Chess Board

How To Win At Life

June 20, 2022 6 min read

You were born to win...

It's in your DNA.

I consider winning to be your obligation ... not only to yourself, but to the people around you as well.

When you go all-in on yourself and your goals...

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Man Standing on the Mountainside

No Low Expectations

June 15, 2022 3 min read

What you expect for yourself is exactly what you'll get out of life...

Which is why you shouldn't expect anything short of greatness from yourself.

Trust me when I tell you…

If you truly want to change your reality...

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Dart Board

Consistency is Key: How to Develop Consistency

June 15, 2022 3 min read

For most people, consistency is not a problem...

The real problem is that they are consistently doing the wrong things.

They consistently watch Netflix...

They consistently eat poor food...

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Man Holding a Steering Wheel

Take Control of Your Life

June 14, 2022 4 min read

Do you ever have the feeling of being out of control?

It's like life just keeps happening to you ... and you have no control over which direction you end up going.

I get it, I've been there too...

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Man Climbing a Rock Wall


June 13, 2022 2 min read

Success in life is a battle of endurance and perseverance.

It's going to take everything you have in the tank.

Not just for one day...

Not just for one week...

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Football Players at the Line of Scrimmage

Is Competition Necessary for Success?

June 06, 2022 4 min read

We live in a society today where our youth is being raised to believe that everything is fair.

The reality is ... that couldn't be further from the truth.

We can all agree on this.

Life isn't fair...

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Man Climbing a Rock Wall

You Have to Believe in Yourself

June 05, 2022 3 min read

Self-belief isn't just an extremely crucial component to success...

It's a requirement for success.

Because if you don't believe in yourself...

Nobody else is going to either...

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Man Entering an Exotic Car

How Do You Measure Success?

June 02, 2022 3 min read

Every day, we see meme after meme about what it means to become "successful."

But how do you know when you've actually become successful?

I'm here to tell you that the truth is...

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Axe Chopping a Log

Why Hard Work and Dedication Create Success

May 17, 2022 3 min read

We all know at least one person who seems to win at everything they do.

You may even be that person...

But even if you're not...

You still know what I'm talking about...

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