October 24, 2022 3 min read

Things are going to happen in your life that suck and are completely out of your control.

When this happens, most people will allow these things to make them bitter and throw their hands up in defeat.

You should look to do the opposite.

Understand that life is challenging for all of us.

But it doesn't matter who "has it the worst"...

It's about who can overcome these challenges and make something of themselves.

If you want to be successful in life, you have to train yourself to expect the unexpected.

So when life punches you in the face...

You're ready for it.

Expect the Unexpected Meaning

Expecting the unexpected means exactly what you think it does.

You should always expect that challenges are going to come up...

Obstacles are going to get in the way...

Bad things are going to happen for no reason...

...and it's up to you to make adjustments when these problems do come up.

It's not about having the answers before the problems occur...

It's about having the expectation that bad things are going to happen, and you have to be prepared for them.

Expecting the Unexpected and Success

I’m sure you’re thinking…

"How does expecting the unexpected have anything to do with my success in life?"

Here’s how…

If you go through life with the mindset that everything is all sunshine and rainbows…

The minute reality sets in and you’re given a challenge, it’s going to completely derail you.

I see this all the time.

I’ll see someone who stacks up a few wins…

Gains momentum…

Then hits a brick wall, only to fall completely off the face of the earth.

Since they aren’t prepared, and they don’t have the correct expectation for what it’s going to take to be successful…

They lose.

The truth is, success is hard...

About 1,000 times harder than you think it’s going to be.

If you fail to adjust your expectations for the difficulties and the struggles you face on your success journey…

You don’t stand a chance.

On the other hand, if you always expect the unexpected...

When you run into roadblocks…

You won’t be phased ... and you’ll be far more prepared.

This will keep you focused on solutions instead of crying and pouting about how “unfair” life is.

Life isn’t fair…

You should expect that too.

What Else You Should Expect

While you should expect the unexpected and be prepared at any given moment for things to go south…

It’s important to expect great things for your future as well.

Assuming you are doing everything you can to become successful…

Having the expectation that you will succeed in life is very powerful.

What you expect for yourself is exactly what you’ll get in return.

Don’t get me wrong…

You still have to put in the work.

But when you combine the work with expectation…

There is nothing standing in the way of you reaching your biggest goals and dreams in life.

What Do You Expect?

The question is this…

What do you expect for your future?

Do you expect it to be challenging?

Do you expect to become successful?

Do you expect to fail?

Or do you expect something completely different altogether?

You can’t create amazing opportunities for yourself with the wrong expectations.

The best advice I can give you is this…

Form the expectation that the road ahead of you is going to be very challenging.

But don’t forget to expect success as well.

When you develop this mindset…

Nothing can get in your way.

Success Requires Mental Toughness

If you're willing to go out and pursue your goals...


Most people never do.

...But even if you take action and expect to get punched in the face along your journey...

Reaching your goals and building the life you envision for yourself will still require mental toughness to make them a reality.

That's where my book, The Book on Mental Toughness can help you.

This is your ultimate guide for developing mental toughness, which I consider to be the single most important skill you can build.

It's the skill that separates all highly successful people from everybody else.

...It also serves as the foundation upon which every other skill is built.







These are skills you will all develop by putting intentional effort into building your mental toughness.

Understand that life will never get easier for you.

You must get stronger.

Build yourself into someone capable of handling these challenges no matter how big they are.

Build your mental toughness.

Get the Book on Mental Toughness here.

The Book on Mental Toughness

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