Developing a competitive mindset is a requirement for success in business and life.
A lot of you will hear me say this and roll your eyes.
Go ahead, but you won’t win with that attitude.
The world has winners, and the world has losers…
…and regardless of whether you like it or not, you have to compete in order to earn your wins.
If you don’t … the default is losing.
That’s the reality of how the world works.
I didn’t make it up … it just is what it is.
Instead of letting that be the reason as to why you never step out of your comfort zone to compete and win…
You need to embrace it and go all in on becoming someone who doesn’t only win…
But completely dominates everyone you’re in competition with.
Let’s talk about what that looks like, and how with the right approach to competition ... you can win and help the people around you win as well.
It doesn’t take a genius to recognize that society has become extremely soft.
Just take a look at how our youth is being raised.
They are brought up in such a way that by the time they are 18…
They are convinced that they are special, deserving, and are going to win without having to put in any real effort.
But what happens to these kids when they are actually released into the real world?
They get their faces smashed in.
That’s not their fault.
The real problem is the “everybody wins” mentality that’s made its way into our society.
If we actually want to raise a generation of excellent human beings … they need to know how to compete.
Look, I get it … nobody wants to get their feelings hurt.
But if we’re not teaching the future generation that the real world doesn’t give out participation trophies … isn’t that much worse for them long-term than protecting them from experiencing losses?
If we don’t start teaching the next generation the truth … the real truth … then we’re setting them up for failure.
When you take away the chance to win because everybody wins…
You undermine the motive to achieve and the drive to become great.
What we actually should be doing is teaching our kids how to learn and grow from their losses…
Not prevent them from losing at all.
Without teaching them this skill, you are creating an entire generation of adults that feel victimized by and disenfranchised with the world.
They need to learn about healthy competition…
They need to learn what it’s like to lose…
They need to learn how the real world works…
Otherwise, they will have zero chance at success.
One of the biggest reasons why competition is so important is for this reason...
Competition drives excellence.
Use business as an example…
If there was only one shoe company in the world … what do you think would happen?
Do you think the company would have any need to make better, more affordable shoes?
Because if they’re the only shoe company … you HAVE TO buy shoes from them. Whether you’re happy with the price, style, fit, or function of the shoe is irrelevant.
You can either buy their shoes … or walk around bare foot. You’d have no other choice.
Side note: Monopolization is ILLEGAL in America for this reason.
Now consider this...
If you weren’t in competition with other people in order to put food on your table…
Would you even have a reason to improve yourself? Of course not.
Instead of becoming a great human being who contributes and provides a massive amount of value to others and the world…
You’d more than likely be fat, lazy, unmotivated, undisciplined, and ultimately unhappy with yourself and your life.
Competition is what drives the change necessary to make ourselves, and this world, better.
Competition is also a necessary element to become successful.
If you leverage it properly, it can help you reach your goals and build yourself and your life into something you truly want.
Here’s how…
I talk a lot about how I believe that success is the fulfillment of your true potential at all times…
…and while I understand that everybody has their own definition of success…
No matter what that may be … pursuing your potential will help you reach it.
Most people think of success strictly from a monetary standpoint, which is completely understandable.
If this is you … have you ever considered the fact that by pursuing your potential and becoming more skilled, you’ll be a more valuable asset to your company?
Because it’s the truth.
By acquiring more skills, improving upon your skill set, and applying those skills to your craft…
You bring more value to the table. Assuming you’re with a good company (or assuming the company you own/operate actually provides a valuable solution to your customers) ... the money you earn will be in direct correlation with the value you provide.
Don’t believe me?
Then who do you think earns more money…
The painter who leaves brush strokes, takes 10 hours, and gets paint on your furniture...
Or the painter who does an excellent job, takes half the time, and doesn’t get a single drop of paint anywhere?
You know the answer.
Competition requires that you pursue your potential.
It’s in the pursuit of your potential where you’ll be able to learn, grow, become more skilled, and eventually meet your definition of success.
Competition is not easy … and it’s not supposed to be either.
But through the hardship…
Through the struggle…
Through the pain…
Through the sweat…
Through the tears…
…and through the daily battle it takes to become great and compete at a high level…
You are developing skills that aren’t only important for your success … but required for your success.
These are skills such as confidence…
Mental toughness…
All of which can only be built and maintained by doing the hard work it takes to win.
These skills are actually so critical for your success that I designed a free program called 75 HARD that will help you build these skills.
You can learn more about the program here.
One of the most valuable things that competition teaches you is how important losing is for your success.
Let me explain…
Even though most people think of losing as this horrible thing to be avoided at all costs…
Your losses actually provide you with a lesson.
If you have the humility and self-awareness to find that lesson…
…and if you have the discipline to apply that lesson moving forward…
Your losses will help guide you toward your wins.
I’ve learned 1000x more from my losses than I’ve ever learned from my wins.
In order to become successful, knowing what not to do is just as important, if not more important, than knowing what to do.
Instead of allowing your losses to make you bitter…
Start seeing them as a necessary component to becoming successful, and an opportunity to learn and direct you toward your future wins.
No matter what you’re trying to achieve…
You have to compete.
Looking for a relationship? You have to compete.
Looking for a promotion? You have to compete.
Looking for the gold medal? You have to compete.
Looking to build the best business in your industry? You have to compete.
It’s not something you can just opt out of. You will be in competition no matter what, and choosing not to compete is choosing to lose.
But competition will help you grow into the person you want to become ... and help you build the life you want to build.
Quit avoiding it.
Start competing…
You won't regret it.
At some point in your life, you will inevitably question whether the things you have done have made a difference.
You have two options.
You can either look back at your life and feel as if you wasted it.
Or ... You can look back at your life and...
You must have confidence if you want to win in life.
The problem is ... Most of what we've been told about confidence isn't anywhere close to the reality of what real confidence is.
Allow me set the record straight...
Confidence can't be...
Mental strength is essential for success in any area of life.
The good news is ... Mental strength is not a gift.
You aren't born with it.
You can't....