I'm sure you've heard all these stories about entrepreneurs who came from nothing and turned their life or business(es) into something amazing.
Most people will hear these stories and nod in disbelief...
They think it's just a bunch of bullshit.
But here's the truth...
I know enough of these people and their stories first-hand...
...as well as my own story...
To know how it really works.
People just don't understand why it's the guy who started from nothing who ends up building a great empire.
It's not because it's a made up backstory to make it sound sexy...
These people just know how to turn nothing into something.
It's resourcefulness...
...and if you want to be successful in life...
You have to learn how to be resourceful as well.
In terms of success…
Resourcefulness is being able to take what you have and turn it into what you want.
It's a skill.
Not everybody has the skill of resourcefulness...
But anybody can develop it.
That’s why you hear all of these success stories about people who came from nothing…
They were resourceful and creative enough to turn their lack of resources into valuable skills that took them very far in life.
The good news is ... you can do the same.
What I've come to recognize about people who are resourceful is they all share the same qualities.
Here are 4 things that all resourceful people possess...
Resourceful people are so successful because they give themselves no other option but to succeed.
They are either going to succeed, or they are going to die trying.
The problem with most people is that they give themselves too many options...
If they need to go to the gym to work out, they think...
"Well, I could workout ... or I can sit on the couch, play video games, drive my car around town, or go out to dinner."
Whereas resourceful people give themselves no option but to go to the gym.
They think ... "I'm going to go to the gym and get in my workout no matter what ... even if it means that I have to work out at midnight."
See the difference?
It's about having the determination to get it done no matter what.
This is the foundation of being resourceful.
Because when you have no options...
You're forced to get creative with how you get the job done.
If you decide that you're going to drive from Missouri to California...
You know you're going to get to California eventually.
You just have to figure out which roads are going to be the best to take.
This is how resourceful people operate in their lives...
They don't doubt that they are going to arrive at their goals...
They expect it.
Too many people are stuck in the mindset of wondering what's going to happen.
If this is you...
You have to switch your mindset from wondering if you're going to make it, to expecting that you're going to make it.
When you're in the mindset of wondering whether things are going to happen to you...
You'll eventually quit.
Here's why...
When things get hard, and you're not sure if you'll even be able to hit your goal...
It's much easier to throw in the towel...
But if you know you can get through the struggles and adversity to get to the destination point...
You wouldn't even think of quitting.
People who are resourceful don’t cry and moan about what they don’t have…
In fact, they see what they don't have as a blessing, because it will help them build the skills they need to create an amazing life for themselves.
They figure out the best scheme to use what they do have ... and build off of that.
When you ask most people why they haven’t been successful in an area…
They’ll have an excuse about how they didn’t have the right resources.
In reality though ... they just don’t have what it takes mentally to truly succeed.
Resourceful people may not have the best tools available to them...
But they never use it as an excuse or a reason to complain.
To them, there is no value in crying about it.
A huge part of being resourceful is learning from your failures and mistakes.
Resourceful people know that they are going to make mistakes...
Everybody does.
The problem with most people is that they'll keep making the same mistakes over and over again and expect a different result.
Resourceful people don't make the same mistake twice.
If you think about it...
When you use the lessons you've gathered from your past mistakes ... you're being resourceful.
You're taking advantage of your mistakes to learn from and progress in life.
You’re not always going to have all the resources…
You’re not always going to have all the tools…
You’re not always going to have the right people…
That’s why you have to learn to be resourceful.
When you develop this skill…
It doesn’t matter what your starting point is or what obstacles are in your way…
You will find a way.
You’re a leader whether you realize it or not.
Even if you don’t hold the title of "leader" on a team...
There is at least one person, if not multiple people, who look to you for leadership.
Your friends...
If you struggle to reach your goals...
If you can't keep the promises you make to yourself...
...and if you feel like your life is a disaster...
It's because you lack the skill of mental toughness...
As humans, we are hardwired to compete.
Competition is in our blood.
Competition is in our DNA.
...and competition is also a necessary element of becoming truly great...