June 25, 2022 4 min read

Building a great life for yourself is hard.

Living a mediocre life is hard.

Pursuing your goals is hard.

Taking 0 action and living a life filled with regret is hard.

I'll let you in on a secret...

No matter what you do ... life is hard.

It doesn't matter whether you're pursuing your potential or watching the newest show on Netflix every minute of your day...

Your life is going to have unique challenges and struggles you'll have to overcome no matter what.

You need to choose your hard.

What Do I Mean By "Choose Your Hard"

When I talk about choosing your hard, this is what I mean…

You have to decide what kind of life you want to pursue.

If you want to live a passive life…

Work a job to just collect a paycheck…

…and go through the motions year after year…

While never accomplishing anything...

Your life is going to be challenging.


Because you don’t have the skills or financial freedom to deal with complications as they come up.

You can’t pay to fix your car in a heartbeat…

You’ll have issues with your health…

You’ll have poor relationships…

And you’ll live a life of regret.

That's just the way it is.

If you choose to live a life in pursuit of your potential…

Attack each day with urgency…

…and truly try to make something of yourself and your life…

It’s going to be extremely difficult.

You’re going to hit roadblocks…

You’re going to have struggles…

You’re going to fail a lot…

You’re going to be beat down and tired every single day…

But that’s all part of the success journey.

To be honest ... I’d consider both paths to be equally difficult…

So which one are you going to choose?

Hiding From Your Responsibilities is Hard

While most people consider not applying themselves to be the easy option…

I want you to think about that through a critical lens.

Have you ever considered this…

By not applying yourself through advancing your career…

Forging personal and interpersonal skills…

Training your body and mind…

…and anything else that falls under the category of personal growth…

You are making life much harder for yourself as a result.

With little money comes financial struggle.

With no skill set comes an inability to handle high-stress or difficult situations as they come up…

Without training your body and mind, you’ll have issues with your health and well-being your entire life, making it harder to do ANYTHING.

Do you see the point I’m trying to make here?

By avoiding the difficult things you'll need to overcome to have a better future…

You are actually making your future MORE DIFFICULT.

But what about on the other side of the coin?

Pursuing Your Potential and Goals is Hard

The grass always seems greener on the other side…

…but in this case, it’s especially not true.

The journey to becoming successful in your life is going to be brutal.

You’re going to have resistance from friends and family…

You’re going to have struggles along the way…

You’re going to have to learn to master the monotonous daily tasks…

You’re going to be put in situations that are far from ideal…

…and as you earn more money, become more successful, develop more skills, and advance further toward your dreams…

You aren’t going to have any less problems…

You’re just going to have different problems.

But guess what…

It’s worth it.

Every drop of blood…

Every ounce of sweat…

Every tear you'll shed…

Is a million times better than sitting on your deathbed with the regret of never even trying.

It’s Time For You To Choose Your Hard

So what’s it going to be?

You are free to choose which definition of hard you want your life to represent.

Are you going to waste your life away and struggle that way…


Are you going to pursue your potential and biggest goals in life and struggle to get there?

Winners will always choose the second option.


You should too…

Because there’s one thing that pursuing your potential gives you that sitting on your ass doesn’t…


If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to pursuing your potential…

I have a great program you should do called LIVE HARD.

When it comes to choosing your hard…

You should always choose the hard that’s going to help you become the best version of yourself possible...

…and if you don’t...

Just remember what I told you.

You will be much happier when you choose the option that’s going to help you build the life you’ve always wanted for yourself.


#75HARD: A Tactical Guide To Winning The War With Yourself

I've spent more than 25 years figuring out how to master mental toughness and I've put everything I've learned into a program called 75 HARD. In today's episode, I tell you what it's all about and how to 100x skills such as confidence, self-belief, discipline, grittiness & completely transform your life.

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