January 23, 2025 7 min read

If you struggle to reach your goals...

If you can't keep the promises you make to yourself...

...and if you feel like your life is a disaster...

It's because you lack the skill of mental toughness.

This is the main focus of the 75 HARD Program: Building the skill of mental toughness so you can take complete control of your life.

It's your tactical guide to winning the war within yourself, which is the battle between the voice that tells you to compromise ... and the voice that tells you to show up and put in the work required.

If you're here, it's because you're interested in starting the 75 HARD Program...

You're starting the 75 HARD Program...

Or you're currently doing the 75 HARD Program...

...and you're looking for the tips and strategies to help you complete the program with 0 compromise and 0 substitutions.

I will cover each task in detail and give you the methods I've used for success on the program.

Just remember...

These 75 HARD tips are not for the purpose of making the program easier.

If that's what you're looking for...

You're missing the entire point of the program.

It's supposed to be hard ... and it's supposed to be hard because it is forging your mindset and skill set into what's necessary for you to win in every area of your life.

Keep that in mind as I cover these tips for the 75 HARD Program.

What is 75 HARD and What Are The Tasks?

If you already know what the 75 HARD Program is and the tasks that will be required of you for the next 75 days ... You can skip ahead to the next section where I'll begin to cover the tips for each critical task.

If you don't know what 75 HARD is, it's a complete transformative mental toughness program.

The entire purpose of the 75 HARD Program is to help you take complete control of your life by building the most important skill you need to win: Mental toughness.

Mental toughness is the single most important skill you can develop in life, and it serves as the foundation upon which every other skill is built.

Through the 75 HARD Program, you'll build all the skills required to win in life...

• Mental Toughness
• Confidence
• Self-Esteem
• Self-Worth
• Self-Belief
• Fortitude
• Grit

75 HARD is a 75-day program that requires you to complete all 5 critical tasks every single day with 0 compromise and 0 substitutions:

• Complete Two 45-Minute Workouts (One Must Be Outdoors)
• Drink 1 Gallon of Water (No Additives, Flavoring or Carbonation)
• Follow a Diet (No Alcohol or Cheat Meals)
• Read 10 Pages of a Non-Fiction, Personal-Development Book (No Audiobooks)
• Take a Progress Picture

I'll explain each task in detail as well as tips to help you complete the 75 HARD program.

75 HARD Tips: The Workouts

75 HARD requires you to complete two 45-minute workouts every single day.

These must be two separate workouts (at least 3 hours apart), one of which must be done outdoors.

It doesn't matter if it's snowing.

It doesn't matter if it's raining.

It doesn't matter if it's negative 20 degrees.

It doesn't matter if it's 100 degrees.

You must complete one of your workouts outdoors.

The point of this is coming to terms with the fact that conditions will never be ideal ... and you will realize this quickly during your outdoor workouts.

This is a mental toughness program, meaning this is supposed to be difficult.

My first piece of advice is to complete one of these workouts in the morning ... The sooner the better.

It also will help you if you tackle the workout you dread the most, which for most of you, will be the outdoor workout.

Of the tasks required of you on the program, this is the most time-consuming.

If you continuously procrastinate doing your workouts ... You will fail.

Something else I recommend is to avoid overtraining and risking injury by adding variety to your workouts.

For example, following a full body weight lifting routine every day is probably not the most intelligent thing you could do. Train smart.

My outdoor workouts are my cardio sessions and my indoor workouts are my weight sessions.

Don't hurt yourself thinking you can repeatedly hammer the same muscle group over and over again without creating rest through a strategic approach to your workouts.

There are an endless number of ways you can shape your routine to train smarter.

On the other hand, there are also an endless number of ways you can make your routine more challenging as your body adapts throughout the program.

You should be seeking out ways to make your workouts more challenging ... again, without hurting yourself.

Train early.

Plan accordingly.

Train smart.

...and push yourself.

75 HARD Tips: Drinking 1 Gallon Of Water a Day

As simple as the task sounds, this is one that a lot of people struggle with the most.

My best piece of advice for this task is to front-load your water intake.

That means drink water early, and drink a lot.

If you wait until the last minute to drink your water...

You'll end up in a situation where you're constantly waking up at night to go to the bathroom.

This can decrease the quality of your sleep, making it harder to recover and get the sleep you need to be in a peak mental and physical state the next day.

