Most self-development programs have said the same thing over and over again for the past decade…
They call for meditation…
They call for being kind…
They call for all these positive sayings ... and if you really break them down…
They're meaningless.
I don’t think being positive is wrong…
But getting through tough times takes way more than just positive thoughts.
It requires you to be tough.
…and when I say tough…
I’m referring to mental toughness.
So, if you’re looking for how to become tougher…
You’ve come to the right place.
Most people think if you have mental toughness, you’re cold…
…and not a nice person in general.
Which is why most people don’t aspire to be tough.
They feel like they have to trade in their kindness in order to be tough, and that’s just not true.
What toughness really means ... is that you keep it real and do the right thing, regardless of the conditions or circumstances.
If you want to be successful, happy, and fulfilled in life…
You have to be tough.
Now the question is...
How do you get tough?
Here are 5 ways to develop toughness in the form of mental strength…
One of the best ways to build mental strength is by simply putting yourself in situations that are difficult and require mental toughness.
This is something I do on a daily basis to train my toughness.
It can be anything…
Whether it’s pushing yourself through exercise…
Saying no to cheat foods and staying disciplined to a diet…
Skipping that happy hour to progress your career…
Whatever it may be, it should be done with the intention of forging your toughness and discipline.
The more repetitions you take…
The better.
The boundaries can be with yourself as well as others.
If you truly want to be tough…
You have to be okay with setting clear boundaries and saying no to anything that violates those boundaries.
You have to do this with 0 compromise.
That’s because it requires mental toughness and discipline to do so.
You have to think of it differently.
Saying no to things that won’t help you progress in life is the same thing as saying yes to the things that will help you progress your life.
Get it?
When you embrace this fact and stay true to your boundaries with yourself and others…
It will not only build up your strength…
But it will also develop your self-confidence…
Which is an important skill to have when you’re looking to become someone who is tough.
A huge part of developing your toughness is by being uncomfortable and staying uncomfortable.
It’s easy to live comfortably…
…but easy is not going to forge you into a warrior.
It’s the uncomfortable situations that equip you with the skills to become tough.
The best way to get uncomfortable is by demanding more of yourself…
…and when you start becoming complacent…
Use that as a warning sign that you need to challenge yourself more.
We’ve all heard the saying before…
You’re the sum of the 5 closest people to you.
I’m here to confirm that this is 100% accurate.
The people you spend the most time with will have a huge impact on the person you are…
The habits you have…
…and the overall outcome of your life.
You should take this very literally.
Not only for the sake of becoming tough…
But also for your overall happiness and success in life.
So, do yourself a favor…
Surround yourself with mentally tough people.
Discipline is a form of self-respect.
It's keeping the promises you make to yourself no matter what.
The conditions and external circumstances will rarely, if ever, be ideal.
Exercise discipline by delivering on the actions anyway.
That includes executing regardless of how you feel.
There isn't a single one of us who feels like doing the work every single day.
With discipline, you'll show up and do it anyway.
This builds strength and mental toughness.
If you set out to do something ... Make sure you see it through to the end.
Any path you can choose from in life will have its own unique set of challenges and obstacles.
This has to be your expectation.
If you quit every single time things get difficult...
You will catch yourself in an endless cycle of stopping and starting all over again.
This is why most people end up spending their entire lives spinning their wheels and never gaining any real traction.
Every time things start to get hard...
They decide it's "not for them" and move on to their next venture.
Do not fall into the same trap.
Want to know how to be tough?
Don't quit.
It's one of the biggest separating factors between the people who win in life and the people who lose.
If you’re unsure where to start when it comes to building toughness…
I developed an entire program around building your mental toughness and discipline called 75 HARD.
The best part about the program is that it’s free…
…and it will teach you all the skills to be successful in every area of your life.
There have been hundreds of thousands of people who have completely changed their lives through 75 HARD.
If you want to be tough…
You need to do 75 HARD, and take complete control of your life today.
Being tough is more than what meets the eye.
If you want to build the life you’ve always wanted…
If you want to have a significant impact on others…
If you want to be somebody that everyone looks up to…
If you want to be cool and collective through any crisis…
If you want great relationships…
If you want to advance your professional life…
You have to be tough.
Mental toughness is not optional when it comes to your success and happiness in life.
I’ve been undisciplined…
I’ve been weak…
I’ve been insecure…
…and let me tell you first-hand…
The only way you can change that ... is by doing the work and developing your toughness.
If you can do that…
Your life will change for good.
If you’re serious about becoming tougher and developing the resilience and discipline needed to overcome any challenge…
It all starts with your commitment to building the skill of mental toughness.
My book, The Book on Mental Toughness, is the ultimate guide for developing this skill and taking complete control of your life.
Don’t wait to start building the mental toughness you need to win.
Get your copy of The Book on Mental Toughness today.
If you are serious about becoming the best version of yourself...
You have to adopt the habits necessary to become that person.
This is where most people struggle.
They struggle to adopt the positive habits required to [...]
You cannot accomplish anything of true greatness in life without other people.
Can not.
It takes the dedicated efforts of many.
It takes a great team...
If you are truly serious and committed to becoming the best version of yourself and achieving massive success in life...
You must develop the skill of mental toughness.
It's the single most important skill you need to win.
...and if you were to take a look at all the...