in our heads that is weak-willed, and tries to convince us why we should avoid doing the things we tell ourselves we truly want to do.
The minute you identify your “b**** voice” trying to creep in…
You have to do the opposite of what your voice says.
Here’s another example:
You may have promised yourself that you’d work out in the morning...
But when you wake up and see the rain, you roll over and think “It’s just one workout, what does it matter if you skip it and grab some more sleep?”
In this moment, you need to wake up … do your workout … and add an extra set to the end of the workout.
This will train your brain to pivot into a productive state when you have these limiting and weak thoughts.
Your weak voice is something that will never go away…
But if you can condition your brain to act against your weak voice…
You will become someone who is mentally strong and confident.
Something that all successful people understand is this…
Having mental strength is required if you truly want to make it in business and in life.
By developing mental toughness and becoming mentally strong…
You’ll also build other important skills like confidence, self-esteem, grittiness, and self-belief.
You have to train your brain to consistently say no to the voice in your head that wants you to remain average…
The voice that is self-defeating and encourages comfort and laziness.
You should constantly be trying to put yourself in the most difficult situations possible to become mentally strong...
And keep the promises you make to yourself…
Because that’s how you’ll truly become mentally strong.
At some point in your life, you will inevitably question whether the things you have done have made a difference.
You have two options.
You can either look back at your life and feel as if you wasted it.
Or ... You can look back at your life and...
You must have confidence if you want to win in life.
The problem is ... Most of what we've been told about confidence isn't anywhere close to the reality of what real confidence is.
Allow me set the record straight...
Confidence can't be...
Mental strength is essential for success in any area of life.
The good news is ... Mental strength is not a gift.
You aren't born with it.
You can't....