You need to quit giving up on yourself.
You don’t need motivation…
You don’t need anything other than the perspective to understand that giving up will keep you exactly where you are right now…
Whenever you feel like giving up…
I want you to think about this…
If you wanted to run a marathon, but every time you got frustrated…
Every time you got tired…
Every time you got sore…
…and every time you got winded…
You turned around and went back to restart the race…
Would you ever complete a marathon?
Of course not.
This same concept can be applied to your success ... and your life.
When you change your mindset from giving up to pushing through and overcoming those obstacles that stand in your way…
It will prevent you from doing it ever again.
Everything worthwhile in life must be earned.
Earned through your pain…
Earned through your misery…
Earned through your suffering…
...and the truth is ... none of it is going to be easy.
The factor that separates every single person in life who’s successful from those that aren't is this simple concept…
People who succeed don’t give up when things get hard.
At the end of the day, giving up is a habit.
It’s a mentality…
…and it’s a core value of most people…
They start to progress and gain a little momentum ... but they don’t finish the task at hand, or they say something like…
“Man, this is hard so I’m gonna try something else.”
“This isn’t for me because it’s so hard.”
These people always end up losing in life.
If you want to lose in life as well…
Keep giving up.
If you don’t want to keep losing in life…
I suggest you make a change…
…and kick that mindset to the curb.
Develop the habit of persevering instead.
This is something that most people will never wrap their head around…
The fact that literally everything in life is hard.
You have to stop quitting or wanting to change your goals just because something seems too hard in the moment.
Because no matter what path you choose to go down…
It’s going to be hard.
That’s just how it works.
Those are all signs that:
A. You are on the right path.
B. You’re making progress.
You have to learn to identify these things as indications that you are on the right path.
Nobody who is where you want to be in life has gotten there without these struggles…
Without the bleeding…
Without the pain…
Without the depression…
Without the misery…
So what makes you think you’re gonna be the person who gets there with none of those things?
You’re not.
Life is hard…
Success is hard…
…and if you have big dreams ... if you want to do something great…
You’re going to have to learn to accept the struggle as part of the recipe.
Every single day, you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself this…
"What am I willing to do to get what I want?"
If the answer is whatever you have to…
There's a good chance you'll at least get close.
But if it’s anything less…
You won’t.
That’s just a fact of life…
…and that’s why you have to quit giving up on yourself.
If you plan on becoming successful in any aspect of your life ... You need to make a lifelong commitment to developing your mindset and skill set.
You need to make a lifelong commitment to personal development.
It doesn't matter how great you become...
Winning consistently over the long term requires constant...
If you're looking to accomplish anything of real significance in life...
Or if you're looking to go out and build yourself and your life into what you dream about...
Those goals and dreams will not come true for you if you are unwilling to pay the price.
That price is the same price that everybody else you look up to has...
The biggest difference between the people who win in life and the people who don't comes down to daily execution.
Success is not complicated.
It's actually a very simple equation.
It's inputs and outputs...