January 09, 2025 4 min read

At some point in your life, you will inevitably question whether the things you have done made a difference.

You have two options.

You can either look back at your life and feel as if you wasted it.

Or ... You can look back at your life and feel as if you made a difference and contributed to the greater good.

I choose the latter.

If you do as well ... You need to make an impact.

Successful people make an impact and seek these opportunities every single day.

When they look back at their lives in their final days ... I guarantee they're going to be proud of themselves because they gave it their all.

If you want to know how to truly make an impact in life and leave behind a legacy that withstands the test of time...

It will be done through these principles I'm going to lay out for you.

Make An Impact Through Every Interaction

What most people fail to understand is this...

By making people feel more important about themselves, you are actually creating tremendous long-term value in yourself.

All successful people understand that every interaction is an opportunity.

It's an opportunity to leave a long-lasting impression.

It's an opportunity to be the best interaction that person has all day.

It's an opportunity to provide immense value.

It's an opportunity to make someone feel good.

It's an opportunity to form a connection that can open up a lot of doors.

It's an opportunity to build advocates for themself and their brand.

This is why every interaction matters.

Making a massive impact will only be possible with the help and support of other people.

If you are not putting effort into building meaningful relationships with people who will support your goals and mission...

You won't get very far in business or life.

Making an impact literally means making an impact in the lives of others.

Treat these daily interactions as if they matter more than anything else.

Because they do.

Make An Impact By Focusing On Yourself First

If you truly want to help people make an impact, you must help yourself first.

As you work to become the best version of yourself...

You will build the mindset...

The skillset...

The wealth...

...and the influence to make a far greater impact.

Consider the impact you can have with a massive amount of wealth alone.

A $10 donation may be appreciated ... But a $10,000 donation has an impact.

If you don't pursue high levels of success and achievement...

You will never create the wealth necessary to make that kind of impact.

Am I wrong?

Now consider the impact you can have by becoming a person of massive influence.

With far more eyeballs on you ... You can inspire and impact far more people than you ever could as someone with little influence.

You may think you can have an impact without becoming great...

But nobody listens to the people who haven't done the work and built the life they want to build for themselves.

You will have zero credibility. Zero.

There is unlimited opportunity in everything to make a massive impact if you work to become the best.

Keep your focus on becoming that version of yourself.

It's your obligation to do so.

Make An Impact By Providing Value

There’s no greater way to make an impact than the value you provide.

Not to mention the value you provide will be directly correlated to how much you're compensated.

One of the single best ways you can start providing more value immediately is by identifying and solving problems.

Understand that there are an endless number of ways you can solve problems...

None of which have anything to do with just fixing a mistake either.

Holding your team accountable is solving a problem.

Making processes more efficient is solving a problem.

Teaching your team new skills is solving a problem.

Enforcing a high standard is solving a problem.

Accepting responsibility for your actions is solving a problem.

The more problems you solve...

The more value you'll provide.

...and if you truly want to make an impact...

Solving as many problems as possible will be required of you.

The #1 Skill You Need to Make An Impact

Making an impact is hard.

...and it's likely 10 times harder than you're expecting it to be if not more.

Life does not ever get easier.

Nor does it bend to your comfort level.

If you want to become someone capable of making a real impact...

You must develop the skill of mental toughness.

It's the single most important skill you can develop to create massive wins, make an impact, and dominate in every area of your life.

In my book, The Book on Mental Toughness, I teach you everything you need to know about this skill and how to build it.

I go over my personal experiences, important concepts, and how to get started with 75 HARD, the complete transformative mental toughness program.

Want to make an impact?

Develop mental toughness and commit to the principles we covered today.

Get your copy of The Book on Mental Toughness now.

The Book on Mental Toughness

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