Start your day with as much water as you can.

My second tip is to have a water bottle that you can easily fill and use to measure your intake throughout the day.

A lot of people will carry around a gallon jug to serve as a reminder of how much they have or make an intentional effort to drink a cup of water every hour.

Front-load your water.

Keep a fillable bottle on hand.

Drink routinely throughout the day.

75 HARD Tips: Following a Diet (No Alcohol or Cheat Meals)

The diet you choose to follow as a part of the 75 HARD Program should be one that will help you achieve your fitness goals.

While it is entirely up to you what diet you choose to follow...

I would highly recommend you choose one that is well-rounded and doesn't shortchange you out of the nutrients your body needs.

If you do not fuel your body properly...

You'll be forced to face the negative consequences.

I am neither a nutritionist nor a dietitian.

If you are confused about nutrition and what's going to be best for you to do to properly fuel your body while adhering to the guidelines of this critical task...

I'd recommend you consult one.

We all inherently know the difference between a "diet" food and "non-diet" food.

Pizza does not belong on your diet.

Ice cream does not belong on your diet.

Outside of that, I'd make sure you have meals and snacks prepared when you need them.

Educate yourself so you can make the best decisions possible when you're faced with making a decision about what to eat.

This task is to help develop your discipline by learning to say "no" and choosing the hardest options when you find yourself in these situations.

This is a mental toughness program.

You should be looking for a challenge ... not running away from them.

There are going to be holidays and special occasions where crappy food is abundant.

Go with a plan.

Look up menus ahead of time.

Bring your own dish to events.

Embrace these challenges ... that's the point of the program.

Be smart and fuel your body appropriately.

Educate yourself.

Be prepared.

Don’t avoid the hardship.

75 HARD Tips: Reading 10 Pages a Day of a Non-Fiction, Personal-Development Book (No Audiobooks)

I do not have much to say about this task.

...But there are a few things that can help you adhere to this task and get the most out of it.

First, make sure you always have 2 books on hand.

Take them with you everywhere you go.

One being the book you're reading currently ... and the second being the book you plan to read afterward.

If you have natural lulls throughout your day, pull out your book and start reading.

This will help you complete a task instead of occupying this dead time with BS.

The reason I have you take a second book with you is in case you finish the book you're currently reading before you've read a full 10 pages.

Make sure you are also reading books that align with your personal and professional goals.

Books that excite you.

Books that will equip you with the mindset, skill set, lessons, and perspective necessary to make progress in your life.

If it's engaging and valuable to you, this task will be far more enjoyable and worthwhile.

Keep 2 books on hand.

Bring them with you and read them in dead times.

Pick topics that excite you and will be most beneficial for your personal and professional goals.

75 HARD Tips: Taking a Progress Picture

As easy as it sounds, this is the task that people fail to complete more than any other.

Mental toughness isn't just built around the bigger, more difficult challenges.

The small, seemingly insignificant details are just as important.

...and when those details go unaccounted for...

The end result is drastically different.

This task is symbolic of those small, mundane tasks and details required to win in anything.

You cannot lose track of them or cut corners.

Set an alarm and take this picture at the same time every day.

That's the best advice I can give you.

Build it into a habit.

75 HARD Tips: Overall

If you were looking for tips to make the program easier...

You're missing the entire point.

It's supposed to be hard.

It's supposed to be inconvenient.

It's supposed to suck.

It's supposed to be uncomfortable.

Instead of looking for how you can make it easier...

You need to embrace the challenges you're presented with on the program.

The tips I gave you are all rooted in discipline, which is a skill you will build over the course of the program.

Be urgent.

Be prepared.

Be smart.

Work hard.

Expect hardship.

Those are the only real "75 HARD Tips" you need.

...and if you don't like to hear that, it's probably a good indication that you need to complete the program exactly as I designed it.

If you're looking for a tool to help you track your tasks on the program, which I do believe can be very useful ... You can download the 75 HARD App.

For more about the 75 HARD Program, and the best book you can read on 75 HARD, get a copy of The Book on Mental Toughness.

I wrote this book as a guide and a tool you can utilize to build mental toughness and learn about the 75 HARD Program and LIVEHARD Program in depth.

Get your copy of The Book on Mental Toughness here.

...and get started with 75 HARD today.

The Book on Mental Toughness

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