If you are truly serious and committed to becoming the best version of yourself and achieving massive success in life...
You must develop the skill of mental toughness.
It's the single most important skill you need to win.
...and if you were to take a look at all the people who have gone out and accomplished anything of real significance...
You'll quickly realize that mental toughness is something that each and every one of them possess.
Building the life that you dream about will not be possible for you without mental toughness.
...But how do you build it?
Let me start with this ... most of what you've heard about mental toughness and building mental toughness is false.
Exercising "self-care" and setting boundaries isn't going to make you mentally tough. Neither of these things are characteristics of mentally tough people.
Real mental toughness is earned and forged through the flames.
Real mental toughness comes from keeping the promises you make to yourself.
If you're looking to build mental toughness in the quickest and most systematic way possible...
The 75 HARD mental toughness program is your answer.
75 HARD is for everyone.
I designed the program in a way that allows literally anyone to do it.
Yes, regardless of your physical limitations. The program is scalable to your fitness level.
If your life isn't exactly what you want it to be right now...
75 HARD is for you.
If you feel like you're spinning your wheels in life...
75 HARD is for you.
If you want to become the best version of yourself...
75 HARD is for you.
If you want to learn to control your internal dialogue...
75 HARD is for you.
If you lack confidence and self-belief...
75 HARD is for you.
If you lack the discipline and self-control to follow through on your promises...
75 HARD is for you.
If you think you are already highly skilled and can't get any better...
You're wrong ... and 75 HARD is for you.
This is not some trending internet challenge to look cool for all your buddies.
It's not a "fitness challenge" either.
If getting in shape is your only goal ... I'd recommend you do something else, because there are tons of better, easier, and more efficient ways to get in shape.
75 HARD is about mental toughness ... which is a skill that literally everyone can benefit from.
Mental toughness is the single most important skill you need to take complete control of your life for good.
75 HARD is a free, 75 day mental toughness program. I designed the program to be a resource for anyone looking to strengthen their mental toughness in a clear-cut and systematic way.
75 HARD is about taking complete control of your life by owning the conversation inside your mind.
You are in control of far more of the factors that have a direct influence on your life than you may realize. This is what 75 HARD will show you.
It’s the only mental toughness program you'll ever need ... and it's 100% free to do.
On 75 HARD, you commit yourself to completing 5 critical tasks every single day for 75 consecutive days.
There can be zero compromise.
There can be zero substitutions.
The program must be completed exactly as it is laid out for you.
Here are the required daily tasks for the 75 HARD program...
Pick a fitness-oriented goal for the next 75 days and design a nutrition plan around that goal. Next, adhere to that diet. No cheat meals. No alcohol. No slip-ups. No questionable foods.
The entire point of this mental toughness program is to be difficult. You could follow a macro-based diet, eat pizza every day, and still lose weight. Would that be difficult for you to do though?
That's my point ... Make it challenging. You and I know the difference between a "diet" food and a "cheat" food. Pick the more difficult option. This is about building mental toughness ... Not checking a box.
On 75 HARD, you are committing to completing two 45-minute workouts every day. 45 minutes is the minimum amount of time the workout can be for.
One of the workouts must also be completed outside, regardless of the conditions. Plan accordingly. This is training your mind to execute regardless of what the external circumstances are.
Each workout must be spaced at least 3 hours between each other. You cannot do them back to back or take a short break and jump into the next workout. These have to be two, completely separate workouts.
No flavor. No carbonation. Just plain water.
A mental toughness program should help optimize your physical and mental health. Why? Because your mind and body are the two most important tools you use every single day to create the life you want.
They also act as an interconnected system. Do you really believe you'll be able to build a sharp, disciplined mind without taking proper care of it? Of course not.
One of the best things you can do to grow your mindset and skill set is through reading. In fact, I credit a lot of my success in life to this habit.
Building mental toughness also means filling your brain with rich information instead of the same garbage everybody else watches on TikTok and Netflix.
This is designed to sharpen your mind and expand your perspective. The valuable lessons and skills you'll derive from books will shape your life in ways you never thought possible. But, I'm asking you to sit down and read a physical copy.
No audio books. No YouTube videos. This is about placing all of your energy and focus into building your mindset.
The final task on the 75 HARD mental toughness program is taking a progress photo. This isn't something you have to share anywhere. Keep it for your own reference.
The point of the progress photo is not what you may think. This isn't about building confidence with the person who looks back at you in the mirror ... Your execution will take care of that.
This is about remembering to take care of the small, seemingly insignificant details. Amongst the other, "bigger" tasks ... The progress photo doesn't seem like a big deal. Even still, it's required, and something you have to be diligent about. I've known more people who have failed the program because of this task than any other. Don't forget the small details.
75 HARD is the ultimate mental toughness program. If you follow the program to a T … You and your life will never be the same.
…But only if you execute on the program with the proper intent.
If you are thinking about starting 75 HARD just to say you did it ... Move on. You are wasting 75 days of your life on something that will be completely meaningless to your progression.
You should approach 75 HARD with the goal of becoming the most mentally hardened version of yourself possible.
Because if you go through the motions, you are missing out on the most important component of the program. It's constantly pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone to build strength.
That's why if you fail to complete any task on the program ... Whether it's day 2 or day 74 ... You must restart the entire program from day 1.
PS: Executing a task without the proper intent is failing.
You already have all the tools you need to become great.
You already have all the tools you need to build the life that you dream about.
You already have all the tools you need to become successful in anything and everything that you do.
You just need to build mental toughness.
It is the foundation in which every other skill you need to win in life is built upon.
Through the 75 HARD mental toughness program, you can learn how to harness this skill to create your ultimate self.
My book, The Book on Mental Toughness, will teach you everything you need to know about mental toughness, the 75 HARD program, and more.
Get your copy of The Book on Mental Toughness here and start building the mental toughness you need to dominate in every area of your life.
At some point in your life, you will inevitably question whether the things you have done have made a difference.
You have two options.
You can either look back at your life and feel as if you wasted it.
Or ... You can look back at your life and...
You must have confidence if you want to win in life.
The problem is ... Most of what we've been told about confidence isn't anywhere close to the reality of what real confidence is.
Allow me set the record straight...
Confidence can't be...
Mental strength is essential for success in any area of life.
The good news is ... Mental strength is not a gift.
You aren't born with it.
You can't....