May 11, 2022 3 min read

In society today, it has become popular to brag about your trauma…

Brag about all of the bad things that have happened to you…

…and to tell your sad story over and over again.

But if you truly want to be successful in life…

You have to learn how to let these things go.

Victims Don’t Win

You only have so much energy to spend...

You only have so much focus to give...

You only have so much ability in your life to choose what you're going to do and who you're going to be…

...and when you choose to be one of these victims who thinks that it's a competition for who has the saddest story...

That means you have no room to move forward...

You have no room for your dreams...

You have no room for your aspirations…

You have no room for the actions that lead to those aspirations...

Because you're so busy filling your mind with the bad things that have already happened to you, that you have 0 chance of moving forward.

This is why victims will never win in life.


If you’re one of these people…

Understand that you still have a choice…

Choose To Look Forward, Not Backward

Embracing the victim mentality is what’s going to keep you from moving forward…

…and keep you from focusing on what you should be, rather than what’s happened to you in the past.

You get to choose one or the other:

You can look forward

Or you can look backward.

You can't look both ways at the same time.

So the choice is yours…

Are you going to let your past consume you?

Or are you going to let it go and move on, so you can build the future you’ve always dreamed of?

We’re All Flawed

Everybody has challenges they have to work through.

There isn't a single successful person on this planet that hasn't gone through their version of these challenges.

The fact that so many people build their identity around sympathy for their issues disgusts me.

That's not what you're supposed to be about…

That's not what this country is supposed to be about…

That's not what our culture is supposed to be about…

...and it doesn't lend itself to anything great.

It creates a bunch of self-loathing, weak, bound-up humans that are drained of potential.

If you focus solely on your hardships, you'll never realize what you can potentially become.

So what's it gonna be?

Are you going to sit there for the rest of your life and talk about all the hard things that have happened to you?

Or are you going to learn what you need to learn from the things that have happened to you, and move on from them?

How Do You Let It Go?

The answer is very simple…

Just let it go.

"That's easier said than done."

NO! It is that easy.

If your dad was a bad person…

That sucks…

But you have to decide to not be a bad person…

Then move forward by not being a bad person yourself.

Nothing will change what happened, and nothing will change what you should be doing moving forward.

This is why you're not progressing.

How does that help you?

What does that do for your future?

What does that do for your future family?

We have been conditioned to tell ourselves that our story is debilitating…

That our hardships are the reason why we can't be what we want to be...

When in reality … the hardships are actually the things that teach us to have the skills, the thoughts, and the perspective we need to become what we want to be.

If you had to choose between a perfect upbringing and one that was extremely difficult...

You should choose the more challenging path every time...

Because it's preparing you for what life is going to throw at you.

Why You Need To Let It Go

Remember … there's no hall of fame for the biggest victim.

The glory goes to people who overcome their struggles.

Think about that...

Think about what you're dragging along.

Think about how unlikely you are to get where you want to go if you keep holding on.

The solution is simple…

Let it go…

…and start pursuing your potential in life.

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