May 10, 2022 4 min read

The road to success is going to be a lot harder than you think.

It’s going to take longer than you think…

It’s going to require more effort than you think…

...but the hardships and experiences are going to help shape you into the person you need to be.

It took me over 20 years to get to where I’m at today, and I’m far from where I want to be.

To make the journey more enjoyable for you…

Here are 7 things that everybody should know before departing on their success journey.

1. Opportunities Are Created

One of the biggest misconceptions in society today is around opportunity.

Most people think that if they wait long enough, the perfect opportunity is going to fall in their lap or be handed to them.

So instead of taking action, they wait and wait for something to happen.

The reality is this…

Nothing is going to magically happen for these people.

That’s because opportunities are earned and created through the process.

You have to go all-in NOW.

You have to find problems, and fix them NOW.

Opportunities are created when you take ownership and take action.

Quit waiting for the opportunity to come along to go full speed...

Because it won’t.

2. Failure Is The Greatest Teacher

Failure is not the end of your journey…

Nor is it the beginning of a new journey.

Most failures are not deadly.

In fact, failure is a necessary part of the road to success.

Your failures are the ultimate teacher.

They equip you with what not to do.

Sometimes, knowing what not to do is just as important as knowing what to do.

Don’t let your failures discourage you.

Everybody fails…

The real separator between those who become successful and those who don’t ... is how you choose to react to failure.

Are you using your failures as opportunities to learn and get better?

Or are you letting your failures linger and keep you from progressing?

The sooner you can extract the lesson and move on … the better.

3. Practice Aggressive Patience

You have to be patient on the road to success…

You also have to be aggressive every day to get to your long-term goals.

Understand this…

It’s going to take a long time to get what you want, so you have to be patient…

But you also have to do everything you can every single day to achieve greatness.

That’s where my concept of aggressive patience comes into play.

Be urgent every single day and understand that the result is not going to appear tomorrow.

It’s going to take a long time to materialize the things you truly want in life.

When you can balance these two, you won’t just get there faster…

You’ll also be a lot more at peace along the journey.

4. People Are Not Going To Understand

If you are truly committed to the road to success...

A lot of the people close to you aren’t going to understand it.

It can be your friends, family, and loved ones…

People are going to criticize you…

People are going to laugh at you…

People are going to tell you that you’re crazy…

People aren’t going to believe in you...

That’s all part of the process.

If nobody is uncomfortable with your goals, dreams, and ambitions...

You’re not thinking big enough.

The road to success will be full of these people...

Don’t listen to them.

They only want to drag you down ... because they are incapable of doing the things you say you’re going to do.

The good thing is this…

You don’t need anybody’s permission…

You don’t need anybody’s approval…

You don’t need anybody’s belief…

You just need yourself.

When you commit yourself to excellence and the pursuit of your potential…

You’ll meet other people ... better people ... who happen to be just like you.

Relationships evolve along the journey…

You may lose some friendships and relationships on the road to success...

But you will end up forming better ones.

5. Complacency Kills

I see it all the time…

People will start to taste a little bit of success…

Have a few wins…

Then they start beating their chest and stop doing the things that got them the wins in the first place.

These people will always get passed up or wiped away completely.

You have to humble yourself and realize that you aren’t as good as you think.

You have, and will always have a lot to learn...

You have a lot more wins to pursue...

The minute you stop learning and pushing to improve is the minute you start dying.

Keep your foot on the gas no matter how many wins you get under your belt.

You have a lot of work to do.

6. Never Quit

No matter how hard the road to success can get…

Never quit.

You have to see your goals and dreams as the only option, which means you have to remove quitting from the table completely.

When you quit, you are starting from scratch all over again.

This is the main reason most people never realize true success in life.

They spend 2-3 years doing one thing…

Then when that thing becomes hard or monotonous...

They immediately jump to the next thing.

These people go from thing to thing to thing their entire life and wonder why they can never make ends meet.

It’s because as soon as they start gaining traction...

They quit!

So understand that quitting is never a viable option.


It’s one of the biggest things people do to sabotage their success.

7. Enjoy The Journey

The longer you’re on the road to success...

The more you’ll start to appreciate the journey itself.

If I were to give only one piece of advice to someone starting out on their success journey, it would be this…

Enjoy it.

You’re going to look back at all the challenges…

All the early mornings…

All the late nights…

All the wins…

All the losses…

All the effort…

...and realize that the best part of achieving success is the journey itself…

Not the end result.

Looking For More?

If you want to learn more about success, entrepreneurship, and self-development…

Subscribe to my podcast, REAL AF.

It's a show that will teach you how to develop your own mindset and skills to become great in every area of your life.  I also drop episodes where I cover hot topics and current events trending around the world.

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