April 02, 2021 8 min read

You are where you are in life because of your habits.

It’s not a coincidence…

It’s not misfortune…

It’s your actions, day in and day out.

Having good habits is the key to success…

But forming good habits is far from easy.

It's a lifelong process that will take discipline, commitment, and zero compromise.

So, how do you create and stick to good habits?

How do you crush bad habits that limit your growth and kill your potential?

We all have what it takes to practice good habits…

You just have to make the decision to start.

I can guarantee you this...

When you do make the commitment to form and practice successful habits...

And adopt the #1 Daily Habit of Those who Dominate...

Your life will change forever.


Take a close look at your life…

Everything in your life…

...and everything about your life as it is currently.

This is a direct reflection of your habits over the past 2-3 years.

Don’t believe me? Then ask yourself this...

Are you living the life you truly want?

Most people will say "No"

But even if you can say “yes” ... you know you’re lying to yourself.

There will always be areas of your life that you know you can improve.

It could be your career…

Your relationships…

Your fitness…


When we’re talking about these areas of your life that need improvement…

You have to realize the reason you struggle in these areas ... is because you haven’t put in the effort, formed the habits, and done the things necessary to be successful in them.

The good news for you is…

It’s not too late to change your habits.

Get rid of your bad habits…

...and form new, good habits.

That’s why you’re here…

You want to learn.


Take a few minutes to give yourself an unbiased, accurate, mental inventory of yourself.

I want you to think about the areas in life that you are succeeding in…

As well as the areas in life that you are doing poorly in.

Put these into two lists...

As humans, we tend to be really hard on ourselves, so we can easily point out the places we need to improve.

Start with the list of things in your life that need improvement.

When you’re done with that, think hard about the areas you are truly doing well in.

Next, I want you to ask yourself...

What are you doing differently in the areas where you’re succeeding vs the areas where you're struggling?

What comes next will help you a lot…


As you begin to identify the difference between the things you struggle with…

...and the things you excel at…

You’re going to realize it’s all about the habits, systems, and mentality that contribute to your success in one area…

...and your lack of success in others.

Let’s say you are killing it in your career…

You always go above and beyond…

Show up early…

...and spend time every day learning new things to get better in your field.

But when it comes to your physical fitness…

You are far from where you’d like to be.

You notice that you lack the consistency…

The extra effort…

The discipline with what you eat…

...and the willingness to learn new things to help you get healthier.

What would happen if you take the same habits and mentality from your career…

...and applied it to your physical fitness?

You'd be in great shape!

That’s the truth.

Most people have a hard time understanding exactly how to do this…

But this is the best strategy for building new and positive daily habits.


Now that you know why you’re falling short…

You have to start doing the things you’re cheating yourself on…

...and put them into action immediately.

It’s going to be difficult…

But as soon as you accomplish these actions to help fix your weak points…

You will instantly feel better.

Push through the days when it’s most difficult...

The days when you have to grit it out…

The days when you get dirt in your eyes and feel like quitting…

Those are the days you have to push through if you are going to make these new tasks habitual.

This is how you start building upon what you lack in order to form a positive habit.

Eventually these new habits will turn into routines…

...and before you know it…

You've already accomplished the things that you thought were impossible for you.

Shortly after, you’ll start to notice significant improvements in these areas of your life.

But you have to replace your bad habits as well.


When you finally start to practice good habits…

And you step out of your comfort zone to make a change…

You still have to cut out the habits that are keeping you from making that change.

This can be the most difficult part of forming new habits...

Especially because these habits are already a part of your routine.

They are comfortable.

The only way to get over them is to put the new habit in place of the old one.

Setting triggers to take action will always be a great way to accomplish this.

If you’re used to sitting on the couch watching your favorite show after work…

But you’re trying to get your physical fitness in check…

You should have an alarm that goes off after work telling you to go work out.


The main reason why people fail when it comes to forming new habits and improving the weak areas in their life is this…

They consider quitting to be an option.

Because of this…

They eventually quit when shit gets hard.

If you do not change your habit of quitting...

You will never be able to form new, long-lasting habits that accelerate your personal growth.

