October 29, 2024 5 min read

75 HARD is like an ironman for your brain. It's a rigorous program that I created to help you build mental toughness and get a taste of your true potential in life.

You are capable of far more than you could ever imagine ... and 75 HARD will show you that.

In 75 HARD, you will be pushed far beyond the limit of what you consider to be comfortable, easy, and convenient.

This isn't a "fitness challenge" like everybody else on the internet will tell you. Will your body physically transform as a result of completing the program? Sure.

But I can guarantee you the mental transformation will be MUCH bigger than your physical transformation.

If you complete 75 HARD exactly as I lay it out with 0 compromise and 0 substitutions...

You and your life will never be the same.

Mental toughness is the literal foundation upon which every other skill is built to help you win big and create the life you ultimately want for yourself.

You'll build confidence...

You'll build self-esteem...

You'll build self-belief...

You'll build fortitude...

You'll build grit...

75 HARD will help you take complete control of your life. But, it will not be easy ... at all.

If you're ready to start the program, you can get a PDF below to track your progress and successfully complete the program.

First, let me give you a quick recap of what will be required of you for the next 75 days.

75 HARD Program Tasks & Rules

Completing 75 HARD takes the execution of five tasks every single day for the next 75 days.

If you miss any tasks at any point throughout the program ... you must start over on Day 1. It doesn't matter if you're on Day 2 or Day 74. If you fail to complete a task, you must restart 75 HARD completely.

Here are the 5 critical tasks you MUST complete every day with 0 compromise and 0 substitutions.

Task #1: Follow a Diet (No Alcohol & No Cheat Meals)

You must follow a diet geared toward your goals. You will adhere to this diet for the next 75 days. That means there can be no alcohol, and no cheat meals.

Your diet can be whatever you want it to be (Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian, etc.) ... as long as it is aligned with your goals.

This task is designed to cultivate extreme discipline that you can transfer to all areas of your life. But it only works if you execute.

If you eat even a single chocolate chip ... you fail.

Task #2: Complete Two 45-Minute Workouts (1 Must Be Outdoors)

You must complete two workouts every day during 75 HARD. Both of these workouts must be a minimum of 45 minutes long, and one of the two workouts must be outside.

Regardless of the weather or circumstances you find yourself in, if you fail to complete at least one outdoor workout each day ... you must restart 75 HARD.

This is to teach you that the conditions will rarely be ideal. But ... ideal conditions are not required in order to execute.

The type of workout doesn't matter. You can run, lift weights, do a cross-training workout, go for a walk, or even do yoga. What truly matters is your intent. Are you doing a workout to check a box ... or are you attacking each and every one of your workouts?

This will train you to become someone who executes at a high level no matter what excuses or obstacles you're presented with.

Task #3: Drink a Gallon of Water

It doesn't matter how easy or difficult this task is for you ... you must find a way to get it done.

Your body and mind are tools you use every day to create the life you want. If these tools aren't as sharp as they can possibly be ... what makes you think you can win?

Water is essential for your body, mind, and how the both functions. Drink it, and build a habit of staying hydrated.

This must be plain water. No sweeteners, no fruit, no carbonation, and no BS.

Task #4: Read 10 Pages

Task #4 is designed to teach you a habit that will benefit you greatly from now, until the day you die.

You must read something that is non-fiction, educational, and can be used to improve any area of your life. Whether it be about entrepreneurship, personal development, or a job/career related topic ... you must read at least 10 pages each and every day.

That does not mean you can't read more than that, but you must read a minimum of 10 pages. You must physically read those pages, meaning audiobooks do not count.

This task is designed to feed your brain with the perspectives, skills, and information to progress your life.

Task #5: Take a Progress Photo

If you truly follow this program to a T, you will be able to look back and see how far you've come.

In the beginning, it'll be hard to take your picture ... trust me, I know. People don't like being uncomfortable ... which is what makes this task so important.

While taking a picture is actually a very simple task, it teaches you to push through discomfort. It also teaches you the importance of every detail, no matter how big or small.

This may seem like an insignificant task, but you can't forget about the small details even when there are bigger, more "important" tasks you must complete.

75 HARD Program PDF

Use this PDF as a tool to track your progress and hold yourself accountable on the 75 HARD Program.

This PDF tracker will give you:

• Daily Tasks Check-Offs 
• Progress & Reflection Tracking
• The 75 HARD Tasks 

I understand that sometimes a visual can be important to feel a sense of progress. This is your scoreboard.


Start 75 HARD Today

The 75 HARD program is a jumpstart for building mental toughness and recognizing your true potential.

Everything worthwhile in life requires mental toughness.

Achieving your biggest goals and dreams requires mental toughness.

Attaining success and fulfillment requires mental toughness.

If you're ready for the best way to start building this skill to take complete control of your life for good ... Start 75 HARD today.

Below are some resources to get you started now, including the book I wrote on the topic of mental toughness and 75 HARD ... as well as the 75 HARD Program Tracker PDF and 75 HARD App to use for the program.

Learn everything you need to know about mental toughness and 75 HARD in my book, The Book on Mental Toughness.

Track your progress and mark off your tasks on 75 HARD in the 75 HARD App.

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