Most people lack the mental toughness and discipline they need to do great things in life...
Which is why most people end up with an average home...
An average car...
An average job...
An average relationship...
...and an average life.
When it comes to your success, mental toughness is non-negotiable.
You need it to push through the hard times.
You need it to challenge yourself to become better.
You need it to excel at the gritty, monotonous, day to day work.
All successful people understand this very well ... and they implement the habits that keep their mental toughness sharp.
You can adopt these habits and start building mental toughness too...
It's all in your control.
Here are 8 habits that all mentally tough people have...
One and done is not good enough for mentally tough people.
They are always looking for what's next.
Whether it be running a marathon...
Developing a new skill...
Or anything else that requires significant effort.
To them, settling for what they've already achieved is death.
Once they accomplish a goal ... it's on to the next one.
This is a cycle they repeat for their entire lives.
It's not that they're trying to prove anything to anyone...
They're just trying to become the best version of themselves possible.
So they are constantly pursuing the next challenge.
This is a huge part of what makes them so mentally tough.
Mentally tough people understand that not everything is in their control...
...and that's okay.
Instead of crying or pouting about it ... they double down on what they can control.
This better sets them up to navigate through situations and things that are out of their control.
They focus on things like their health...
Their effort...
Their actions...
The people they surround themselves with...
Their personal development...
...and so much more.
Because of this ... they are highly successful.
Then, when something comes up that isn't in their control...
They have the mental toughness and grittiness to work through it.
Instead of letting their failures weigh on them ... mentally tough people take lessons from them and move on.
It's not that they don't get upset...
But they don't dwell on it or fall into victimhood.
They evaluate what happened...
Where they messed up...
What they could have done better...
Then apply the lessons for next time so they don't make the same mistake again.
For mentally tough people ... failures are just opportunities to learn.
A huge component to being mentally tough is having the discipline to execute regardless of how you feel.
When you make a promise to yourself...
You have to keep it.
This is something that all mentally tough people do.
It's not that they're always motivated...
They just choose to fulfill their obligations whether they feel like it or not.
It takes a lot of mental strength to stick to your promises every single day.
Especially on your test days.
"I'm too tired."
"I don't get any opportunities."
"I wasn't raised in a wealthy family."
"I don't have the time."
Whatever excuses you come up with...
You have to ditch them.
Mentally tough people never make excuses as to why they can't do something...
They only find solutions.
No matter how difficult things get...
Mentally tough people will never quit.
They would rather die than give up.
Quitting is the ultimate form of failure.
Mentally tough people keep fighting the fight no matter what.
A huge reason why they have mental toughness is because they're willing to keep moving forward while everybody else quits...
Which in turn, helps them build their mental toughness.
Reaching your biggest goals in life is uncomfortable...
Taking the necessary actions to become successful is uncomfortable...
Working hard to take care of your body and mind is uncomfortable...
But all of these things are worth it.
Mentally tough people get a lot of their mental toughness from putting themselves in these uncomfortable situations...
So much so that they end up learning to live uncomfortably.
Really, what they are doing is sacrificing comfort now for comfort in the future.
Because once they do the things they want to accomplish ... and gain true financial freedom...
Their lifestyle later in life will give them all the time they want to live comfortably.
Most people set goals that are "realistic" and "attainable."
Mentally tough people don't...
They free themselves to dream big.
They understand that any goal is possible if they put in the work to make it a reality.
That's part of what makes them mentally tough ... they choose to pursue big goals that require even bigger actions.
This is no easy task.
But easy doesn't pay well...
Nor will it help you build mental toughness.
If you want to build mental toughness...
You need to set big goals and follow through with them.
If you want to build the life of your dreams ... you have to start by developing your mental toughness.
Otherwise, you will never be able to navigate through the challenges on your way to success.
If you're not sure where to start when it comes to building your own mental toughness...
You should start 75 HARD.
75 HARD is a program designed to develop your mental toughness and other skills such as grit...
...and so much more.
If you follow the program exactly as I lay it out for you with zero compromise and zero substitutions...
You and your life will never be the same.
That's a guarantee.
You’re a leader whether you realize it or not.
Even if you don’t hold the title of "leader" on a team...
There is at least one person, if not multiple people, who look to you for leadership.
Your friends...
If you struggle to reach your goals...
If you can't keep the promises you make to yourself...
...and if you feel like your life is a disaster...
It's because you lack the skill of mental toughness...
As humans, we are hardwired to compete.
Competition is in our blood.
Competition is in our DNA.
...and competition is also a necessary element of becoming truly great...