All successful people understand something…

Quitting is literally not an option for them.

If they were to allow themselves to quit ANYTHING…

They would lose momentum rapidly.


The reason that removing quitting from the table is so important, is because habits have a compounding effect.

When you start to let your good habits slip in even one area of your life...

It will start to spread like a wildfire…

Which will have a negative impact on all areas if you don’t contain it.

The most dangerous part of this is that it creeps up slowly.

At first, you may not even recognize that you’re starting to lose your grip on other areas of your life.

On the other hand…

When you start spending your time more productively in some areas of your life…

You’ll start to notice where you’re slacking off in other areas…

Giving you the opportunity to form even more positive habits.


People ask me all the time about what I do to form new habits that are permanent.

It all has to do with a tool I call The Power List.

The Power List is a list of 5 critical tasks that you must complete every day.

These critical tasks have to be things you wouldn’t normally do, but will help you accomplish your goals/build the life you truly want.

Critical tasks are not checklist tasks like laundry, brushing your teeth, or habits that you already have.

If you complete all 5 tasks in your day…

You win the day.

When you win enough days in a row…

You start building momentum.

The idea is to create habits out of your critical tasks…

...and when they become automatic…

You can replace these tasks with new ones that you’re looking to adopt.

It’s a simple and effective strategy that won’t just help you create new habits…

But also help achieve your biggest goals in life.


Now that you have all the tools to get started with your new habits…

A lot of people get caught up on which habits will actually be beneficial for their goals and their life in the long-run.

In my experience, one of the best ways to identify the habits you need to form is by starting with the end-result you’re looking for.

In other words … What is your goal?

If you know what you’re trying to accomplish…

...and you are as detailed as possible…

You’ll be able to break that huge goal down into logical steps.

These steps ARE critical tasks in your Power List!

But maybe you’re still unsure of the process it’s going to take to get to your goals...


One of the best places to look for effective habits...

Is to adopt the habits of people who are actually doing the things you’re trying to do...

...and apply them to your own life.

If you want to take control of your finances…

You should model after successful people in the financial space.

If you want to take control of your business or career…

You should model after successful people in the business space.

If you want to take control of your physical fitness…

You should model after successful people in the fitness space.

Be careful with this method though.

While it can be effective…

You also run the risk of picking out the wrong habits.

It all depends on who you decide to model.

The people who you think are “killing it”...

May not be the qualified professionals you’re looking for.

It’s very easy to play pretend and look the part by painting an unrealistic picture of what your life is like on the internet.

It can be hard to tell if someone is actually crushing it…

Or if they are on the brink of losing everything.

So if you happen to model the wrong person…

It may end up being a bad path to head down…

Instead of actually moving in the right direction.


Once a new habit is officially part of your routine…

You have to work hard to maintain that habit.

Despite what you may have heard…

Or what you may have been taught…

Your current habits are not permanent.

If you compromise even once, your habits can start to fall off little by little.

If you do not remain disciplined with every single one of your habits…

You will begin to struggle in all other areas of your life.

You need to understand this…

Keeping your habits long-term is not going to be easy.

But when you accomplish these tasks on a daily basis consistently...

You’ll feel great about yourself…

Start to build confidence

Start to build self-esteem…

Start to build discipline...

...and build the life you want...

All because you made the decision to keep the promises you made to yourself first.


When you think about where you’re at in life, remember this…

Everything in your life today is a reflection of your habits over the past 2-3 years...

...and your day-to-day habits shape your future.

Just imagine what your life will look like if you commit to the good habits you know you need.

If you adopt a habit of eating clean food and working out consistently…

You’ll look great…

Feel great…

...And be in the best mental and physical shape of your life.

If you put in the extra hours in your career and spend time learning how to get better…

You'll probably be making more money...

Create much more opportunity for yourself…

...and have financial stability as a result.

If you adopt the habit of doing kind things for people, and working to improve your relationships…

You’ll have great relationships…

Feel fulfilled…

...and receive positive energy in return.

You’re the only person standing in the way of the life you truly want…

It all starts with your habits.

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