April 28, 2022 5 min read

As humans, we are innately programmed to seek and enjoy the feeling of comfort.

We don’t normally entertain the idea of putting forth extreme effort…

Instead, we look to take the path of least resistance.

…and when it comes to accomplishing something difficult, there’s almost always a part of us that immediately starts looking for a way out.

That’s where excuses come in.

Why We Make Excuses

What is an excuse?

It’s a rationalization for unacceptable behavior.

That’s it.

We invent excuses to remain comfortable and avoid doing the things we know are necessary to build an extraordinary life.

Even though some excuses may be based on factual information, or might even seem fully justifiable, they all have something in common:

They get in the way of accomplishment.

When we have ambition and huge goals, we’re also faced with self-doubt.

What if we’re not capable?

What if we fail?

An excuse offers a safety net.

When we fall short, the excuse allows us to say, “Well, it’s not really my fault.”

But it does something else as well...

It keeps us from fully committing to our goals, ourselves, and our development.

Excuses allow us to dip one foot in the water, without having to jump in the pool.

If you want to accomplish great things, you can’t let your excuses hold you back.

You need to fight your excuses, and stop fighting for them.

Quit Taking Refuge

Our excuses are designed to point us to the path of least resistance.

They are lies that we tell ourselves to be comfortable now.

What most people fail to understand is...

Comfort now will mean discomfort later...

...and discomfort now will mean comfort later.

Here's why...

The hardship and uncomfortable situations you put yourself in to grow and pursue your goals will eventually give you a life that you can live on your own terms.

On the other hand...

Choosing the easy and comfortable things right now will guarantee that you won't be able to build a life that gives you the freedom to be comfortable.

You will be trapped in a constant state of struggle just to pay the bills, provide for your loved ones, or even just take care of yourself.

...and at the end of your life when you're spending time reflecting on how it went...

You'll be faced with the greatest burden of them all: regret.

Regret for your inability to do the work and materialize the life you actually wanted for yourself vs the life you accepted for yourself.

This is the exact reason you have to stop taking refuge in your excuses.

You have to fight for your life.

You need to be stronger than your excuses and learn to quell the weak voice in your head for good.

Be Stronger Than Your Biggest Excuse: Pivot

We all have at least one excuse that is a constant for us.

"I'm just not lucky."

"I don't have the resources."

"I'm not talented."

Whatever this excuse may be for you, you need to learn to identify it.

Train yourself to use this excuse as a trigger.

As soon as your biggest excuse crosses your mind...

Pivot into productive action.

Be urgent.

Be aggressive.


You will always have excuses.

But the most effective strategy for dismantling them over time is through the results you produce.

By going out and doing whatever it is your excuses are trying to interfere with...

You discredit these excuses in a very real way.

They lose any and all arguments for being rational AT ALL.

...Especially being that they weren't rational to begin with.

Does that make sense?

Over time ... This will retrain your mind to recognize and eliminate any excuse that presents itself.

Action will become automatic.

Your excuses will hold no weight.

Acting In Spite of Your Excuses: A Daily Choice

So, what’s it going to be?

Are you going to fight to achieve your dreams ... or will you allow your excuses to confine you to a life of mediocrity and regret?

...Becasue those are your only two options.

At the end of the day, if you want to be stronger than your excuses, you need to make a choice.

You need to choose to stop letting excuses stand in the way.

To hell with your excuses.

You have to recognize them for what they really are...

They’re lies ... and they're lies that will keep your from anything and everything worthwhile in life.

From now until the day you die...

You have to fight off the weak, excuse-making dialogue in your head by making the conscious decision to pivot into productive action when your excuses surface.

When you learn to see your excuses for what they truly are, the fight becomes easier.

But the fight also becomes easier the more you continue to execute in spite of your excuses.

Your ability to reject excuses and take action is like a muscle ... it will become stronger the more you use it.

How To Be Stronger Than Your Excuses & Ditch Them For Good

You're going to have plenty of bumps along the journey...

Don't ever let them allow you to justify your excuses.

When you fully dedicate yourself to achieving your dreams...

Ditch your excuses...

...and start taking action...

You'll never look back.

Being stronger than your excuses is recognizing that you have control and excuses are nothing more than irrational thoughts that will confine you to a life of mediocrity.

You are capable of literally anything.

...and the choice to stop giving your excuses control over your future is the first step in unlocking your true potential.

But it's also far from the only one.

Once you build the habit of taking action in spite of your excuses and eliminate them through the results you produce...

You still need to evaluate your goals.

Are they clearly defined?

Can they be tracked?

Are you holding back on your real goals by settling for what you believe is "realistic" for you?

Whether you are able to eliminate your excuses or not has little relevance to achieving your goals and building the life you dream about.

Without the plan and execution necessary ... Your goals still won't be possible for you.

You have to break your goals down into daily, actionable tasks and commit to them.

Adhering to this plan every day...

Regardless of how you feel...

Regardless of the conditions...

...and regardless of literally anything is what it will actually take for you to win big and build the life you want.

This requires mental toughness.

...But so does taking action in spite of your excuses.

That should give you a hint as to where you should actually start when it comes to eliminating your excuses and reaching your goals.

You need to start by developing mental toughness.

Destroy Your Excuses & Unlock Your Potential With Mental Toughness

Mental toughness is the literal foundation that every other skill is built upon.

Are you ready to be stronger than your excuses and unlock your true potential?

I highly recommend you read my book, The Book on Mental Toughness.

This book is the ultimate tool to help you take complete control of your life and your excuses.

This isn't another book full of fluff and motivation.

The Book on Mental Toughness is a guide and actionable game plan for developing mental toughness.

It will train you to own the conversation inside of your mind.

Don't let your excuses define your future. 

Take control of your life and build the mental toughness required to achieve true greatness.

Get The Book on Mental Toughness now.

The Book on Mental Toughness

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