Every single day is a chance for you to get better and pursue your potential.
The problem is, most people don’t think of it this way.
They wait and wait for the perfect opportunity to fall in their lap before they start taking action or seizing the opportunity in front of them.
If this is you…
You need to start taking action.
Seize the opportunity you have today, and every day, so you can unlock the success and opportunities you’re really looking for in the future.
When I say "seize the opportunity" ... I’m talking about your opportunity to execute at a high level every single day.
I get asked all the time…
“How do I make this connection?”
“How do I get this opportunity?”
“How do I do this?”
“How do I do that?”
…and so many of you think that you can just click the "Like" button to develop relationships with these people, and it'll lead you to new opportunities.
But in the beginning of your journey, you have to focus on becoming relevant by seizing the opportunity you have today to create value in yourself.
Otherwise, the opportunity will never come.
Let me explain…
The reason why you aren’t getting the opportunities you say you want is because you aren’t taking action to manifest these opportunities.
You can’t sit in your mom’s basement and write statuses on social media to become relevant…
You have to go out in the real world and DO SOMETHING.
You have to get moving…
You have to meet people…
Shake hands…
Have conversations…
Create things…
Build things…
Sell things…
…and do anything you can to create value in yourself ... if you truly want the opportunity you say you want.
If you’re just sitting around, waiting for an opportunity to fall in your lap ... it never will.
You have to create your own opportunities by doing things in your life to make yourself relevant.
When you do this, the right people will take notice...
People who can create opportunities for you.
You have to start moving before the opportunity will ever present itself.
You can’t wait around…
You can’t sit on your butt…
The opportunity fairy isn’t going to drop something in your lap.
It’s only going to happen from making calls…
Sending emails…
Shaking hands…
That’s it.
You have to do the work which will ultimately provide you an opportunity ... eventually.
It's that simple.
The sad thing is this...
Even with this knowledge, most people won't do it.
That's because it's hard...
...and it takes much longer than people think.
The good news is this…
When you do get an opportunity and capitalize on it…
You’ll gain momentum…
…and you’ll be flooded with even more opportunities as a result.
So, here's what you need to do...
Seize the opportunity by creating opportunities…
It all starts with your actions today.
If you take care of that…
You’ll get the opportunity you want tomorrow.
Long before you'll be given the "opportunities" that you want...
Whether it's a new position...
A new client...
...or literally anything else...
You have to build yourself into someone who with the skills and discipline necessary to execute these opportunities at a high level.
Until you can prove to yourself and others that you're capable...
The only opportunity you'll ever be given is the opportunity to show up and earn your stripes through execution.
This will take time.
It will take effort.
...and above all else, it will take the mental toughness and resilience to keep showing up and executing at a high level every single day.
So if you're actually serious about creating opportunities for yourself...
I recommend you start developing mental toughness in an urgent and aggressive way.
Mental toughness is the single most important skill you need to win in every area of life.
That's why I wrote the ultimate guide to help you build this skill called The Book on Mental Toughness.
This book is a tool that will show you how to deliberately develop this skill and take complete control of your life.
No more excuses.
No more waiting.
It’s time to seize opportunities for yourself.
It's time to build mental toughness.
Get your copy of The Book on Mental Toughness here.
You’re a leader whether you realize it or not.
Even if you don’t hold the title of "leader" on a team...
There is at least one person, if not multiple people, who look to you for leadership.
Your friends...
If you struggle to reach your goals...
If you can't keep the promises you make to yourself...
...and if you feel like your life is a disaster...
It's because you lack the skill of mental toughness...
As humans, we are hardwired to compete.
Competition is in our blood.
Competition is in our DNA.
...and competition is also a necessary element of becoming truly great...