October 13, 2023 6 min read

The minute you step outside of your comfort zone to go out and start working toward the version of yourself you want to become…

You’re going to face resistance.

You’re going to face pushback.

You’re going to be mocked.

You’re going to be questioned.

You’re going to be called a fraud.

…and you’re going to feel like an imposter.

What you have to understand is that every single successful person that you look up to has dealt with this exact same thing.

It’s part of the process of becoming who it is you want to become…

…and building the kind of life you want to build.

This is called Imposter Syndrome, and if you want to get rid of it … you have to stay the course.

What is Imposter Syndrome?

When I first started my retail business with my business partner Chris, I didn’t know what I was doing. Neither did he.

We built the shelving in our store with supplies we bought at Home Depot.

We ordered the inventory to stock the store on credit cards.

We started very bare bones.

Because it was so bare bones, and because I didn't have any experience running a successful business...

I had no reason to believe that I was qualified or that I should have even been in business.

I felt like a fraud ... as if everyone could see through me.

I felt like an imposter because I had no real reason to believe in myself, nor did anybody else.

That’s imposter syndrome.

Other People Can Make You Feel Like an Imposter

As much as imposter syndrome can come from your own lack of belief and experience…

It can also come from other people as well.

I am a legitimate public speaker and get paid a lot to speak in front of audiences of thousands of people.

But when I started…

I started by writing statuses on social media.

I’d write some motivational stuff or advice and people would make comments saying: “Who are you trying to be Andy? Tony Robbins?”

The minute I would step outside of my comfort zone … the people closest to me were all telling me I needed to step back in line and remember who I was.

When these people push back and question who we’re trying to become … they make us feel like frauds.

Even though they should be supporting us, they don’t.

Instead, they make little wisecracks and remarks about who we’re trying to become.

How to Stop Feeling Like an Imposter

You have to understand that these people aren’t actually trying to discourage you from reaching your goals.

They are just confused…

…and they are confused because you are challenging the version of yourself that they know you to be and expect from you.

You have to know who you are…

You have to know what you are…

You have to know what you’re becoming…

…and you have to believe in what you’re becoming.

The resistance is always the greatest in the beginning.

If you can push through that resistance and start to build some momentum…

Continue to build your skill set…

Continue to gain experience…

…and start to see your goals materialize…

The “imposter syndrome” will disappear very quickly.

Trust me on that.

That also means imposter syndrome is not going to go away on its own.

It takes intentional effort and action to dismantle the feeling of being an imposter.

Your results and progress will retrain your thoughts in time.

...and unless you always want to feel like an imposter...

I recommend you focus on these areas...

Focus On Winning The Day

Every single day you are presented with the opportunity to win by executing on the tasks necessary to move forward.

I call these critical tasks.

Start by breaking down your biggest goals in life into the daily tasks you need to do in order to reach them.

Choose the 5 most important of these tasks.

It could be reading 10 pages of a book to improve your skill set.

It could be making 5 calls you need to make.

It could be working out.

It could be completing a specific work task.

Whatever these tasks are should be individualized to you and your goals.

These aren't checklist tasks.

These aren't chores.

These aren't habits you already have.

These are new tasks that will help you make progress toward your goals.

Write them down and make it your goal every single day to execute on these tasks.

If you complete all 5 tasks for the day ... You win the day.

If you fail to complete any of the 5 tasks for the day ... You lose the day.

This is a tool I call The Power List.

Want to get rid of imposter syndrome?

Execute on The Power List.

Build the habit of winning the day every single day.

There is no quicker way to start building the confidence and momentum necessary to make massive progress and stomp out the feeling of being an imposter.

As long as you win the day ... You can't look at yourself in the mirror and be disappointed.

It's impossible.

Focus On Your Personal Development

If the only way to overcome imposter syndrome is by building your confidence and self-belief through execution and repetition...

An element to this includes developing your mindset and skillset.

Are you filling your brain with rich information?

Are you teaching yourself new skills?

Are you learning from the experiences of others who are much further down the road than you?

If you aren't ... You aren't only prolonging the feeling of being an imposter...

You're also shortchanging your potential and ability to win in life.

The truth is ... I know very little.

I will always have an infinite amount to learn and improve upon.

The same things can be said about you and everybody else on the planet.

We are a constant work in progress.

Our potential is constantly evolving as we do.

Don't cut yourself short by neglecting your personal development.

You will fall far short of wherever it is you're trying to go.

The more you learn and the more skilled you become...

The less you'll feel like an imposter.

Embrace Discomfort

Growth is only possible outside of your comfort zone.

To build yourself into someone you're confident in and get rid of imposter syndrome...

You have to learn to be comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Make sure you are actively seeking discomfort.

Pushing through these uncomfortable situations will build your confidence and resilience.

When you're confident in your ability to execute through the hard times...

You won't feel like an imposter.

The reason most people feel like an imposter is because they are stepping outside of their comfort zone to try something they feel unqualified to do.

Embracing discomfort will actively challenge your beliefs about being an imposter.

That's the truth.

You’re Not an Imposter

Feeling like a fraud is something we all go through.

Remember … this is what you signed up for.

If you want to be great…

You have to expect resistance…

You have to expect to feel like an imposter.

Everyone you look up to has as well.

The difference is, they continued to become who they were supposed to become and found great success in it.

Everybody else fell back in line.

Take pride in not quitting, and focus on building yourself into someone who can weather the storms along the journey.

All of this can be done by stepping out of your comfort zone and keeping the promises you make to yourself.

If you’re not sure where to start, I developed a free program that can help you build these skills. It’s called 75 HARD.

75 HARD will help you build skills such as mental toughness…






…and so much more. All for free.

You can also listen to my podcast, REAL AF if you’re looking for more lessons and tactical information to help you become successful.

But regardless of what tools or information I give you…

It’s up to you to execute.

Remember that.

Eliminate Imposter Syndrome With Mental Toughness

If you want to get rid of imposter syndrome and build yourself and your life into something of true greatness...

You need mental toughness.

It's the single most important skill you need to win in life.

It also serves as the foundation upon which every other skill is built.

Invest in your mental toughness and watch your life change.

My book, The Book on Mental Toughness, will show you exactly how to build this skill.

It's a guide and a tool you can utilize whenever you need it.

Get your copy of The Book on Mental Toughness today and get rid of imposter syndrome for good.

The Book on Mental Toughness

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