March 27, 2025 6 min read

Achieving long-term success is very simple.

It's not easy ... but it is simple.

It's an equation.

Your inputs equal your outputs.

There is no magic.

There is no success fairy.

There is no success lottery.

It's not luck.

It's the work.

...and you're probably nodding your head in agreement like, "no kidding." But it's the truth ... and it's the truth that many of us aren't told often enough.

Most of us are made to believe that success is reserved for certain, "chosen" people.

That couldn't be further from the truth.

Nobody who you see living the life that you want for yourself got there by accident.

They put in the work and continue to put in the work every single day.

It takes a relentless pursuit of your potential and the mental toughness, discipline, and perseverance necessary to continue along that path.

It's not my job to tell you this is going to be easy.

It's my job to tell you the truth of what it's going to take and the methods you can use to achieve long-term success.

1000 Days to Long-Term Success

The life you have right now is a reflection of the actions you've taken and the habits you've had over the last 1000 days of your life.

That's the truth.

If you aren't where you want to be...

Take a look back at the last 1000 days of your life.

If you have any level of humility and self-awareness and can be honest with yourself...

You'll know exactly why you aren't where you want to be.

Did you keep the promises you made to yourself?

Did you take all of the necessary actions?

Did you hold a high standard and never compromise?

Did you exercise control over the biggest factors that influence your life?

Did you build or maintain the habits required to get where you're trying to go?

Only you know.

If you can't answer every one of these questions with a clear and undeniable "yes"...

That's why you aren't where you want to be.

It's also why the life you have now is what it is currently.

This shouldn't discourage you.

In fact, it should excite you because that literally means if you want your life to look completely different down the road...

All you have to do is focus on your execution today.

If you can win one day...

You can win every day.

If you can win every day...

You can win the next 1000 days of your life and end up with a completely different life as a result.

Get it?

Long-term success is built by stacking up daily wins.

That is something in your direct control.

Don't overwhelm yourself.

It's one day at a time.

Make today the day you look back at and say "That's when everything changed."

You can make that decision right now.

1. Make an Intentional Plan For Long-Term Success

Nobody gets in their car and starts driving without a destination in mind.

That would be crazy ... don't you think?

Yet, this is how most people approach their life.

Instead of thinking through where it is they're trying to go and developing a clear roadmap to get there...

They take action with zero plan or intention behind where they're trying to go.

They let the road ahead take them wherever it leads.

This is why most people feel lost and don't end up with the life they truly want.

They have no game plan.

They have no direction.

They have no roadmap.

They get in their car and start driving.

Do not follow in their footsteps.

Creating long-term success requires you to have a destination in mind.

Picture it clearly and vividly.

Generalizations and unclear goals will not get you to your destination either.

Set massive goals and reverse engineer them into the actions that will be necessary for you to reach them.

Your vision does not have to be and will not be permanent.

As you progress in life and work toward long-term success...

Your goals and vision for your life in the future will change.

But if you have no plan...

You are wasting your time.


2. Execute on Your Plan Daily for Long-Term Success

A plan is nothing without action.

You don't need the perfect plan.

You don't need the perfect time.

You don't need the perfect routine.

You don't need the resources.

You don't need the support.

You need to put one foot in front of the other by executing on your plan every day.

Ideal conditions are a myth.

Never wait for them.

It's the work you put in that will carve out a life of long-term success.

Don't overthink it.

It's daily wins.

Which is why I developed a tool to track these daily wins that I call the Power List.

The concept of the Power List is very simple...

Choose 5 critical tasks every day that will help you make progress toward your goals.

Execute the list.

Repeat the next day.

These aren't checklist tasks like chores.

These aren't habits that you already have.

These are critical tasks that will produce forward movement and help you build the habits necessary for long-term success.

When you complete all 5 critical tasks ... You win the day.

If you fail to complete all 5 critical tasks ... You lose the day.

The idea is to win as many days as you can to form the habit of winning.

Because when you win enough days...

You win the week.

When you win enough weeks...

You win the month.

When you win enough months...

You win the year.

When you win enough years...

You win in life.

All you have to do is focus on winning today.

Tomorrow is a new day to win.

Stack up enough wins and you will find long-term success.

3. Learn from Your Losses for Long-Term Success

Another component to achieving long-term success is also quite simple.

Learn from your losses.

Learn from your mistakes.

Learn from your failures.

You will never have the perfect plan.

You probably won't even have a good plan right out of the gate.

It would be arrogant to assume that the plan you start with will be exactly what you need to achieve long-term success.

You are going to fail, and that's okay.

Failure will teach you more about winning than winning ever will.

When you do fail...

A. Reflect

What did you do wrong?

Which actions did you take that produced a loss?

When you ask yourself these questions and can be honest with yourself...

You'll know exactly what you did.

Next, ask yourself...

How can I avoid making the same mistake in the future?

This is the answer that will help you the most...

B. Make Adjustments to Your Game Plan

Failure is supposed to suck.

...But it's also supposed to help you make adjustments and guide you toward long-term success.

This will only be true if you take what you learned and apply it to your game plan moving forward.

The more you lose and the more lessons you extract and apply...

The closer you will be to producing real wins and long-term success.

4. Do Not Quit

The only way long-term success won't be possible for you is if you quit.

You can fail over and over and over again...

It's really not relevant how many times you lose if you're utilizing the lessons and continue to move.

Thomas Edison failed 1,000 times before he created the first successful prototype for the light bulb.

One of the most revolutionary inventions of all time.

Think about that.

Long-term success will take time.

Your wins will take time.

Reaching your biggest goals in life will take time.

Time is a necessary component.

It cannot be sped up.

Do not get discouraged after 2 to 3 years and decide to move on to something else.

This is the cycle most people repeat over the course of their life.

It will get you nowhere.

Do not quit.

Keep moving.

Keep executing.

Will you fail 1,000 times?

Maybe ... But not likely.

If you're unwilling to keep going though the suck...

You will never achieve long-term success.

That's a fact.

Develop Mental Toughness For Long-Term Success

Achieving long-term success is simple.

Simple does not mean easy.

It will be hard.

Very hard.

Realistically 10 times harder than you are imagining it will be.

That's why you need to develop the skill of mental toughness.

It's the fundamental skill you need to achieve long-term success.

...It also serves as the foundation upon which every other skill you need to win in life is built.







If you can develop mental toughness...

You can transform your life and achieve long-term success.

This is where I recommend you get started.

In my book, The Book on Mental Toughness, I show you exactly how to build this skill and why it's important for winning in any and every arena of life.

Mental toughness is what will help you stick with your game plan and execution of the Power List.

You can get your own Power List and your copy of The Book on Mental Toughness here.

Build mental toughness and start winning the day.

It will be required if you want true long-term success.

The Book on Mental Toughness

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