June 20, 2022 6 min read

You were born to win...

It's in your DNA.

I consider winning to be your obligation ... not only to yourself, but to the people around you as well.

When you go all-in on yourself and your goals...

...and set the example of what it takes to win for the people around you...

You are doing the world a massive favor.

Unfortunately, our society has transitioned to a place where mediocrity isn't only accepted...

It's celebrated.

That should disgust you.

What it takes to win is no longer common knowledge...

So let me share with you 7 things that it takes if you want to win at life.

1. You Have To Give Your 100% Effort to Everything

Whether you’re washing dishes...

Sending an email to clients...

Cutting the grass...

Sweeping the floor...

...or doing a multi-billion dollar business deal…

The people who win at life will always put in their 100% effort.

I know this sounds obvious...

...and it is...

But even still, a majority of you will not do it.

You'll make every justification in the book as to why you can't go all-in and give your 100% effort every single time.

You'll get lazy...

You'll get tired...

You'll cut corners...

...and soon, you'll be putting in mediocre work.

The sooner you can understand how valuable this skill is...

The better.

You have to dedicate yourself to excellence in literally everything that you do.

Because when you start to cut corners or slack off in one area of your life...

It will start to bleed over to all areas of your life.

That’s why true winners operate at their best in everything that they do.

2. You Need to Compete at a High Level

Most people are confused when I say you need to compete if you want to win in life...

But it's true.

The people who truly win in life compete, and compete at the highest level possible.

They don't compare themselves to losers...

They don't compare themselves to the people in their community...

They don't compare themselves to people in their immediate circle...

They don't even compare themselves to people better than them...

They are so driven to win that their goal is to be the best OF ALL TIME.

They don't care about being the best at the office, in town, or in their family...

They want to be the best they can possibly be.

...and they expect to be the best as well.

Nothing is unrealistic for them.

They commit…

…and work as if they are competing to win the world title.

Do you feel the same way about yourself?

If you don't...

You don't have what it takes to win.

Understand that in the real world...

There's real, cutthroat competition...

...and winning means beating everybody else.

If you aren't willing to compete...

Don't expect to win.

3. You Have to Mentally Rehearse Your Wins

What I mean by this is practicing active visualization.

Spending time every day to actively picture the life you want...

The cars you drive...

The house you live in...

The relationships you have...

The career you have...

The successes and wins you've accumulated...

...all of this has a huge impact on your ability to attract and achieve these things in your life.

By doing this, you are ingraining your dreams into beliefs further in your brain.

You are painting on the canvas of your imagination exactly what you want from life.

Quantum physics does a much better job of explaining how this works...

But it's proven to work.

All winners understand that visualization is a powerful tool when it comes to reaching their goals.

If you don't believe in it...

I urge you to try it...

Read a book about it...

Experience it in your own life...

The power of visualization isn't just extremely important for your success...

It's necessary.

4. You Have to Intentionally Put Yourself In Difficult Situations

People who win in life don’t cut corners…

They don’t look for the easy way out…

They don’t choose the path of least resistance…

They don’t go for the option that provides the least amount of stress…

Instead, they choose the most difficult path possible because they understand the value they’ll get from the challenge.

They know that by practicing in conditions that are less than ideal ... they will be better prepared to dominate their competition.

When is the last time you've truly challenged yourself?

Have you heard of the phrase "No pain, no gain"?

There is a lot of truth to it.

Through struggle and adversity comes the opportunity for you to learn and improve.

So by intentionally putting yourself in difficult situations...

You are training your skill set...

Your mental toughness...

Your grit...

Your fortitude...

Your confidence...

Which are all skills that will help you win at life.

If you're unsure where to start when it comes to challenging yourself....

You should check out my free mental toughness program, 75 HARD.

75 HARD is where you'll learn the true value in pushing yourself and pursuing your maximum potential at all times.

5. You Have to Master the Monotonous Tasks

Your success in life has a lot to do with your ability to show up every single day and execute on the tasks you need to take care of.

These tasks are boring...

They're repetitive...

They're not "sexy"...

They're not even fun...

They're mundane...

...and if you can learn to perfect and execute on these tasks every day...

You will develop a skill that I call "mastering the mundane."

Normally, when these tasks become boring...

Most people will stop paying attention to the details.

They quit putting in the same effort and intensity…

They quit executing to the best of their ability…

Which is why they are "most people."

I know things are going to get monotonous…

It doesn’t matter.

You still have to take care of them regardless.

Success just comes down to repetition…

If you can master the mundane…

You can win big in life.

6. You Have to Break Down Your Goals into Critical Tasks

People who win at life plan to win at life…

How do they do this?

It’s very simple…

All they do is reverse-engineer their goals into daily tasks they can execute on to bring them closer to their goals every single day.

I use a tool called The Power List.

It’s the ultimate tool for making a habit out of winning.

It comes down to executing on 5 critical tasks each day that will get you closer to your goals.

If you complete all 5 tasks...

You win the day.

If you don't complete all 5 tasks...

You lose the day.

You have to focus on winning each and every day.

When you win enough days...

You win the week.

When you win enough weeks...

You win the month.

When you win enough months...

You win the year.

When you win enough years...

You win in life.

Following The Power List every single day is exactly how you make winning a part of who you are.

7. You Have To Always Be Learning

If you want to win at life...

You have to be humble...

Which means you must always be learning.

People who win in life understand this very well.

They understand that success is a sliding scale ... and they will never get to a place where they can kick their feet up and relax...

That's because there will always be something more to learn...

There will always be a lot to improve on...

There's no such thing as "making it" and taking it easy for the rest of your career.

If you aren't going to keep learning and improving...

Somebody else who's hungrier will...

...and they will take the food right off of your plate.

Quit Overthinking It

You can go to every seminar…

Sign up for every “success” course…

...and read every single personal development book…

But if you aren’t taking action every day…

You will never win in life.

Quit overthinking it.

You know what you need to do...

So go out and win.


You are programmed to win.

It’s in your DNA.

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