February 15, 2024 6 min read

Every single one of us has gone through and will go through tough times.

It’s an unavoidable fact of life.

When we find ourselves in these tough times, it can be extremely difficult to maintain a positive outlook and attitude.

If you’re struggling right now, I want you to understand that:

1. You’re not alone.

2. As hard as these times may be, they are helping to mold and shape you into someone capable of overcoming even greater challenges in the future.

They are tests you must pass to help you get wherever it is you’re trying to go in life.

But at times, these struggles and challenges can feel unbearable.

At times, It can feel like giving up is the best option.

It’s not.


I battle with the feeling of wanting to give up almost every single day.

But I’ve also developed strategies to help me push through these times and keep moving.

Today, I want to share those strategies with you.

My hope is that you’re able to power through the times you feel like giving up on your goals…

…and instead, stick with them, and see them through to the end.

Nothing keeps more people from their dreams than quitting.


It’s Normal to Feel Like Giving Up

If you feel guilty about wanting to give up…


It’s completely normal to feel like giving up or quitting.

A lot of people wrongly assume that chasing their goals is always going to be fun and easy…

But this is literally never the case.

If you’re somebody who is in pursuit of big goals in life…

Every single day is going to feel like an uphill battle for you.

It’s hard.

Extremely hard.

You’re going to feel like giving up on your goals constantly.

Just understand that this feeling is normal, and if you expect that achieving any level of true success is easy…

You will be extremely disappointed when you find out that the literal opposite is the truth.

This is where I recommend you start when you feel like giving up on your goals.

Adjust your expectations for how hard the journey is going to be…

How long the journey is going to take…

…and just how much you’re going to want to quit.

Changing your mindset here will have a massive impact on your overall mood and feeling of enjoyment on the journey … including during the times when you feel like giving up.

Draw On Your Motivations

In the times when I feel like giving up on my goals…

Or in the times when the last thing I want to do is get out of bed and execute on my tasks…

I always go back to the things that motivate me most.

On your toughest days…

Having multiple reasons to keep going is required.

Now, your motivations will evolve and change over time.

Everybody’s do.

But the quicker you can identify and start building out a list of things that motivate you most…

The better.

The truth is…

There are quite a few things I pull from for motivation…

What drives me the most now is the positive impact that accomplishing my goals will have on the people around me and in the world…

But that’s far from the only source of energy I utilize when I feel like giving up.

I also think about everybody who has ever told me I wouldn’t do anything in life…

People who discounted my goals…

People who made remarks to my face…

…and all the people who have done me wrong.

It’s not that I wish bad on these people…

In fact, I hope they become better people … because the world needs it.

I actually use the hurtful things these people have said and done as fuel to drive me forward.

I harness the negativity, and push it into productive action.

Another source I use for motivation is fear.

Fear is a powerful emotion that you can use to drive you forward.

Sometimes, It’s the fear of being broke or living a life of regret that keeps me going.

Before I had any of these motivations, I was driven by material possessions … specifically cars.

Had it not been for my love of cars…

There’s no saying where I’d be today.

Understand that your motivations can be powerful tools to get you through these tough times and get you to take action when you’d rather do anything else.

Take inventory of anything and everything that drives you…

Then use that list anytime you feel like giving up or cutting a corner.

Practice Gratitude

One of the best ways to feel better about your life instantly is to start expressing genuine gratitude.

I’m being very literal when I say this too.

When you feel like giving up…

Take some time to calm your mind and identify 3 things that you are grateful for.

When you’re in constant pursuit of more…

It can be easy to completely miss all of the amazing things that you’ve been able to materialize from pursuing your potential.

I’m talking about the relationships…

The daily wins…

The short-term goals you accomplish…

…and all the other little improvements that happen all around you as you begin to work for more.

That’s why it’s important that you’re taking inventory of what you’re grateful for every single day.

It will help you identify a lot of these great things that you’ve been able to materialize along the journey itself.

If you never take the time to be grateful…

You will be far more likely to quit because it can start to feel like all of the time and effort you’ve put in was for nothing.

The reality is, you just aren’t consciously reminding yourself of all of the ways that your life has gotten better.

Not only can gratitude be a strategy to use when you feel like quitting…

Exercising gratitude can also help prevent yourself from ever getting to a point where you feel like giving up on your goals is the best option.

Surround Yourself With People Who Encourage Your Growth


I am very blessed to be surrounded by some of the most incredible people this world has to offer.

But, it wasn’t always this way.

I had to build these relationships…

Because in the beginning of my success journey…

I had very few of them.

Chances are…

There probably aren’t a lot of people in your life who truly understand or encourage your goals.

That doesn’t mean these are bad people…

A lot of times, they just want what’s best for you, but don’t actually know what that is.

I recommend you seek out other people who are committed to pursuing their goals.

When you feel like giving up on your goals…

These people will help push you and hold you accountable to seeing your promises through to the end.

These are the most valuable relationships you can have because they will help you achieve your goals instead of holding you back.

Figure out who those people are in your life…

…and bring them close.

Never Give Up On Your Goals


The only way you can actually fail in life is if you quit.

That’s the truth.

Don’t make that decision based on temporary emotions.

You will never forgive yourself.

Get up…

Dust yourself off…

…and keep it moving.

Focus on building yourself into someone who is capable of handling hardship and times when you feel like giving up.

Achieving your biggest goals in life is extremely difficult.

It requires mental toughness.

…and if you’re serious about building the life you say you want

You need to start building this skill now.

75 HARD can help.

75 HARD is a transformative mental toughness program. Think of it as an ironman for your brain. Plus, it’s 100% free to do.

Hundreds of thousands of people have already completed the program and have made incredible transformations in their lives as a result.

So if you’re looking to build mental toughness…

…and take complete control of your life…

Get started with 75 HARD here.

You can also learn more about 75 HARD and mental toughness in my new book, The Book on Mental Toughness.

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