December 09, 2024 6 min read

If you are serious about becoming the best version of yourself...

You have to adopt the habits necessary to become that person.

This is where most people struggle.

They struggle to adopt the positive habits required to move themselves forward...

...and instead, hold on to the habits that keep them stuck in life.

99% of the time, it's because these people don't stick with these new actions long enough for them to become habitual.

So how long does it take to build a habit?

How can you become someone who is capable of forming new positive habits and kicking bad ones on demand?

I'm here to give you these answers.

How Long Does it Take to Build a Habit?

I’m often asked, “How long does it take to build a habit?”

I don’t have an answer for you.

...That's because there isn’t one.

The process of building a new habit can look different for everyone.

You aren't going to struggle through 20 days and magically wake up on the 21st day for everything to click naturally.

Yet everywhere else you look on the internet will tell you it's 21 days.

Other sources will tell you it can be anywhere from 18-254 days, with 66 days being the average amount of time.

Regardless of how long it takes you to build a habit...

The principles required to build new habits effectively will always remain the same.

Isn't that what actually matters ... That you're able to go out and build these habits?

Quit worrying about how long it's going to take for you to build the habit.

That will only be a distraction for you.

Start focusing on what you can do today to form these habits and maintain them long-term.

Here are 3 practical ways to do this...

1.    Execute With Intent

If you don't execute with the proper intent ... You aren't going to build anything.

The actions you take must have real intention behind them.

You can build all the positive habits you want.

You can start working out every day.

You can start keeping track of your nutrition.

You can start showing up to work early.

You can start reading books to develop your mindset and skill set.

It doesn't matter if you fail to execute on these things with the proper intent.

Consider why you are looking to build new habits.

It's because you are looking to produce a specific outcome.

If you want to start working out every day...

It's probably because you have a vision or goal for how you want to look and feel.

Do you think that if you show up to work out every single day...

Cut corners...

Give your workouts an average level of effort...

...and don't put any real thought or planning behind your workouts...

That you'll eventually reach your goal?

Of course not. Why? It's because these actions aren't backed with the proper intent.

Exercising with real intent looks much different.

It requires your best effort.

It requires your full focus.

It requires constant self-reflection.

It requires learning from the mistakes you make and applying the lessons from these mistakes moving forward.

We all know the person who goes to the gym every day only to end up looking the exact same year after year after year.

That's what your life will look like without the proper intent. The exact same as it is right now.

2.    Be Consistent

A habit is an action you repeat regularly ... It's automatic.

If you're looking to build new habits...

Consistency is everything.

You can't build any momentum or traction by only taking action when it's convenient or you feel like it. You need to be disciplined to executing every day.

Some days you're just going to have to force yourself through it.

Building new habits isn't easy ... For any of us.

Don't expect it to be.

Stay consistent.

Execute with intent.

...and make sure you do not compromise in either of these areas.

Understand that success in anything requires consistency over the course of time.

It will be no different when it comes to building the habits required to become successful.

Effort + Time = Success.

Never forget that.

3.    Use the Power List

Yeah ... Forming new habits is hard.

The process is also very simple.

It's show up...

Execute with intent...

...and repeat long enough for these tasks to become automatic for you.

I use a tool I call The Power List.

The Power List is the top 5 most critical tasks you need to take action on TODAY to reach your goals.

Your critical tasks will likely be the actions you're looking to form habits out of ... Which happens to be the entire point of The Power List.

It's designed to help you develop the habit of winning.

If you complete all 5 of your critical tasks ... You win the day.

If you fail to complete any of your 5 critical tasks ... You lose the day.

The Power List puts the scoreboard right in front of your face.

If you win enough days ... You win the week.

If you win enough weeks ... You win the month.

If you win enough months ... You win the year.

If you win enough years ... You win in life.

Get it?

The Power List holds you accountable to winning the day...

Because if you can win one day...

You have what it takes to win in life.

You'll also have what it takes to build new habits.

...and with The Power List...

You are forming new habits out of your critical tasks.

When you do...

Continue doing the task and replace that task on your Power List with a new critical task.

You can get your own Power List here and start building the habit of winning the day now.

The #1 Skill You Need To Build New Habits

How long does it take to build a habit?

It probably is somewhere between 18-254 days ... but the question isn't even relevant.

Because here's the reality...

All of the tasks that you're working to build habits out of are not magically going to become easier or more enjoyable for you when they become habitual.

You also can't let your foot off the gas and expect the habits to stick after you've done them enough days in a row.

If that's what you were expecting ... I'd recommend aligning yourself with the real truth of what it will take for you to become successful.

Winners understand that there will still be plenty of days where executing on their tasks will require a massive amount of effort.

...and on these days, their habits alone will not be enough to carry them.

Instead of worrying about how long it's going to take for them to build new habits...

They focus on what actually matters: Building the mental toughness and discipline to show up and execute at a high level every single day.

Mental toughness is the most important skill you can build to take complete control of your life.

It's also the foundation upon which every other skill you need to win in life is built...







These are skills you can develop through your commitment to pursuing the most mentally hardened version of yourself possible.

If you want to learn how to build the skill of mental toughness and harness its power to create a life by your own design...

I recommend you get a copy of my book, The Book on Mental Toughness.

This book is meant to be a resource you can come back to over the course of your life to sharpen this skill.

What you choose to do with it is on you.

It will also walk you through the 75 HARD Program. This is a 100% FREE program that has already helped hundreds of thousands of people take control of their life.

Build the skill of mental toughness.

It's the most important skill you'll need to build new habits and maintain them long-term.

Get The Book on Mental Toughness now.

The Book on Mental Toughness

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