❓ I'll Start When I am Ready
That my friend, is your entire problem in life. You wait. You wait for the perfect time. You wait for the stars to align with Mercury in retrograde ... or something else crazy like that. The point is you wait ... and you don't do. Allow me to let you in on a little secret: There's never a perfect time. The stars never align. You'll never be ready. That's the point of 75 HARD ... to develop the toughness so that no matter what happens in your life, you have the mental fortitude to deal with it. So start ... execute.
❓What Happens if I Fail?
It's simple, you start over on Day 1. I've had some say this rule can make people feel like a failure if they have to start over multiple times. Well ... here's the truth:
If you modify the program just to say you completed it, did you really succeed? No. That's the problem with your whole life ... you constantly modify your plans & goals so you can say you completed them. By doing that, you never achieve what you're actually capable of, and you'll end up feeling worse about yourself, because you know deep down you cheated.
You don't accomplish anything great by changing the rules in your favor just to check the box.
❓ It Seems Like This Would Be Difficult to Sustain
EXACTLY! That's the point. You don't achieve what I'm talking about by doing the program for just a few days or a few weeks. I made this program 75 days, because that is how long it will take for you to develop these skills ... skills that will stick with you long after you've completed the program.
This isn't another temporary band-aid program that you're used to ... I'm talking about making PERMANENT & POSITIVE changes in the way you live your life.
❓ I'm On the XYZ Diet Training Program, So I can't Do 75 HARD
You my friend ... are wrong. You absolutely can do 75 HARD. I developed 75 HARD to run in-line with your current fitness program ... no matter what it is. I developed it to run in-line with your current diet program ... no matter what it is.
There's 2 workouts a day and I don't specify to you what to do there. So plug in the workout from your other program for one of the workouts. Then do another workout that day. Don't forget ... one of the 2 has to be outside. You have to follow a meal plan and again, I don't specify to you what to do there. So plug in a meal plan from any program for that. Just don't forget ... no cheat meals and no alcohol.
See how easy that was to do with zero compromise and zero substitutions.
❓ Can I Do {Insert Your Random Task} Instead of One of the 75 HARD Tasks?
NO ... Because that's the entire problem. You are trying to compromise and adapt things to suit your needs before you ever even start. When you make a small compromise to yourself, it engrains that decision pattern in your life. You subconsciously tell yourself that is OK, and without knowing, create a pattern of compromise across every single area of your life. That compromise nerfs off the sharp edges of what could be an exceptional life.
You can do this ... so don't start off on the wrong foot by compromising.
❓I Haven't Exercised in Years ... and I'm Too Out of Shape Right Now to Do 2 Workouts every Day.
You are not too out of shape to do this. I developed 75 HARD specifically to work for everyone regardless of physical fitness activity. You have to do 2 workouts a day ... and I don't specify what they need to be so that you can do whatever you need to do based on your fitness level. It could literally be as simple as going for two 45-minute walks.
Where you are too "out of shape" is actually mentally. And you and I are going to work on that together over the next 75 days.
❓ I Can't Do The Outdoor Workouts Because I Can't Leave My Kids at Home
Doing an outdoor workout does not mean you have to run miles away from home. Go to your backyard or driveway, and MOVE. Do jumping jacks, push-ups and sit-ups, jump rope ... anything.
Or ... have your kids exercise with you. It's a great opportunity for you to teach them positive habits while they're young, which will help set them up for success as they grow up!!
❓ This Seems Pretty Easy to Me
Right on ... you must be at an advanced fitness level. That's great and you'll love 75 HARD. It will push you far more than you think. Accept the challenge ... and circle back and tell me how easy it is in 75 days when you're done. As you are starting to see ... every possible thing you could say to object to starting the program right now is really just an excuse you are making to get out of doing the work.