What's the number one thing you'll find in common amongst everyone who's gone out to accomplish incredible things in life?
They all have a strong will to win.
Every single one of them.
That’s hardly a coincidence...
Being strong-willed is a requirement for your success.
Because anyone without it quits.
It takes a strong-willed person to push through the challenges and obstacles on the path to becoming great and building an amazing life.
Some days are going to be hard...
Some weeks are going to be hard…
Some months are going to be hard…
Some years are going to be hard…
…and if you don’t have the determination and will to win … you don’t stand a chance.
So if you truly want the things you say you want out of life…
You need to become a strong-willed person.
A great place to start building yourself into a strong-willed person is by studying the habits and characteristics of those who are.
If you can develop these same habits and traits within yourself…
Nothing can stand in your way.
Here are 8 things that all strong-willed people have in common...
You can't make progress in life when you're comfortable.
This is something that all strong-willed people understand well and take very seriously.
What are you doing to challenge yourself?
What are you doing to intentionally make your life more difficult?
The closer you can put your face to the flames, the better.
The road to success is one that requires a lot more blood, sweat, and tears than most people are equipped to handle.
Most of them aren’t willing to pay the real price.
Strong-willed people are different.
They prepare themselves to handle it.
Most of them even learn to love the struggle because of the incredible return on investment the struggle gives them.
This is why my program 75 HARD has become so popular.
It’s a structured way to put yourself in the most uncomfortable situation possible to develop your mental toughness.
So if you aren’t doing something to challenge yourself … start.
It’s something all strong-willed people do, and have become accustomed to.
No matter how much you learn, you will never know everything.
You could devote your entire life to learning new information and you still wouldn't come close to “knowing it all”...
Which is why it’s so weird to me that some people are convinced they do know it all.
The truth is, strong-willed people are among the most intelligent.
I don't say this because of what they know, because the reality is they don’t know any more than anybody else…
I say this because they have the humility to recognize that they don't have all the answers.
In fact, most of them are in a constant state of self-development for this exact reason.
Which goes hand in hand with the next thing all strong-willed people have in common...
The internet...
The experiences of others...
We all have an unlimited number of resources available to us.
Use them.
Strong-willed people form a habit out of learning new information to improve their mindset, skill set, and knowledge.
Not just on occasion … they do it every single day, and stick to that commitment until they die.
If you want to win...
You should too.
Thinking you don’t need to learn anything new is arrogant, and will guarantee you never win.
Most people have a reason why they can't...
A reason why they won't...
A reason why they haven't...
All of which are invalid reasons.
Strong-willed people understand that the only thing that keeps them from accomplishing anything is themselves...
Nothing else...
...and nobody else either.
Your excuses are a prison. That prison is an average existence.
Accept responsibility for everything in your life as it is, and you will break yourself free.
This is something all strong-willed people understand very well.
Take it from someone who has failed far too many times to keep track...
Failure is a necessary component to becoming successful long-term.
Strong-willed people aren't afraid to fail because they know that failure will help guide them toward their wins.
Winning isn't only about knowing what to do...
It's also about knowing what not to do.
You have to understand that the only real failure is quitting.
Your failures are opportunities to learn and improve.
Strong-willed people have this same mindset about failure.
They even see it as a necessary step to becoming successful.
When you think about your failures like that…
You’ll be able to start leveraging those failures for your success.
When you first set out to do what others won't...
Everybody is going to have an opinion.
Don't listen.
The only opinion that should hold any weight is your own.
Strong-willed people don't care what other people think because they understand that no matter what they do in life...
There are going to be people who don’t approve.
What you have to understand is that this will never change.
Seek approval from yourself…
Anything else will make you feel miserable.
Average people set average goals.
Successful people set massive goals.
It should come as no surprise that strong-willed people set massive goals as well.
They refuse to settle for anything less than their biggest goals because they know that anything is possible ... but only when they put in the work that’s required.
They’re also unwilling to settle.
Instead, they’ll do whatever it takes to get where they’re trying to go.
This is the same attitude you have to adopt to reach your goals too.
Since strong-willed people have such big goals, they are relentless and disciplined to the daily tasks required to reach their goals.
You will rarely find these people compromise or break their promises.
They understand that this level of commitment is essential for success … not optional.
Through this unwillingness to compromise, they also build skills like confidence…
Mental toughness…
…and several skills which help them dominate.
There’s no better decision you can make other than the decision to keep the promises you make to yourself.
All strong-willed people will tell you the same thing.
They're coming for all of us ... It's an unavoidable fact of life.
Expect them and be prepared.
One thing that separates strong-willed people from everybody else is their ability to remain resilient and push through these challenges.
Their resilience is a key component of their success and ability to win.
Mike Tyson once said, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face."
It's true ... and while strong-willed people may not have a plan when adversity presents itself just like everybody else...
They have the resilience to keep moving.
Strong-willed people never quit.
No matter how difficult things may get for them...
They understand that true failure is only possible when they quit.
They may get their teeth kicked in.
They may lose ... a lot.
They may struggle.
They may get stuck.
They may get knocked down.
But they are never down for the count.
Let everybody else quit.
If you are truly looking to become a strong-willed person...
You can't quit.
The only things standing in the way of you and your goals is the determination to make them a reality.
The best thing you can do is to start building the habits and characteristics that all strong-willed people share.
The most important of these skills being mental toughness.
If you want to learn what mental toughness is and how you can start building this skill to take complete control of your life for good...
I recommend you read my book, The Book on Mental Toughness.
It's your complete guide for developing this skill.
It's a tool that you can rely on anytime you need to sharpen this skill and refocus.
In the book, you'll learn everything you need to know.
I go over my personal experiences, important concepts, and how to get started with 75 HARD, the complete transformative mental toughness program.
Earn your confidence.
Start building mental toughness now.
You can get your copy of The Book on Mental Toughness here.
You’re a leader whether you realize it or not.
Even if you don’t hold the title of "leader" on a team...
There is at least one person, if not multiple people, who look to you for leadership.
Your friends...
If you struggle to reach your goals...
If you can't keep the promises you make to yourself...
...and if you feel like your life is a disaster...
It's because you lack the skill of mental toughness...
As humans, we are hardwired to compete.
Competition is in our blood.
Competition is in our DNA.
...and competition is also a necessary element of becoming truly great...