May 25, 2021 2 min read

We all have at least one person in our lives that we respect and look up to...

But what is it about them that we admire?

Why do we respect them?

How do we get others to respect us?

It has to be earned, and you must earn it from yourself and others.

Everything In Life Is Earned

Everywhere you look in society today, we’re told that we’re all special, and we deserve everything we want in the world…

That sounds great ... but it's not the truth.

The truth is ... you deserve nothing.

You earn everything by putting in the work.

Respect is no different...

If you want respect, you have to earn it through your daily actions.

What did you do today to earn someone’s respect?

What did you do today to earn your own respect?

Everything from your personal standards ... to the effort you put in on a daily basis will dictate the amount of respect you'll get from yourself and others.

Do you stay true to your word?

If you are looking to earn respect…

That is a great place to start.

Executing on the things you say that you're going to do is the best way to earn respect from yourself and boost your confidence.

How To Earn Respect From Yourself

The only way you can earn respect from yourself is by staying true to your word.

If you say you’re going to do something…

Do it.

If you have the opportunity to prove what you're capable of through action...

Do it.

The problem with society today is that nobody is willing to do the work necessary to get the results.

They would rather complain about how "unfair" life is.

How much respect would you have for yourself if you actually went out and earned the results?

Something to think about...

How to Earn Respect From Others

Earning respect from others goes hand-in-hand with earning respect from yourself...

The more you accomplish in your life…

The more you experience…

The more hardship you undergo…

The more respect you’ll earn from others.

Earned respect comes from an admiration for the actions you take daily, the great things you’ve done, and struggles you’ve overcome in your life.

Just remember this...

Not everyone is going to respect you…

Not everyone is going to like you…

Don't worry about it.

It’s all about having the right people respect you.

Earning respect from others will also take time...

You have to be patient.

Why Is It Important To Earn Respect?

If you truly want to accomplish amazing things in your life…

You need people.

Teams accomplish so much more than any individual ever could.

Leadership also happens to be an essential skill to become successful.

In order to lead, you need to earn the respect of your peers.

That’s why it's so crucial that you earn the respect of others.

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