February 02, 2021 6 min read

Way too many people seek comfort.

They avoid any situation that requires change, struggle, or difficulties.

Maybe they are making enough money in their career to cover their expenses and enjoy some fun here and there…

Maybe they’re in good enough shape so they think they don’t have to worry about serious health issues…

Maybe their personal relationships are decent…

Not bad, but also not great.

These people get in this mentality and routine of staying exactly where they are...

Being comfortable…

And maintaining status quo.

To most people, this doesn’t seem like an issue...

But the truth is this...

Comfort breeds complacency...

And if you truly want to be successful in life...

You have to learn how to face your fears…

Take some risks

And step outside of your comfort zone.

What Is Your Comfort Zone?

Everyone has their own comfort zone.

I like to think of it like this…

Your comfort zone is any area of your life that you tolerate.

In a way, it is routine and habitual...

And since you are content with this area of your life...

You don’t push to improve any aspect of it, because it would require change and discomfort.

Your comfort zone is your life without added resistance.

Some people feel comfortable watching Netflix instead of working out.

Some people feel comfortable drinking beer instead of drinking water.

Some people feel comfortable in their current role at work and don’t want to push any harder or pick up more responsibility.

Some people feel comfortable in a sub-par relationship instead of trying to improve it or move on.

Some people feel comfortable throwing their clothes on the floor instead of folding their laundry and staying organized.

It can be any area of your life...

As long as you maintain your current pace or habits in these areas...

You will be in your “comfort zone”.

How Do You Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone?

Stepping outside of your comfort zone is all about challenging yourself.

It’s taking the things in your life that you currently tolerate, but want to improve...

And take action outside of your normal routine that is uncomfortable, but will help improve your situation.

If we’re talking about your physical health…

It could be switching from eating ice cream to eating fruits and vegetables.

If we’re talking about your financial situation…

It could be cutting out the cup of coffee to save an extra $100 a month.

The entire point of stepping outside of your comfort zone is to improve these areas of your life.

If you never take action outside of what you’re used to...

Nothing will ever change.

Comfort Now Creates More Discomfort Later

The reason why most people never step outside of their comfort zone to make a change is because it’s difficult…

What they fail to realize is that the discomfort is only temporary...

Their unwillingness to get uncomfortable now ends up making their situation more uncomfortable in the future.

Comfort isn’t comfort.

Every time you avoid the gym…

You are taking a step toward a very uncomfortable future…

You might run into serious health issues…

...and you are failing to form good habits that will make it easier to live a healthy lifestyle in the future.

At your job, every time you decide to take off work early…

“Wait until next time to do better”...

Or skip the details…

You are building an identity around yourself as someone who underperforms at work.

So because you are unwilling to get uncomfortable and put in the effort now…

You will completely ruin your professional reputation, which can:

A. Limit your opportunities to progress or make more money

B. De-value your worth in the eyes of your co-workers and superiors

C. Cause you to lose your job altogether

Either way, staying comfortable and becoming complacent is never a good thing.

Why Should You Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone?

Most people will think you are crazy for stepping outside of your comfort zone.

These are the same people who go their entire lives without accomplishing anything or ever feeling good about themselves.

Here’s the truth...

If you don’t present yourself with new challenges...

You will never improve.

This goes for everything in your life.

If you want to make more money in your career…

You have to get uncomfortable, develop new skills, and learn to execute at a high level.

If you want to get in great shape…

You have to sacrifice junk food and Netflix for working out and eating food that will help you reach your goals.

If you want to form great relationships…

You have to become a person of character yourself, and work hard to maintain and improve your relationships.

What most people fail to understand is that by getting uncomfortable temporarily…

You’ll be much more comfortable in the future.

It’s the difference between instant gratification…

And delayed gratification.

You have to express discipline now if you want your life to be comfortable in the future...

Otherwise it will only get more difficult.

Think about it…

If you do everything you can to make your biggest goals and dreams a reality, it’s going to be very difficult.

You’ll have late nights and early mornings…

You’ll have to sacrifice the time you normally spend on hobbies and reinvest that time into improving yourself and your skills.

What Is The Best Way To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone?

There is only one way to get outside of your comfort zone...

It’s by doing the things you know you need to do to improve consistently, even though they are going to be hard ... and even when you don't want to do it.

That’s the point.

That’s where the discomfort comes from.

A strategy I personally use to make sure I’m always sharpening my skillset is with a method I call win the day using a tool called The Power List.

Sit down and make a list of 5 tasks that will help put you on a fast track to your goals and dreams.

These are your critical tasks.

They aren’t chores like washing the dishes or taking out the trash…

They aren’t habits that you already have either…

These have to be 5 new and actionable steps that will be beneficial for your personal growth and progress.

It could be reading 10 pages of a self-development book…

Spending 30 minutes to do more research in your career field…

Or anything in between.

But if you focus on 5 critical tasks every day that will help you build your future...

You will be stepping outside of your comfort zone every day to get better.

It all comes down to discipline.

If you put yourself in uncomfortable situations enough...

You will start to become more comfortable with being uncomfortable.

This is exactly where you want to be.

Another Great Way to Get Uncomfortable

Getting uncomfortable is going to take mental toughness.

The more mental strength you have...

The easier it will become to get uncomfortable.

I’ve spent the last 20+ years working to master my own mental toughness...

...and learn why some people have more mental toughness than others.

Eventually, I developed the ultimate transformative mental toughness program, 75 HARD.

If you’re unsure where to start when it comes to getting uncomfortable…

Start with 75 HARD.

After all, it is a 100% free program that will permanently change your life ... from the way you operate on a daily basis…

To the level of discipline you approach every task with.

75 HARD can help you develop your confidence and overall happiness in life.

The Benefits of Getting Uncomfortable

Without discomfort … there is no growth.

You can’t expect to get better if you are not challenging yourself.

When you step outside of your comfort zone, you are setting yourself up for success in all areas of your life.

You'll build greatness…

You'll build resilience...

...and the more conditioned you become to discomfort...

The better.

The process is going to be difficult.

Most people will never understand why you are choosing to put yourself in these uncomfortable scenarios.

You have to utilize the negativity from others to keep you motivated.

Building your dream life is going to require that you get uncomfortable.

Becoming successful in your career is going to require that you get uncomfortable.

So what are you waiting for?

The longer you hold off…

The more difficult it’s going to be when you finally make the decision.


#LIVEHARD: In Pursuit Of Your Own Full Potential

Have you completed 75 HARD with zero substitutions and zero compromises? If so, you've noticed an increase in your confidence, self-esteem, fortitude, grit, and you do not want to revert to your old habits. So what's next? Andy shares the phases following 75 HARD in the LIVE HARD program that will help you in your pursuit to reach your full potential.

Also in Andy Frisella Blog

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