March 24, 2021 3 min read

Is your life going the way you want it to go?

If not ... why?

Think about your answer for a second...

Are you blaming outside conditions, people, or events for the way your life looks right now?

Or are you taking full responsibility for the life you’re living today?

If you place blame on anyone or anything outside of yourself...

And choose to complain about how “bad you have it”...

Or how “unfair” everything is…

You need to stop immediately.

Whining is never going to help you.

Why You Complain

There’s a simple answer...

You complain because it’s the easy thing to do…

It’s easier to point your finger at something outside of yourself because it protects your ego.

If you pay close attention, you’ll realize that the culture in America today has completely killed personal responsibility...

...and has now become the breeding ground for whiners and complainers.

Understand this...

No matter how much you kick and scream about your situation…

No matter how many times you shout over your circumstances…

No matter how much sympathy you ask for...

Your situation will never improve by complaining or playing the victim...

...but putting in the work will.

Are you ready to stop complaining and pouting?

5 Ways To Stop Complaining and Start Doing

1. Recognize That You Will Never Be Great At Anything From The Start

You’re not the first person to fail, and you won't be the last.

Anytime you go out of your way to try something new…

You’re going to be bad.

Real bad.

Don’t dwell on it.

Social media has done a great job of painting a very unrealistic expectation of what our lives “should” be like...

But what you don’t see is the process.

You assume that these people have a god-given talent or special ability that you don’t…

When in reality, they’ve just put in the work to become highly skilled.

They sucked at one point too.

They chose not to complain about it, and put in the work.

2. Don’t Pity Yourself

Self-pity fuels the fire of complaints...

Plus, nobody cares what you’re frustrated or upset about.

Don’t feed these negative thoughts.

You need to understand that everything that happens in your life, good and bad, is a necessary component for your personal growth.

You’ll either let it make you or break you.

So instead of sitting around and reliving everything that could have gone better, and throwing yourself into a pity cycle…

Use them as a lesson and a way to become better equipped in the future.

Get up, get moving, and get to work…

At least you know you’ll never make the same mistake again.

3. Use Your Complaints As Mental Triggers

Make a habit of replacing the complaints in your head with action against the complaints.

As soon as you catch yourself whining or complaining...

You need to take action to shut down the thought or act against it.

Let’s say you catch yourself thinking...

“I’ll never be skinny because of my genetics”...

You need to step outside the statement…

Recognize that it isn’t true and won’t get you anywhere.

Then, add a little bit more to your exercise routine for the day.

When you can start to recognize your patterns of complaining...

You’ll get better at shutting them down.

4. Start Expressing Gratitude

Instead of looking out the window on a rainy day and thinking, “Well this is going to suck”....

Take inventory about what is great.

You can be grateful to be alive…

You can be grateful for family…

You can be grateful for your hobbies...

You could be grateful for clean water and shelter...

Really anything.

But consciously replacing complaints with gratitude will put the bad habit to rest, and make you a happier person.

5. Don’t Be a Baby

This one’s simple…

If you really want to live a life that is extraordinary … you have to have grit.

You’re not going to curl up in a ball and cry every time you step on a rock or get your feelings hurt.

Quit whining and complaining about the small, insignificant things that happen in your life.

A misstep is not going to throw you off course unless you give it the power to.

Toughen up, don’t whine, and get back to work.

Stop Complaining

At the end of the day, you won't get a thing done if you spend that time complaining.

Change your mindset, change your attitude, then make something better of yourself and your situation.

Stop whining, start leading.

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