Do You Ever Feel Like Quitting?

December 11, 2020 1 min read

Andy working out 

I get asked this question all the time…

“Andy, do you ever feel like just saying fuck it and quitting?”

And my answer is always the same…


Every week…

Actually, every fucking day!

The message being preached on social media by the "success gurus" is that you should be working 35 hours a day...

And possess some sort of majestic superpower drive…

And “grind” all the time.

When in reality...

That’s the biggest pile of bullshit ever.

The real truth is…

Those people want to be seen as better … stronger ... more skilled ... and more powerful.

But it's just their insecurity.

I've been in business for over 2 decades ... and built multiple companies from 0 to 9 figures.

There isn’t a SINGLE FUCKING DAY that goes by that isn’t a struggle for me.

I get stressed…

I have fears…

I struggle…

I worry…

I have uncertainty…

...and I want to quit.


The only difference is: I DON'T.

That’s it.

It’s completely normal to have these feelings…

Especially in recent times.

Just because you feel like quitting doesn’t mean you don't have what it takes to "make it".

In fact, you're no less capable than the fake motherfuckers you see on social media.

There’s nothing wrong with you…

It’s fucking hard for all of us.

It’s normal to WANT to quit...



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