The single biggest lie we’re told in society today is that we're entitled to value and feel good about ourselves.
It's that we're entitled to be confident...
We're entitled to high self-esteem...
We're entitled to feel worthy...
...and we're entitled to all of these things for just existing.
But that's not the truth.
The real truth is you CAN value yourself.
You CAN feel good about yourself.
You CAN feel confident.
You CAN have high self-esteem.
You CAN feel worthy.
But the only way you CAN is by putting in the work required to earn these things.
If you truly want to value yourself...
You must be your own savior.
You must do the work.
Valuing yourself is being proud of yourself for doing the work required to build real confidence and self-esteem.
It's feeling good about the actions you're taking, whether you're happy with your current situation or not.
This feeling is not given.
It's earned.
I'm tired of all these people on the internet running around and telling other people they deserve to feel good about themselves when they don't.
As someone who has spent a portion of my life overweight...
I promise you this is the truth.
I could have sat in front of a mirror for 20 hours a day and lied to myself about looking good or being confident...
But deep in my heart, I'd know it's still a lie.
I didn’t love myself.
I knew I could do better.
I knew that I had more potential.
…and because I wasn’t fulfilling my potential is why I felt like crap.
This will be no different for you.
You can tell yourself all the affirmations you want.
You will only value yourself if you're doing the work required to improve your situation.
You know what happens when you go out and do the things you know you need to do to value yourself?
You start to feel powerful.
You start to feel in control.
...and you start to build confidence and self-belief which are two of the most important skills you need to go out and build the life you want for yourself.
You're also going to be honing in your discipline which is one of the single most important skills you need to win in life.
That's why it's important to value yourself.
It is the foundation necessary to go out and accomplish whatever it is you're working to accomplish.
If you feel better about yourself on the inside...
This will translate into the choices you make which will dictate the result on the outside.
If you constantly have to repeat to yourself that you're worthy, confident, good enough, and love yourself...
It's because these things aren't really true.
Here's what it actually takes to value yourself...
1. Have the courage to tell yourself the truth.
2. Take the actions necessary to improve.
It's one thing to be 50 pounds overweight and working hard to lose weight.
It's another thing to be 50 pounds overweight and do absolutely nothing to change it.
If you're working hard, you'll at least be able to say, "You know what ... I may not like the way I look now, but I'm proud of myself for doing the work to change it."
You are going to feel good at that point.
Why? Because it's the work that makes you feel better.
All the good stuff comes from the work.
That's why most people don't have any of the good stuff ... They spend their entire life trying to avoid the work.
As long as you are unwilling to do the work...
You are not going to value yourself.
You need to cross the bridge from knowing all of the things you should be doing to feel good about yourself...
...and actually going out to do those things.
You have to learn to use something I call the production pivot.
There are very few days I am actually fired up to go do the work I know I need to do.
This will be no different for you.
But if you are going to value yourself...
You have to do the work regardless of whether you feel like it or not.
This is where the production pivot comes in.
Every single time the weak little voice in your head starts reasoning with you to find a way out of doing the work...
You have to shut this voice up by taking immediate action.
The minute you don't want to do the cardio...
You do the cardio.
The minute you don't want to send another email...
You send the email.
The minute you don't want to eat a healthy meal...
You eat a healthy meal.
The minute you don't want to make a sales call...
You make the call.
The minute you don't want to read...
You sit down and read.
Every time you take action in spite of how you feel...
You are exercising and building the discipline you need to continue making good decisions and feel good about yourself.
You are pivoting into productive action.
Trust me...
You will value yourself far more by taking action than you ever will by lying to yourself about how you feel.
The production pivot and the work will teach you this.
If you actually go out and do the work required...
You're going to value yourself.
You're going to feel good.
You're going to build confidence.
You're going to build self-belief.
These are all earned.
...and as you continue to progress, so will your potential, which is continuously evolving as you do.
Building yourself into someone you truly value is making the commitment to pursuing your own true potential at all times.
If you don't...
You can't feel good about yourself.
It's impossible.
You'll know deep in your heart that you are leaving a lot on the table.
Want to value yourself?
Make the commitment to pursuing your potential and never compromise.
Building yourself into someone you value is not easy.
Most of the time ... It's the exact opposite.
Most of the time ... It will be an uphill battle.
Most of the time ... You're not gonna want to do the work required.
Most of the time ... You're gonna want to quit.
Expect that the journey is going to be difficult and get hyper-intentional about building yourself into someone capable of overcoming this hardship.
This requires mental toughness, which is the single most important skill you need to win in life.
It's also the exact same skill you need to value yourself.
Through mental toughness, you'll be able to honor the commitments you make to yourself no matter how you feel and no matter what obstacles present themselves.
The conditions will never be ideal.
You will be faced with challenge after challenge on your path.
But with mental toughness...
Nothing can stand in your way.
If you're looking for the best way to build this skill and take complete control of your life...
I recommend you start 75 HARD.
75 HARD is a complete transformative mental toughness program that is 100% free to do.
You can learn more about 75 HARD here, and in my book, The Book on Mental Toughness.
This is the complete guide for building mental toughness and building yourself into someone you value.
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Without it, you cannot win.
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It's no coincidence that some of the most successful people of all time have come from extremely difficult situations.
Consider that a great thing for yourself.
Because regardless of who you are...
There's something that each and every one of us has an unlimited amount of.
Can you guess what it is?
It's potential.
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