April 05, 2021 3 min read

Our society has become overly obsessed and reliant on everything being quick and easy.

In a lot of cases, convenience can be a great thing…

But it has also bred a mindset of laziness and complacency.

Be very careful…

The path of least-resistance will never be the path that will help you get better and win big in life.

You need to understand that doing hard things is ultimately what is going to help you reach your goals and become successful in life.

You need to train yourself to love hard things because the reward is worth the pain.

Here are 3 reasons why you should regularly do hard things...

1. Doing Hard Things Will Build Your Confidence

By doing hard things and seeing them through to the end…

You are proving to yourself what you are truly capable of.

If you’ve ever won anything…

You know the feeling.

Imagine training hard every day for 8 months to do an ironman…

Once you cross the finish line, I guarantee you are overwhelmed with confidence.

This can be applied to literally any difficult task that you endure and overcome.

By doing hard things…

You are building confidence and self-belief in your ability to do anything.

2. You'll Build Mental Toughness

Everything is hard.

Becoming successful and living a flashy life is just as hard as living a  mediocre life.

Get used to it, because that will never change…

While your struggles will never get easier…

Doing hard things consistently will strengthen your mental toughness and your tolerance for struggle.

The more mental toughness you have … the more equipped you will be to get through difficult situations and stay disciplined.

Imagine if you were so mentally tough that you could endure any hardship or pain…

How much better would your life be?

Mental toughness is essential if you want to be successful in life…

...and it all comes from doing hard things.

3. You Will Train Yourself How to Execute Under Pressure

One more benefit to doing hard things is how well it prepares you to perform in any situation.

When you choose to do hard things to improve the quality of your life...

...and you become comfortable with being uncomfortable...

You will start to get used to your struggles, and eventually become unstoppable.

It doesn’t matter if all the odds are stacked against you…

You will always find a way to get the job done and stay calm in the midst of a storm.

Unlock Your True Potential and Reach Your Biggest Goals

You have to understand that struggle is your best teacher.

It will help you build the skills you need to be successful at anything and everything you do.

Doing hard things will give you confidence…




Mental toughness

…and so much more.

Always remember…

Nothing worthwhile is obtained quickly and easily...

Massive accomplishments require massive effort.

But if you’re looking to opt out of struggle...

You are sadly mistaken.

Life is going to be hard regardless of if you want to become successful…

Or if you want to be broke and complacent…

You have to choose your hard.

You may as well embrace the struggle now, and start doing hard things to build the life you truly want.


#75HARD + #LIVEHARD: Winning The War Within & Unlocking Your Full Potential

If you're serious about improving and becoming the best version of yourself, the #LIVEHARD program and #75HARD are the exact tools you need to become unstoppable. In today's episode, Andy talks in-depth about the complete #LIVEHARD program, including #75HARD, and how you can get started today to crush it this year and beyond.

Also in Andy Frisella Blog

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