Most people are too caught up in the mentality of “talent.”
Let me explain what I mean…
Many of us have these big dreams, big goals, and things that we want to accomplish…
But most of you turn around and say stuff like this…
“If only I had the same talent that person has.”
Or “I wish I could do what they do.”
You may see a professional athlete and say, “Wow, that guy is a really talented football player.”
You may see a professional musician and think, “They are so talented and amazing at what they do.”
But what you don’t see and don’t understand ... is the amount of time, energy, and effort they put into their craft to get to that point.
Are they talented?
Are there freaks of nature who have natural abilities for specific things?
But, the vast majority of the world has the same talent as you…
So, to think that you can make anything of yourself with talent alone is foolish.
Hard work beats talent.
When you look at others who are more successful and further along in their journey than you are, you have to understand something very important…
When you point the finger at talent, instead of the choices that these people made to dedicate themselves to the process for a long time…
You’re missing the boat, and negatively affecting your progress.
Let me explain…
When you point to talent instead of hard work, you are talking negatively about yourself.
You do this by indirectly implying that you don’t have the skills to do what they do…
…and that’s just not the truth.
The real reason you don’t have the same skills is because you didn’t put in the time and hard work they did.
That’s the only reason.
So, make the choice.
Hard work beats talent 100 times out of 100.
Every single highly successful person you look at and think "They must be so talented"...
Most of them aren't any more talented than you are.
Some of them are a lot less talented than you are.
But every single one of them has put in the work required.
Hard work beats talent because talent isn't required.
Hard work is.
Name one Olympic athlete who hasn't had to put in years of dedicated daily effort to even have the opportunity to compete in the Olympics.
You can't.
That person doesn't exist because true greatness cannot be attained without hard work.
Your choices matter much more than talent ever will.
You have to make the day-to-day decisions…
You have to do the things that need to be done…
You have to practice what needs to be practiced…
You need to work out when you need to work out…
Making these daily decisions is the difference between people who just talk about doing things, and people who actually accomplish what they set out to accomplish.
The people who become great at their craft are simply making the choice to execute.
You have what it takes.
You have the opportunity.
You have the tools.
…and you have a choice.
Make the right one.
“But Andy, I don’t know what needs to be done.”
Yes you do.
Doing what needs to be done is instinctive.
Make your mind up…
Make a decision…
…and if it turns out to be the wrong decision…
You’re going to learn what not to do, which will help guide you to make the right choice in the future.
Then, you’ll become the educated, smart, and “talented” person you're working so hard to be.
Quit making excuses…
Quit saying other people have talent…
Quit looking at other people and saying, “Well, I don’t have what they have.”
You have the opportunity to make the right choices every day…
So quit pointing at talent and understand this…
Hard work beats talent.
Every time.
Stop hiding behind the mask of "talent".
Start putting in the work required to win.
This takes mental toughness, which I believe to be the single most important skill you need to accomplish anything of true greatness.
Mental toughness will give you a far greater advantage than talent ever will ... Guaranteed.
You're not going to feel like doing the work every day.
None of us do.
This is where mental toughness comes into play.
Mental toughness is what will push you to maintain a high level of execution regardless of the obstacles or conditions.
The Book on Mental Toughness will show you exactly how to build this skill.
It's the ultimate resource to help you take complete control of your life for good.
It all starts with mental toughness.
At some point in your life, you will inevitably question whether the things you have done have made a difference.
You have two options.
You can either look back at your life and feel as if you wasted it.
Or ... You can look back at your life and...
You must have confidence if you want to win in life.
The problem is ... Most of what we've been told about confidence isn't anywhere close to the reality of what real confidence is.
Allow me set the record straight...
Confidence can't be...
Mental strength is essential for success in any area of life.
The good news is ... Mental strength is not a gift.
You aren't born with it.
You can't....