April 14, 2021 4 min read

I want you to picture the life of your dreams in vivid detail...

What does your house look like?

What kind of car do you drive?

What is your profession?

What is your daily routine?

What have you accomplished?

Do you have a family?

Do you have pets?

Where do you live?

Now ask yourself...

Are you hoping that the life you want is going to drop in your lap out of thin air?

When you think about everything you want, do you find yourself thinking, “That would be nice”...

Or, is the life you truly want exactly what you expect to have?

Most people go through life with no certainty when it comes to their future…

...and because of this uncertainty...

They end up with a life they don’t want.

You have to switch your mindset from being “hopeful” for your future…

To being expectant of your future.

When the life you want becomes an expectation, not just a "hope" or "dream" ... and you back it with the effort and commitment to support your expectations…

You can drastically increase your ability to reach your goals.

You can make your expectations become your reality.

So, what do you expect for yourself?

What Are Expectations?

Expectations are strong beliefs about what the future holds.

You can have expectations for what you will achieve…

Expectations for what your day-to-day life will look like…

Expectations for the relationships you will have with others...

Really ... you can have expectations for any part of your life.

And when you expect something…

You are 100% convinced that it will happen.

It's not hoping...

It's not wishing...

It's not wondering...

It's knowing...


You Have to Support Your Expectations With The Necessary Work

Where most people mess up with their expectations, is they expect a certain outcome without putting in the work that’s required to achieve the result they’re after.

Do you think if you set the expectation that you’ll be driving a Ferrari in the next 5 years…

Then sit on the couch every night watching Netflix…

That you will actually end up driving a Ferrari?

If you do ... you’re delusional.

This is really just you hoping that you’ll be able to drive a Ferrari without having to put in the time and effort necessary.

If you’re going to have high expectations…

You have to support these expectations by doing everything in your power ... everyday ... to win and MAKE these expectations realistic.

You can’t expect to see your abs if your diet consists of cheese puffs and beer.


You might expect to see your abs if you’re tracking your food meticulously and exercising consistently for an extended period of time.

You can’t expect to have a six-figure salary if you show up to work late, leave early, and take "personal days" routinely.


You can expect to have a six-figure salary if you’re doing everything you can to provide a ton of value inside a company.

Understand that just because you expect something to happen does NOT mean it will actually happen.

The preparation and action has to be aligned with the expectations that you have…

And the only real way to guarantee that you will meet your expectations is by focusing on dominating over winning.

Just doing “enough” is the wrong mindset to have.

If you aren’t doing literally everything in your power everyday to fulfill your expectations…

You won’t reach them.

How Do You Quit Wishing and Start Expecting?

Training yourself to set expectations is a mindset switch.

You have to convince yourself that you are 100% capable of doing everything that you want to do in your life.

That’s why it’s so important that you are actually executing at such a high level that your wins come as no surprise to you.

If you aren’t...

You have absolutely no reason to have an expectation to achieve incredible things…

Build a monumental life…

Have amazing relationships…

Or anything else you want that takes a tremendous amount of effort and discipline to earn.

Really, it’s simple…

You have to start thinking of your dreams as the reality of your future.

That way, you aren’t hoping or wishing for your future to come true…

You know it will, because you are doing everything you need to do everyday to materialize your future.

You have to understand that most people will not grasp this concept.

To them, you will come off as arrogant and egotistical.

There will be plenty of people who don’t believe in you...

Discourage you…

...and try to pull you back down to their level…

All because your actions and way of thinking makes them uncomfortable and insecure with themselves.

That’s why you cannot fall victim to the support expectation.

On your journey to build the life you deeply desire...

You won’t have much support.

That’s okay...

Their expectations for your future are not yours.

Don’t let these people have any influence on your expectations.

How Can Having High Expectations Help Me?

Setting high expectations in any area of your life can be extremely beneficial.

When you are driven to reach an expectation that you have in place for yourself...

Your future…

Your career...

Your relationships…

Or anything…

You must raise your performance and effort to a level which will help you meet these expectations...

Otherwise, you won’t meet them.

So, by having high expectations…

You will be forced to raise your standards…

Become someone who performs at a high level consistently…

...and adopt the habit of self-development.

Quit hoping for the things you truly want.

Raise your standards in everything you do...

Put in the work…

And start EXPECTING the things you truly want in life.

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