Being comfortable is one of the most dangerous traps in life.
That’s because comfort breeds complacency...
Which is the number one thing that holds people back in life.
If you truly want to escape mediocrity and fulfill your true potential...
You have to get uncomfortable.
It's only in these uncomfortable situations that you'll grow...
Develop your skill set...
...and ultimately become unstoppable.
But you have to get your hands dirty.
Your life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
In other words…
What you’re doing now to be comfortable is not going to allow you to be comfortable in the future.
Take a look at your life...
Is it exactly what you want?
Or not?
My guess is it's not.
Now ask yourself...
Why is this?
If I had to guess ... it's because you aren't challenging and demanding more of yourself.
You're comfortable...
You're complacent...
Which has given you the life you have today.
Now, maybe I'm wrong...
Maybe your life is exactly what you want it to be...
But you have to understand this...
The minute you start to get complacent and let your foot off the gas because things are going good ... is the minute you will start to lose.
That's why the comfort zone is dangerous.
The comfort zone is different for everyone.
Really, it’s an established set of patterns and habits that have become an automatic in your life.
It could be flipping on the TV after work…
It could be ordering your favorite dessert when you go out to eat…
It could be going through the motions at your job…
Whatever it may be…
These habits are holding you back from your true potential in life.
They are keeping you in a place that’s not demanding you to learn new skills…
They are keeping you in a place where you don’t have to challenge yourself…
They are keeping you within the realm of average.
Stepping out of your comfort zone is much easier said than done...
It requires you to do things that are uncomfortable.
Here's how I like to think about it...
You have the option to do what you're doing now and never change...
Or you can grit it out and start doing the things that will take you forward in life.
Once you start doing these things and getting into a routine with them...
You'll start to realize that the fears you had around doing these things weren't that big.
It's all in your head.
Get out of your head and start doing things for your future.
Is it really that hard?
Start controlling the things you can control...
Start reading personal development-focused books...
Start eating food that is healthy for you...
Start exercising to keep your body in good shape...
Start putting forth your best effort in your daily actions...
It all comes down to taking action and creating healthy habits that will challenge you to be better every day.
If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to getting outside of your comfort zone…
I recommend you start my mental toughness program, 75 HARD.
It’s a free program that you can go back to anytime you feel yourself getting off track or falling into the trap of complacency.
The program will help you develop skills like discipline, grit, self-belief, confidence, fortitude, perseverance, and so much more.
All you have to do is start.
The results of the program will completely change your life.
Get uncomfortable now so you can live twice as comfortably in the future.
That's really what it comes down to.
Are you really okay with settling for what you have now when you could buckle down and build a future for yourself that is exactly what you want?
That is what getting uncomfortable can do for you.
It will build your skills…
It will build your confidence…
It will help you win the day…
It will build your dream LIFE!
Isn’t that worth sacrificing a little bit of comfort now?
At some point in your life, you will inevitably question whether the things you have done have made a difference.
You have two options.
You can either look back at your life and feel as if you wasted it.
Or ... You can look back at your life and...
You must have confidence if you want to win in life.
The problem is ... Most of what we've been told about confidence isn't anywhere close to the reality of what real confidence is.
Allow me set the record straight...
Confidence can't be...
Mental strength is essential for success in any area of life.
The good news is ... Mental strength is not a gift.
You aren't born with it.
You can't....