When you think about some of the greatest teams to ever exist on the face of the earth...
It becomes very clear what makes these teams so great: Their culture.
Now, am I talking about a culture of laziness, corner-cutting, and excuses? Of course not.
I'm talking about a winning culture. A culture that promotes and encourages personal growth and excellence amongst everyone on the team...
Every single one of us goes through dark times.
They come and go like storms.
Even though nobody likes going through these dark times, they do serve a purpose.
I know for me, and a lot of other highly successful people, these hard [...]
Developing a competitive mindset is a requirement for success in business and life.
A lot of you will hear me say this and roll your eyes in disbelief.
Go ahead, you won’t win … I promise.
The world has winners, and the world has losers…
Improving yourself is no easy task. It takes a life-long commitment to doing the difficult things you need to do every day in order to get better.
I'm always working to improve, and if you're reading this ... I'm willing to bet it's because you want to improve too.
The good news is, improving yourself isn't...
How many people do you know who won't go out to try that one thing because they're scared of failing...
If I had to guess...
I'm sure you know quite a few.
I do too.
It's not uncommon to fear failure...
I truly believe that self-belief is one of the most powerful tools we all have access to.
The problem is, most people see belief as this magical entity that comes and goes at random.
The truth is, we manufacture our own self-belief.
It's through this manufactured self-belief that we're able to go out and accomplish amazing things in our lives...
We've all heard the saying "fake it till you make it."
They say if you make a conscious effort to be something you aren't ... eventually you'll become that person.
That's not how it works.
Pretending to be something you aren't is always a losing strategy...
When you first get started on your journey to becoming successful and fulfilling your maximum potential...
You know nothing, have no experience, and don't know what it's going to take.
For all of these reasons and more, you're humble.
That's because you know you have a lot to learn and...
We've all heard people parade around and talk about how success is all about being "1% better everyday" and "It's me vs me".
...and while you should focus on improving yourself and worrying about your own situation...
No matter how many times you say "it's me vs me" ... it doesn't change the fact that you're in competition with other people.
The value you provide and the skills you have over those [...]