July 01, 2022 5 min read

Everybody likes to talk about how busy they are ... and how they "have no time" to do the things they need to get done.

Other than the fact that most people are extremely inefficient with their time...

Here's the truth...

If they really wanted to accomplish something...

They would MAKE the time.

The reason why they think they have no time is because they either...

A. Have poor time-management skills.


B. Aren't prioritizing correctly.

So, how do you fix this and make time for what really matters?

This Isn't Going To Be Easy to Hear...

The reason you're not able to get around to the things that matter is because they don't actually matter to you.

We all have the same 24 hours every day...

It's not a coincidence that some people take care of business while others don't.

It ultimately comes down to your commitment to your goals.

If you aren't committed...

You aren't going to make the time.

If you are committed...

You'll have no problem making the time.

So ask yourself...

Are you actually committed or not?

How to Determine What Matters To You

Some people just aren’t really sure what matters most to them…

Which is okay...

Because I'll show you how you can determine that quickly.

Here’s what I recommend…

You should let your obituary influence your agenda.

What do I mean by that?

I mean, what do you want others to say about you when you die?

What kind of legacy are you trying to leave?

What would you have liked to accomplish?

These are all questions you should ask yourself and use as a tool to evaluate your biggest goals in life.

Everything you do on a daily basis should help you reach those goals.


Anything outside of that … you need to cut out.

Go all in on the things that are going to help you build the life and the legacy you want.

Once you’ve identified what you’re going after…

You need to make time for these things.

How To Make Time For What Matters

Here’s what I do to make time for the things that matter most to me…

I use a tool I developed called The Power List.

Here’s how The Power List works…

Build a list of 5 critical tasks that you need to complete every day.

These tasks should be geared toward helping you reach your goals.

Not checklist tasks…

Not chores…

Not habits you already have…

None of that.

These need to be tasks that will actually make a difference in your life...

...and keep you moving forward.

Every day you are given the opportunity to win or lose the day.

If you complete all 5 of your tasks…

You win the day.

If you fail to complete all 5 tasks…

You lose the day.

The Power List puts the score right in front of your face.

When you get in the habit of completing your tasks…

You are also building the habit of winning.

The important thing to remember is that you are doing what matters most to you.

Managing Your Time More Effectively

I get it…

You might be thinking…

“But Andy, you’re telling me to do 5 things on top of everything I’m doing now?  How will I ever get around to all that?”

Well, here are 5 things you can do to become more effective with your time

1. Immerse Yourself In One Thing At a Time

When you do something…

…and I mean anything…

Make sure you are giving the tasks at hand your complete, dedicated focus and effort.

Trying to do several things at once isn’t effective…

It’s actually just a way to mess up two things at the same time.

It’s lazy.

Finishing the job to the best of your ability is what’s important.

2. Minimize Your Transition Time and Wasted Time

When you move from one task to another…

There is going to be transition time.

You need to find a way to make the most of this time.

“Downtime” can also fall under this category.

If you have time available to you…

You better be making good use of it.

If you’re stuck waiting on something…

Take the time to read…

Or send an email…

Or pay some bills…

Anything is better than nothing.

Where are the down-periods or holes in your day where you could be doing something productive or tackling your critical tasks?

Learn to identify these times and plan to fill them in with something that is going to take you even closer to your goals.

3. Minimize Meeting Time

Most people waste entirely too much time meeting or interacting with someone ... when the reality is the interaction could have been a quick call, text, or email.

You have to always be focused on operating with efficiency…

…and a great way to do this is by reducing the amount of time you spend meeting and conversing with others.

A lot of conversations are completely unnecessary and wasteful.

The best way you can manage this better is by establishing time frames and not straying away from them.

If a meeting is only supposed to last 30 minutes…

Set that expectation ahead of time, and stick to it.

4. Learn the Correct Meaning of "Urgent"

I can promise you this…

99% of the things that you consider "urgent" are not urgent.

There are very few actual fires you have to put out throughout the day.

…and if you can’t delineate between what’s urgent and what’s not…

You’ll be wasting a lot of time taking care of tasks that aren’t going to help you get closer to your goals.

Avoid falling into the trap of thinking everything is “urgent”, and then getting none of it done.

Stay focused on what’s most important and prioritize that.

5. Establish a Routine

One of the easiest ways to make sure you’re staying on track with the things that matter most to you is by building a routine.

It’s a great way to avoid random distractions…

…and distractions are the devil.

It will help eliminate the side conversations…

Wasted time on social…

…and anything else that is intrusive.

You have to stay focused.

That’s the important part.

So set up your schedule up in a way that eliminates as much of these distractions as possible.

Make Time For What Matters

When you can apply these tips and start executing on The Power List

You’ll be utilizing more of the time you need for what matters…

Pursuing and actually reaching your biggest goals in life.

Yes, there are other things you’ll have to let go of…

But isn’t living the life of your dreams worth a few minor sacrifices?

If it isn’t…

You’re in the wrong place.

We’re here to win and make our dreams a reality.

What about you?

If you want to learn more about winning and success…

Give my podcast a listen here.

Also in Andy Frisella Blog

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