June 02, 2022 6 min read

Every day, we see meme after meme about what it means to become "successful."

But how do you know when you've actually become successful?

Because the truth is…

Success looks a little different for everybody.

What is Success?

Here's my definition of success...

Success is the pursuit of the fulfillment of your own true potential at all times.

What do I mean by this?

If you aren’t actively pursuing your potential as a human being … You aren’t successful.

That literally means that I don’t think of success as a destination.

I think of success as a choice.

Even though this is my personal definition and belief about success

I still think you have to find your own definition of what it means to be successful.

For some people, success may be a financial goal...

A physical goal...

A relationship goal…

…and anything in between.

But that still leaves us with the question ... how do you measure success?

Identify Your Version of Success

The first thing you have to do to measure your success is to establish your definition of success.

Don't B.S. yourself...

You know deep down what it means for you to live a successful life.

Just as an example...

Let's pretend that you and I share the same definition of success.

Since your potential is constantly evolving…

You will never reach a point where you have maxed out your potential.

Because of this … Success is a sliding scale.

You won't ever "make it" and be successful...

Which means you have to be in constant pursuit of success.

You have to choose it.

So let me ask you this...

Are you pursuing your potential?

Are you choosing success?

If you're not...

By definition, you can't be successful.

Start with figuring out what success means to you...

…and make sure you avoid this mistake at all costs…

Don't Model Someone Else's Success

I see far too many people who fall into the trap of modeling their idea of success off somebody else's life or achievements.

The problem with this is the majority of people you see online are not sharing the full story.

You’re only seeing what they want you to see.

So, when you go out to replicate somebody else…

Not only are you being inauthentic…

But you may also be chasing after something fake, and following in the footsteps of somebody who hasn’t actually done anything.

That’s why it’s best that you create your own version of success.

…and once you have… 

You need to measure it.

How To Measure Your Success

I believe success should be measured on an individual basis.

If you're comparing yourself to others in order to measure your success...

You're doing it wrong.

Everybody has different potential.

It's not an apples-to-apples comparison.

Your potential may be greater than or different from somebody else.

That's okay.

Some people may only be good at cooking burgers...

But if they're cooking the best burgers and working to get better at their craft...

I'd consider them to be successful. Wouldn't you?

Maybe your potential is to be a CEO.

If you aren't doing everything in your power to become a CEO or a leader in your organization...

Could you actually consider yourself successful?

If you’re shortchanging your potential … Probably not.

You can only measure success within your own realm of potential.

If you know you're holding back...

You're not choosing success.

But at the end of the day, this will all depend on how you define success.

So, before you can even measure your success … You have to decide what it looks like on your terms. 

Is it financial freedom?

Personal fulfillment?

Making an impact in your community?

Being the healthiest and happiest version of yourself?

Whatever it is, you have to truly believe it.

If you don’t truly believe it … You won’t feel as if you’re actually successful when you meet your own criteria.

…and as you grow…

Your definition of success will likely evolve.

That’s okay…

It’s supposed to.

As you and your potential grow … So will your benchmarks for success.

That’s why I don’t like to think of success as a static target.

It moves as you move and grows as you grow. 

So, if you really want the best way to measure your success…

Here are a few ways you can gauge your progress. 

Measure Success Through Personal Growth

The ultimate marker of progress isn’t found in competing with others…

It’s found in the competition with yourself.

I recommend you take inventory of your progress daily.

If you show up and execute on all of your tasks and absolutely smash your day today…

When you wake up tomorrow, you will be undeniably better than you were the day before because you took the actions necessary to improve.

This is how I like to think about it.

When you make every day your mission to execute to the best of your capabilities…

You will be getting a little better every single day.

Make this your goal.

The more consistent you can be…

The more progress you’ll make over time.

Measure Success On A Daily Basis

Your life is the sum of your daily actions and habits.

If you truly want to achieve whatever success means to you…

You have to audit the actions you take every day.

Are you taking action on the tasks necessary to reach your goals and pursue your potential?

Or … Are your daily habits and actions misaligned with what it will take for you to become the person you want to become and build the life you want to build?

Measure success on a daily basis.

If you show up and execute on the tasks required of you to reach your goals and win…

I would consider that to be success.

If you aren’t executing on the tasks required of you to reach your goals and win…

I would not consider that to be success.

Measure Success On Accomplishments & Contributions

A lot of people think of success as accomplishing something specific.

Even if this isn’t what you personally believe about success…

Your personal achievements…

Your professional achievements…

…and your impact can all be benchmarks you use to measure success.

Because the truth is…

If you’re truly showing up every single day and choosing success through the actions you take…

What you achieve and the impact you have will be a direct result of those actions.

Success, in the sense of achievement, is actually very simple.

It’s inputs = outputs.

Are you making a difference?

Have you accomplished anything of significance?

Your external success will be a direct reflection of the actions you’ve taken as well as the time you’ve given them to materialize.

If you haven’t accomplished what it is you want to accomplish…

You either haven’t been taking the right actions…

Or you haven’t been taking the right actions for long enough.

There can be no other reasons.

Measuring Monetary Success

Other than personal achievement, a lot of other people measure success from a monetary standpoint.

But, how do you measure whether you are financially successful or not?

Again, while this may change for everyone…

Here’s what I’d consider to be financially successful…

It’s having the financial freedom to do anything, at any time, with anyone.

If you can’t do that…

Are you monetarily successful?

Maybe not…

But that’s for you to decide.

Only you know your potential and how much money you need to earn to achieve true financial freedom and success.

You Can Be Successful

Success is a decision that you need to make for yourself.

Do you want it or not?

If you show up every day to pursue your potential…

You are choosing success.

If you aren’t…

I would reconsider whether you actually want success or not.

Success Requires Mental Toughness

How you measure success may be different...

But how you achieve success will be no different than it will be for everyone else...

It's through execution and the relentless pursuit of your potential.

Maintaining this commitment long-term is not easy.

Your strength and character will be continually tested along the journey.

That's why you must build yourself into someone capable of overcoming any challenge you're presented with.

You must get extremely intentional about developing mental toughness.

I show you exactly how to develop this skill and take complete control of your life in my book, The Book on Mental Toughness.

If you're serious about building yourself and your life into something of true greatness...

Mental toughness is not optional.

It's the literal foundation upon which every other skill required for success is built.






These are all skills you will develop through mental toughness.

Get your copy of The Book on Mental Toughness and start building the mental toughness you need to succeed now.

The Book on Mental Toughness

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