April 19, 2021 3 min read

Have you ever met people who are confident and calm when things are going well…

But as soon as they hit a bump in the road…

Run into an obstacle…

Or start dealing with adversity, challenges, or struggles of any kind…

They immediately begin to underperform, get stressed out, and eventually throw in the towel.

These people spend their entire lives in this never-ending cycle.

It’s easy to perform and make ends meet when the stars are aligned and conditions are great…

It’s not as easy to perform when things aren’t going your way.

You’re constantly in chaotic situations...

And the odds seem to be stacked against you.

The biggest thing that separates the people who are able to push through and dominate regardless of the situation...

From the people who quit, and never gain any real traction in their lives…

Is fortitude.

Once you know how to develop fortitude, you will be surprised at just how great your life can become.


Fortitude is all about having courage in times of adversity.

It’s understanding that your struggle is a privilege, and having the grit to make it through any and all difficult situations in life.

When you’re completely confident in your ability to do difficult things...

You're willing to take more risks...

Take on more challenges to improve your skill set…

...and overcome fears that keep you from growing.

The biggest problem in our society today is the instant gratification mindset.

Everything has to be fast…




Which sounds great, but actually ends up creating a culture full of lazy and impatient habits.

On the other end of the spectrum, fortitude is not possible to develop without hard work, patience, and perseverance…

Which is the main reason why MOST PEOPLE don’t have fortitude.

They aren’t willing to endure pain, embrace discipline, and get their hands dirty.


To become confident in times of adversity and difficult situations…

You need to constantly be seeking ways to challenge yourself.

Through this struggle, you’ll learn to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

You’ll learn how to not only push through difficult situations, but also thrive in them.

As you get more and more conditioned to doing hard things over time...

You will no longer underestimate your ability to overcome any obstacles that get in your way.

I know this is much easier said than done…

How do you constantly put yourself in uncomfortable situations in order to become mentally tough and develop fortitude?

I’ve spent the majority of my life trying to figure out why certain people are mentally tough, while others aren’t, and how you can develop mental toughness.

Eventually, it all clicked for me, and I put together the ultimate mental toughness program, 75 HARD.

It is a 100% free program that can help you develop fortitude, grit, self-esteem, self-confidence, mental toughness, and so much more.

The best part about the program is that it’s something you can come back to at any point in your life to keep these skills sharp...

...and build even more fortitude.

The program demands that you complete a set of tasks every day, regardless of the conditions.

When you’ve completed this program with zero compromise and zero substitutions…

You will have more fortitude.

Once you develop fortitude, make sure that you continue to put yourself in more challenging situations...

If you don't practice fortitude...

The skill will begin to deteriorate.


Anyone that has fortitude knows just how big of an impact it has on their life.

Just think about this…

What if you knew that you can excel at anything and everything you do?

What if you knew that you can overcome any struggle in your life?

What if you knew that nothing could get in the way of you living the life you’ve always wanted?

You’d have a lot more confidence...

You’d also be a lot more determined in everything you do.

Having mental fortitude is crucial for your growth…

You’ll see just how quickly your life, your character, and your goals start to shape when you develop fortitude.

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