March 13, 2022 5 min read

If you want to achieve your goals...

And make your dreams a reality

Quit waiting until you’re motivated.

Stop going through life on autopilot.

Don't live a life full of poor, unproductive habits.

Live with a purpose. Be intentional in everything that you do.

What Does Being Intentional Mean?

Being intentional means being present and focused on your daily actions.

You have to be fully-immersed in the task at hand.

Think about it this way...

Success in life has nothing to do with luck…

In reality ... your successes or failures are direct reflections of the effort and actions you take over time.

…and it has EVERYTHING to do with intent.

Of course we all want to be happy…

Of course we all want to be successful…

Of course we all want to minimize our time-wasting and maximize our productivity

But unless you are being purposeful with your time, actions, and decisions…

Life will take you on the path of least resistance ... and least productivity.

Being an intentional person is about taking the reins back from mindless living ... and taking every action with the idea of creating a specific result.

It’s acting, rather than being acted upon.

You have to figure out what you want…

Then make purposeful decisions to make it happen.

Why is it Important to Be An Intentional Person?

If you take a passive approach to everyday life…

You’ll never get your dream job…

You’ll never wake up in the house on your vision board…

You’ll never build the body that you desire…

Nothing you wish or work for will ever come true without the proper intent in your daily life.

All self-improvement comes from deliberately choosing to change.

It’s normal to have those bad days and feel discouraged.

But when you are intentional…

When you’ve made intentional decisions and plans…

A bad day doesn’t defeat you.

When you are intentional…

You meet your goals and needs…

You take care of yourself…

You develop mental toughness

You are much happier…

You improve your relationships with others…

You make the most of failures…

You take responsibility for your actions...

...and reclaim control over your happiness.

Give yourself every opportunity to succeed…

Be intentional about your life.

How to Be Intentional

It's time to break free from the unproductive cycle of going through the motions.

You have to start living with purpose and intention.

Being intentional isn't a suggestion ... It's a necessary element in achieving your goals and making your dreams a reality.

Here are 5 ways you can do it…

1. Be Proactive and Plan Ahead

Some people go through each day without a plan.

When it's time to eat lunch & dinner, they don't have a plan...

When it comes to exercising, they don't have a plan...

When it comes to projects at work, they just wing it ... without a plan.

Then, down the road, they are upset because they feel terrible ... they're behind on deadlines at work ... and the stress of everyday life is taking its toll.

This same concept can affect every area of our life...

And if you're going to be intentional with every action and move that you make...

You have to be proactive and PLAN your every action and move.

If you want to save money...

You're not going to spend your money mindlessly.

No ... you need a budget in place.

But it's more than that...

You can't just say "I'm going to save money", and let it happen.

You need to plan out how you're going to budget.

That way, you can intentionally save money according to your plan.

When you’re intentional with your plans, you're intentional with your actions.

And when you're intentional with your actions...

That is when real progress happens.

2. Never Compromise On Your Productive Habits

Do things on purpose and recommit to your productive habits every day.

This is a bulletproof way of setting yourself up for success.

On the bad days...

Remember your habits and your routines.

When you stick to your habits ... you are in control of your day.

You are empowering yourself to do difficult things.

You are being intentional...

...and your lifestyle will improve as a result.

3. Be Present in the Moment

If you’re going to be intentional with your day…

You have to be present in the moment.

If you aren't, you'll find yourself going through the motions...

Letting the outcome be dictated by other forces.

Every minute of your time is precious.

Every ounce of your energy is precious.

Every task matters...

Which is why it's so important to be locked in and present in every moment.

4. Prioritize Your Body & Mind

If you want to be more intentional, you have to prioritize your health.

A healthy body means a healthy mind...

A healthy mind makes it much easier to stay focused and stay intentional.

It’s not supposed to be easy ... it’s hard and uncomfortable...

But comfort breeds complacency, which is the opposite of being intentional.

If you’re being intentional, you’re working against the grain...

You’re forcing yourself to be uncomfortable...

You’re becoming better.

If you’re being intentional, you’re choosing growth over comfort.

If you make an intentional effort to take care of your body…

Especially when you’re taking care of your mental health on top of that…

You will reap the rewards now ... and for years to come.

Give yourself every opportunity to be in control of your thoughts and your body by being intentional.

5. Don’t Compare, Only Self-Reflect

If you are being intentional with your time, thoughts, money, energy, and efforts...

Remember to avoid comparing yourself to others. Leave them out of it.

Your only competition is the person you see in the mirror.

Don’t focus on what others are doing, focus on what YOU are doing.

Being intentional comes down to staying focused on the results YOU want to produce.

You have to focus on your own failures, and your own progress.

Self-reflection isn’t self-hate or self-doubt.

It’s self-respect.

If you respect yourself, you’ll be honest with yourself ... and you’ll be intentional about improvement.

Being intentional requires you to be self-aware...

...and if you want to be self-aware, you have to be self-reflective.

Look at yourself honestly.

Encourage others, and don’t compare your successes and failures to theirs.

Live Your Life With Intent

Being intentional takes a lot of work and effort, but it’s work that pays back tenfold.

You don’t have to have it all figured out now…

You just have to get started.

Stop doing what’s comfortable.

Challenge yourself.

Aspire to be someone that’s in control of their life.

Live WITH purpose.

Be intentional.

Be Intentional With Your Mental Toughness

Here’s the thing you need to understand...

Even if your goal is to operate with the proper intent...

You're not going to feel like doing so every day.

That's normal.

It's normal for all of us.

You will have good days and bad.

The difference between the people who win in life and those who don't comes down to their execution on the days they don't feel like doing the work.

Everyone can do the work when they feel like it.

Very few can do the work and be intentional when they don't.

You need to become someone who is capable of executing regardless of how you feel and regardless of the external circumstances.

You need to build mental toughness.

My book, The Book on Mental Toughness, will show you how.

Just know this skill is not optional.

Winning is hard.

Success is hard.

If you truly want the life you say you do...

Start with mental toughness.

Get your copy of The Book on Mental Toughness and take complete control of your life today.

You can also listen to my podcast about 75 HARD to get started and experience what it's like to live your life with intent.

The Book on Mental Toughness

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