February 07, 2022 4 min read

Whether you like it or not...

You are going to die eventually.

All of us will.  It's unavoidable.

Now, let me ask you this...

Would you rather lay on your deathbed with the burden of regret for the things you never tried...

The things you never accomplished...

The lack of effort you put into your life...


Are you going to lay on your deathbed with a smile on your face, because you know you gave life the best shot you possibly could?

I will always pick option B.

You should too.

Because your time on earth is limited, you have to make the most of it.

When you live your life with no regrets...

You will find true fulfillment in your life.

But how do you live life without regret?

Here are 5 ways you can start living your life free of regret right now.

1. Keep The Promises You Make To Yourself

This is one of the most important things you can do to live your life free of regret.

Think about the one thing that you want to accomplish more than anything else in your life...

Are you keeping the promises you make to yourself every day to be able to accomplish this goal?

Let's say your goal is to lose 20 pounds.

Did you drink your water today?

Did you do the workout you said you were going to do?

Did you eat the meals you said you were going to eat?

If you can’t stay disciplined and execute on these promises...

You’re going to feel a ton of regret for not sticking to your word...

Especially when you fall short on your goals and dreams as a result.

2. Never Settle

Most people never end up living the life they truly want because of what they're willing to tolerate.

They tolerate the poor influences in their life...

They tolerate short cuts...

They tolerate their bad habits...

They tolerate sub-par performance...

...and then they wonder why they can't break free from their mediocre life.

When you settle for less than what you want, or are willing to compromise in any area of your life...

You are going to be very disappointed with how your life turns out.

3. Set Enormous Goals

Don't be afraid to dream big.

Average people set easy and attainable goals...

Winners set massive goals.

You're going to perform at a level that will meet the goals you set...

So why not set huge goals?

Why not set the goals that you ACTUALLY want in your heart, instead of the goals that you think are realistic for you to accomplish?

If you don't dream big and chase your biggest goals in life...

You're going to be upset that you never tried.

Most people think...

"Well, what if it doesn't work?"

To that, I say...

What if it does?

Think about how incredible that would be.

4. Take Risks

You need to take risks.

"Playing it safe" is a one-way ticket to a miserable life.

I'm not saying go out and do something crazy...

The risks you take need to be calculated.

There needs to be thought that goes into the risks you take vs just going in with no game plan and no idea where you'll land...

It's stupid to take risks without a calculated plan.

If you're trying to go all-in on your business...

You need to have a plan in place to be able to pay the bills.

If you're trying to start a political or social movement...

You need to have a great marketing strategy in place to help the movement gain traction ... and then keep it.

If you’re trying to do a triathlon…

You need to have a training regimen.

Whatever the "risk" is that you're trying to take, when you execute on a good plan correctly...

Big risks can reap big rewards.

5. Push Through Your Fears

The main reason why people never do anything in their lives is because of fear...

...and to be honest...

It's the main reason why most people never even start to do anything.

They fear what other people will say...

They fear everything that could go wrong...

They fear stepping outside of their comfort zone...

All of which cripples their ability to live the life they want.

You have to push through your fears and understand that fear is a natural part of the process.

It is something you can only get past if you make the conscious decision that you're going to make your desired outcome happen no matter what.


The greatest fear of all is the fear of regret.

Live Your Life With No Regrets

All regret is rooted in inaction.

Take action.

When you begin to understand that your life on Earth is very limited…

You’ll begin to understand why it’s so important to be urgent in building the life you truly want.

The best time to start is now.

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