Mental strength is essential for success in any area of life.
The good news for you is this ... Mental strength is not a gift.
You aren't born with it.
You can't buy it.
You don't just wake up with it one day.
Mental strength is a skill.
...and like any other skill, it must be built, improved upon, and maintained by exercising it.
The journey to building bulletproof mental strength is anything but easy. It's not supposed to be.
But I can promise you ... The payoff for building this skill is worth every ounce of your blood, sweat, and tears.
Through mental strength, you will manufacture all the skills that winners possess.
You will gain all of these skills and more through developing mental strength.
Today, I'm going to show you how to build mental strength. But first, you must understand what makes this skill so critical...
The road to success is hard ... and likely 10 times harder than you think it's going to be too.
It's a path that will present you with challenge after challenge.
...and the more successful you become in life...
The more difficult it becomes.
You will struggle.
You will get knocked down.
You will lose.
You will face obstacles.
You will have setbacks.
It all comes with the territory, and it is the main reason why most people never end up reaching their biggest goals in life.
As soon as the path gets hard ... They quit.
Everyone can execute when the times are good.
Very few can execute when they're not.
The difference between those who can and those who cannot all comes down to mental strength.
Without mental strength, you won't be equipped to navigate the storms that lie ahead.
Mental strength is required to overcome adversity and create massive wins in life.
You must exercise it.
These mental strength exercises will show you how.
The life you have is a reflection of the habits you have and choices you've made up to this point.
If you're not happy with your current situation...
Understand that it's your fault.
Not your parents.
Not your spouse.
Not your friends.
Not your boss.
Not the president.
Not your genetics.
Not your upbringing.
Not the circumstances.
It's you. It always has been you, and always will be you.
Far too many people fail to recognize how much control they actually have over their life.
Instead, they cry about how "unfair" everything is or about how much harder they've had it than other people.
I call these people professional victims.
The truth is...
These people just refuse to take ownership and exercise control over the most important factors in their lives...
The food they eat.
How much water they drink.
The amount they move their body.
The information they put in their brain.
The people they surround themselves with.
The effort they put in.
Every single highly successful person I know exercises control in all of these areas and more.
You can too.
Who's responsible for the life you have and the life you'll build?
It's you.
The sooner you can accept this as fact and own it ... The sooner you can start making progress toward creating the life you want.
Quit pointing the finger at anyone or anything outside of yourself.
This is the seed you must plant in your mind if you are ever going to build real mental strength.
Mental strength is about owning the conversation in your mind.
It's about overpowering the thoughts that confine us to an average existence.
How many times have you made a promise to yourself only to never follow through with it?
"This is the year I'm going to get in shape."
"I'm going to stop drinking on the weekends."
"I'm going to start waking up at this time."
Sound familiar?
Even if you haven't made promises like this to yourself ... Which I'd have a hard time believing...
I guarantee you know at least one, if not several people in your life who make these promises all the time.
But ... Do they keep them?
More importantly ... Do you keep them?
It's easy to give in and start believing the lies we tell ourselves.
"You worked out yesterday, you can take it easy today."
"It's only one night out, it's not a big deal."
"You need more sleep today. Getting up now isn't that important."
If you want to build mental strength, you have to keep the promises you make to yourself.
Every time you take action in spite of how you feel or what you try to convince yourself of...
You are building the skill of mental strength by winning the conversation against the weak-willed voice that lives in your head.
Understand this...
Success in life is far more about what you do when you don't feel like it than what you do when you do feel like it.
...and the real truth of what it takes to win isn't sexy.
It's showing up every day and executing on the same tasks over and over and over again.
When these tasks are fresh and exciting, it's easy to give them the effort and intent they require.
But what happens when weeks pass?
What happens when months pass?
What happens when years pass and the initial excitement is long gone?
Most people get bored and move on...
Don't be most people.
One of the best mental strength exercises is simply training yourself to execute on these monotonous tasks with the same level of effort and intent, regardless of how long you've been doing them for.
I call this mastering the mundane ... and it takes a significant amount of mental strength.
If you start to go through the motions and cut corners when things start to get boring...
The results you produce will be far less than that of the results you could produce by completing your tasks at a high-level every time.
Build mental strength through mastering the mundane.
You can't swim if you only dip your toe in the water.
You need to jump in the pool and start moving.
Because once you do ... Your only options are to sink or swim.
This exact same concept is a mindset I've utilized to build mental strength and accomplish my goals.
I call it a zero-options mentality.
Consider what your real goals are in life...
Then give yourself no other option but to achieve them.
No safety-net.
No backup plan.
It's do or die ... and since death is not an actual option that you have, the only real option you have is to see your real goals through to the end.
Intentionally forcing your back up against the wall and giving yourself no other options but to succeed at your original plan is a powerful source of motivation you can utilize to make these goals a reality.
...and if you actually do want to achieve your biggest goals in life...
You have to be all-in.
Having a backup plan is no different than dipping your toe in the water.
You are withholding your full commitment.
Trust me ... You will never accomplish anything of significance without giving every single ounce of your effort, energy, and commitment.
Thinking otherwise is arrogant and insulting to everyone who's put in the real work to build something amazing.
Adopting this zero-options mentality is an excellent mental strength exercise.
Why? Because you give yourself no other choice than to exercise the mental strength required to reach your goals.
Training your mental strength is like training a muscle
Putting your muscles under new stress is what's required for them to get bigger and stronger.
Over time, the weights that used to be heavy for you become a walk in the park.
If you want your muscles to continue to get bigger and stronger ... You have to continue challenging them.
While everybody else seeks out comfort...
You have to seek discomfort by embracing new challenges.
These are opportunities to build mental strength.
Life is not going to get any easier for you.
In fact ... It's only going to get harder.
By embracing new challenges, you can build the mental strength needed to overcome any obstacle that stands in your way.
If you focus on these exercises...
You can make significant progress in building the mental strength needed to win in life.
I've been a long-time student of mental toughness, studying everything from why it's important to how to build it.
If you want the single greatest way to start building mental toughness and take complete control of your life for good...
I developed a 100% FREE program called 75 HARD.
75 HARD is the tactical guide to winning the war within yourself and building the mental toughness you need to dominate ... and you can learn more about the 75 HARD Program here.
I also wrote a book called The Book on Mental Toughness.
It's a guide that will teach you everything you need to build the skill of mental toughness and maintain it long term.
I give you real world experiences, lessons, and even a full breakdown of the 75 HARD Program and how it can help you develop this skill and transform your life in just 75 days.
Ready to take control?
Get your copy of The Book on Mental Toughness here to start forging your mental toughness now.
At some point in your life, you will inevitably question whether the things you have done have made a difference.
You have two options.
You can either look back at your life and feel as if you wasted it.
Or ... You can look back at your life and...
You must have confidence if you want to win in life.
The problem is ... Most of what we've been told about confidence isn't anywhere close to the reality of what real confidence is.
Allow me set the record straight...
Confidence can't be...
If you are serious about becoming the best version of yourself...
You have to adopt the habits necessary to become that person.
This is where most people struggle.
They struggle to adopt the positive habits required to [...]