You're Not That Good

October 20, 2023 1 min read

Andy Frisella talking in a meeting

If you pay close enough attention...

You'll find that most people belong to one of two groups:

The first group of people are arrogant...

They have an inflated sense of self-importance...

They over-celebrate their wins...

They are convinced that they have everything "figured out"...

They're wrong.

The second group of people are timid...

They doubt their abilities...

They play the victim card...

They let fear control their lives...

They believe they are worthless...

They're also wrong.

Understand that no matter which side of the aisle you sit on...

You are not as good as you think you are.

...and at the same time...

You are not as bad as you think you are either.

You must adopt this level of awareness for your own life and use it as a tool to get better.

Real winners are in a constant state of self-reflection and evolution.

No matter how good they become...

They know that there is always more to improve on.

The same is true for you.

You're not that good...

The sooner you can recognize that...

The sooner you can start to get better.

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