February 28, 2022 3 min read

Most people go through life as an extension of what society tells them to be.

They follow the rules...

They blend in...

They don't express any authenticity...

...all because they don't truly understand how important it is to be authentic.

You need to understand this...

When you go through life trying to be a different version of somebody else...

Or just a watered down, vanilla version of yourself...

The best you'll ever be is average.

If you want to have confidence...

If you want to experience happiness...

If you want to have great relationships...

...and if you want to build the life you've always dreamed of...

You have to be true to yourself.

What Does It Mean to Be True to Yourself

“Being yourself” isn’t just a meaningless cliche.

It’s crucial if you want to be successful in life.

It’s all about being authentic and unapologetic.

You have unique gifts that you can share with the world...

...and when you try to copy someone else or "fit in" with the rest of the world...

You are robbing yourself and everybody else of those gifts.

Remember this...

Authenticity always wins.

Authenticity = Trust

This is one of the biggest reasons why you have to be true to yourself…

When you are desperately trying to be somebody else…

…and you put on a display for others…

People lose the ability to trust you.

That's because you come off as disingenuous and fake.

This is especially true in business...

When you don't come across as genuine and authentic...

Nobody is going to trust you...

Which means nobody will do business with you.

You have to find your own lane.

On top of that, there is no advantage to you copying anybody else in business.

In fact...

That's when you'll get in trouble.

If you run a company and say...

"We're just like ___, but better."

You are shooting yourself in the foot.

There is nothing unique about being like another brand...

Plus, nobody likes a copycat.


Being Authentic Is Crucial For Your Relationships

When you’re not authentic…

People will pick up on that intuitively.

If you’re going to create the kind of relationships that are fulfilling in life…

You have to be yourself.

When you pretend to be somebody else…

You can’t attract the people you are going to get along with best.

It just won’t happen.

You will only attract people who won't bring any value to your life...

Over and over and over again.

It's a situation that you can't win.

So quit being somebody other than yourself...

Because it will turn away the right people.

Don’t Use Authenticity As a Cop Out

Some people will use authenticity as an excuse to be lazy...

Well, I hate to break it to you but sitting in your mom’s basement and playing call of duty because “you’re just being yourself” has nothing to do with authenticity.

We’re talking about being true to yourself in terms of your character…

Not in terms of your habits…

It ultimately comes down to self-awareness and being honest with yourself.

Don’t use authenticity as a way to opt-out of responsibility.

That's weak.

Authenticity and Happiness Go Hand-in-Hand

The worst thing that you can do is try to appeal to everybody.

Not only does it water down the gift that you can give everybody…

But it also completely derails your confidence and happiness.

If you're always putting on a show and pretending to be somebody else...

You’re always going to feel like a fraud.

You need to be who you truly are in your heart...

It has a significant impact on your overall happiness in life.

Not Everyone Is Going To Like You

At the end of the day…

It doesn’t matter how much you water yourself down to make others happy…

There will always be people who don’t like you.

They won't like the way you talk...

They won't like the way you dress...

They won't like the things you stand for...

So you may as well be true to yourself.

At least that way, you’re attracting people who will love you and be fiercely loyal, instead of a bunch of people who feel indifferent about you.

Be True to Yourself

Everyone has different visions for their life…

Why would you live out anybody else’s vision?

Being authentic starts with being real, down to earth, and not taking yourself so seriously.

It’s going to give you the relationships…

The connections…

The business opportunities…

…and the life you’ve always wanted for yourself.

That’s why it’s important to be true to yourself.

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