Nobody is going to come along and give you a kick in the ass to go achieve the things you say you want...
You have to.
Nobody is going to hold you accountable for your performance, and demand more of you...
You have to.
Your problem isn't a lack of motivation...
Your problem is a lack of discipline.
You have to be self-driven and disciplined enough to put in the effort every single day, regardless of how you feel.
The motivation won't always be there...
The energy won't always be there...
The conditions aren't always going to be ideal...
...and nobody is going to hold your hand, period.
When you become self-driven...
No goal or dream is out of your reach.
Self-driven people don’t need anybody to push or pull them through the flames…
They do it themselves.
If you can be honest and accountable with yourself…
If you can take action without being told what to do…
...and if you can do the things you say you’re going to do WITHOUT COMPROMISE…
You’re self-driven.
If you pay attention, all self-driven people have a core set of commonalities that you should replicate if you want to be self-driven.
Here are 5 qualities that all self-driven people have...
Self-driven people are all influenced by a purpose that is greater than themselves.
It could be family...
It could be making the world a better place...
It could be leaving behind a legacy...
But, without a purpose, there is no reason to take action, because there isn’t anything to work toward.
You also can’t hold yourself accountable for your actions if your actions aren't focused on producing a result.
That's why all self-driven people create their purpose, and keep it at the center of their focus.
This is one of the biggest differences between people who win in life and people who lose…
Winners are urgent with every task, big or small.
Losers will wait to be urgent until things start going wrong, and by then ... it's already too late.
Self-driven people understand that having selective urgency is the biggest killer of dreams and potential…
Instead, they take action immediately…
They look to solve the problem immediately…
They don’t procrastinate on the things they need to do…
They do them...
...and win big because of it.
You are a constant work in progress.
I’m a constant work in progress.
We’re all a constant work in progress...
...and the minute you start to think otherwise is the minute you’ll start to lose.
Self-driven people humble themselves and embrace the process.
They know that regardless of how much they learn and develop their skill set…
They will always have a lot more to learn and grow...
No matter how long they've spent on their craft.
Self-driven people don’t wait for a challenge…
They look for them.
Self-driven people understand that they have to put themselves in difficult situations if they ever want to improve.
If they don't ... life will, and they won't be prepared for it.
This is how self-driven people avoid becoming complacent.
Discipline and mental toughness go hand in hand.
Self-driven people develop mental toughness by choosing the difficult situations every time they can.
This keeps their mental state sharp, which in turn helps them stay disciplined and focused on what they need to accomplish.
Becoming self-driven is all about taking action instead of sitting on your hands.
Get involved in the game...
Don't take a seat on the bench.
Stick to the promises you make to yourself.
One great way you can become self-driven is by unlocking your true potential through my mental toughness program, 75 HARD.
With 75 HARD, you’ll develop all the skills and discipline you need to become self-driven and take complete control of your life.
If you plan on becoming successful in any aspect of your life ... You need to make a lifelong commitment to developing your mindset and skill set.
You need to make a lifelong commitment to personal development.
It doesn't matter how great you become...
Winning consistently over the long term requires constant...
If you're looking to accomplish anything of real significance in life...
Or if you're looking to go out and build yourself and your life into what you dream about...
Those goals and dreams will not come true for you if you are unwilling to pay the price.
That price is the same price that everybody else you look up to has...
The biggest difference between the people who win in life and the people who don't comes down to daily execution.
Success is not complicated.
It's actually a very simple equation.
It's inputs and outputs...