February 24, 2021 5 min read

One thing that everybody will face at some point in their life is obstacles.

There are two options you have when it comes to extreme situations that are hard to overcome:

You can either play the victim, and let your obstacles keep you from becoming great…

Or you can use them to propel you toward the things you truly want in your life.

You need to realize that obstacles can end up being some of the best things that happen to you…

Because with great struggle … there is even greater opportunity.


Obstacles are anything that stand in the way of you doing the things you say you’re going to do.

They stand in the way of your goals…

They stand in the way of the life you want to build…

They stand in the way of the body you want…

These obstacles come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and forms.

It can be a toxic relationship that’s holding you back from growing…

An accident on the highway that causes serious injury…

Or a competitor that will stop at nothing to crush your business.

Regardless of the obstacle … you can always overcome them with the right approach.


Overcoming your obstacles is no easy task...

And if they cause a significant amount of struggle or inconvenience to you…

You’re going to feel stressed…

You’re going to feel anxious...

You’re going to feel afraid...

You’re going to feel exhausted...

But if you’re willing to push through the struggle...

And take massive action to overcome your obstacles…

You'll find out that it's worth it.

It's all about execution over emotion.

There are quite a few methods I use to help break through my obstacles and use them to my advantage…


The best way to overcome your obstacles is by changing how you think about obstacles.

Even though it’s difficult to see…

Your obstacles have a lot of positive upside…

But only if you choose to see them this way.

One thing I’ve come to learn in my 20+ years of business is this…

Struggles are a tremendous opportunity to grow, develop new skills, and reach the next level.

It’s going to be difficult.

That’s the entire point.

Most people fail to realize that obstacles are not all bad.

In fact, they can be the best catalysts for growth…

If you view your obstacles as opportunities to help you learn…

Grow stronger…

And develop new skills…

Then addressing them is much less of a burden…

And much more of a challenge that gives you the energy and motivation to overcome any obstacle.


When you set out to accomplish anything that is difficult…

It's going to take mental toughness…



And discipline.

If you want to complete a triathlon, you have to be disciplined with your training schedule.

If you want to build a 9-figure business, you have to be disciplined to a productive routine.

If you want to save up money to buy a house, you have to be disciplined with your spending and saving habits.

Being successful in anything will always require discipline … and the same goes for overcoming any obstacle.

Let’s say you get in a car accident that injures your shoulder ... to the point where you need surgery to fix it.

You get the shoulder surgery, but you aren’t disciplined with the physical therapy exercises and procedures to recover effectively…

You are prolonging the amount of time you aren’t able to work, making the obstacle bigger than it really should be.

If you approach your obstacles with the discipline, action, and tenacity to overcome them quickly and effectively…

It will put you in control…

And help you overcome all obstacles.


What’s the best way to climb a mountain?

One step at a time.

Some obstacles are going to take time to break through.

You need to understand this…

If you aren’t taking action to address your obstacles...

Then they will never go away…

Instead, they will end up crushing you.

So when it comes to overcoming your obstacles … they must always be conquered one step at a time.

You cannot magically make your problems disappear.


The truth is…

Some obstacles are going to be completely out of your control.

The problem is, most people see this as an excuse to surrender…

When in reality, there will always be conditions that are out of your control…

But this doesn’t mean you should quit.

Instead, you need to find another solution.

If your car breaks down…

That doesn’t mean you can’t get to work.

You just can’t get to work in your car.

Get a ride from a friend...

Call a driver...

Or arrange to get a rental in the meantime.

Obstacles may change how you get to your end point…

But not where your end point is.

Only you can determine that.


While it can be incredibly hard for you to understand in the moment…

These extreme situations will end up being the best things that ever happen to you.

Pressure and resistance are essential for growth…

That’s why obstacles eventually help us develop the skills, the persistence, and the endurance necessary to succeed in anything we do.

Obstacles are not obstacles…

They are tools that give you the ability to grow…

To get stronger…

To get better than your competitors.

They give you a significant advantage…

And they’re going to help you become more successful over the course of your life.


Most people think their obstacles and struggles are a “misfortune” … or the world screwing them over.

These people let their obstacles define them…

They are the losers of the world…

The people that cast the blame at everything else other than themselves.

They bitch, moan, and eventually throw their hands up in defeat.

Winners don’t let obstacles stand in the way…

Instead, they choose to not let anything stand in their way…

These are the people that don’t let anything define them…

And build great lives for themselves and the people around them.

So ultimately … the choice is yours.

You can surrender to any inconveniences or struggles...

Or you can take control of your situation, and push through any obstacle that stands in your way.

Here’s the truth…

Obstacles are an unavoidable fact of life.

You will always have struggles … get used to it.

The only thing that truly matters is how you react and treat these obstacles.

Successful people understand that obstacles are opportunities.

Are you someone that is constantly on the defensive, gets pushed around, and beaten up by your obstacles…

Or are you someone that is on the offensive, in control, and using your obstacles as opportunities?

Only one of those options will get you to where you want to be.

Choose wisely.


#75HARD: A Tactical Guide To Winning The War With Yourself

I've spent more than 25 years figuring out how to master mental toughness and I've put everything I've learned into a program called 75 HARD. In today's episode, I tell you what it's all about and how to 100x skills such as confidence, self-belief, discipline, grittiness & completely transform your life.

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