I truly believe that self-belief is one of the most powerful tools we all have access to.
The problem is, most people see belief as this magical entity that comes and goes at random.
It's not. What actually happens is we manufacture our own self-belief.
It's through this manufactured self-belief that we're able to go out and accomplish amazing things in our lives.
Today, I want to talk about why it's important to have self-belief, and how you can start building belief in yourself now.
It's not going to be easy, but it's going to be worth it...
Times a thousand.
Because when you believe in yourself...
Nothing can keep you from becoming great.
I want you to forget everything you've heard about self-belief.
It's not a character trait that you're born with...
It's not given to you...
It's not something you can fake...
Self-belief is a skill that you must build.
It's being authentically confident in yourself and your ability to accomplish anything you set your mind to.
…and if your goal in life is to accomplish great things…
Self-belief is a requirement. Otherwise, you’ll never take the necessary actions to pursue your biggest goals.
Now, even though self-belief is a skill you can build...
Self-belief is also a skill that you can lose.
Unless you're constantly working to keep this skill sharp...
It will perish.
So, how do you start building self-belief and maintain it long-term?
Here's what you need to know...
Can you think of the time when you were most proud of yourself?
It could be an award you won...
A milestone you hit...
A challenge you faced...
I'm sure you can think of something, or maybe even a few things.
Now, take a second to reflect on what these things are...
I guarantee you that everything that came to your mind required a lot of discipline, commitment and effort.
That's because these challenges are ultimately going to be what helps you build self-belief.
You have to prove to yourself what you're capable of if you're ever going to believe in yourself.
So if you're looking to start building self-belief … you have to start by challenging yourself and keeping your promises.
If you can't follow through on your commitments, you'll never believe in yourself.
Some of you are going to take this information and run with it ... while others will make excuses.
But if you go out and execute on this...
...and you force yourself through it for enough days in a row...
You'll start building momentum.
Once you catch that momentum, the self-belief will follow closely behind.
Which gets me into what I want to discuss next...
Just like your body/physique...
You have to constantly work on your self-belief if you want to maintain it or build it.
This is how all skills work...
They require constant attention.
No matter what anybody tells you ... self-belief is not something that you can develop once and keep for the rest of your life.
So, what does that mean for you?
It means you should always be doing something to maintain and improve upon your self-belief.
Keep showing up for yourself...
Keep improving...
Keep embracing new challenges...
Keep increasing your standards...
Through the process of becoming great and pursuing your potential ... your self-belief will continue to grow.
But the minute you let your foot off the gas...
Your self-belief will begin to slide.
Keep challenging yourself.
Even if you mess up everything along the process, your skill set will improve, and so will your self-belief.
Like I said earlier, you’re never going to believe in yourself if you don’t go out to prove to yourself what you’re truly capable of.
Go out, and throw yourself in the fire…
Get your hands dirty…
Try something new and challenging…
That’s what it takes.
If you’re not sure where to start…
I recommend you do 75 HARD.
75 HARD is a free transformative mental toughness program which will help you build skills such as discipline, self-belief, confidence, grit, and fortitude.
Anytime I feel like my self-belief, momentum, or discipline needs to be refined…
I start the program.
But regardless of what you choose to do from here…
I hope you now have the information you need to go out, build your self-belief, and live an incredible life.
There is no secret to success…
Self-belief isn’t some magical thing…
You just need to put in the work.
That’s the truth.
If you plan on becoming successful in any aspect of your life ... You need to make a lifelong commitment to developing your mindset and skill set.
You need to make a lifelong commitment to personal development.
It doesn't matter how great you become...
Winning consistently over the long term requires constant...
If you're looking to accomplish anything of real significance in life...
Or if you're looking to go out and build yourself and your life into what you dream about...
Those goals and dreams will not come true for you if you are unwilling to pay the price.
That price is the same price that everybody else you look up to has...
The biggest difference between the people who win in life and the people who don't comes down to daily execution.
Success is not complicated.
It's actually a very simple equation.
It's inputs and outputs...