Admitting what you really are, and dedicating yourself to the process of improving it is hard as fuck.
Change is always the most difficult in the beginning...
You have to force yourself through the actions...
But as soon as you string some wins together and catch some momentum...
You're going to keep moving forward...
You're going to get lighter...
You're going to get stronger...
Things will start to materialize that make it easier and make you better.
...and this is applicable to any situation in life.
Make the change.
You have what it takes right now.
We all do.
Every single person you look up to started exactly where you are right now.
Don't psych yourself out.
Nobody has some special ability that you don't...
You are mentally capable and strong enough to make a change NOW.
...and once you do...
You won't mind the losses...
You won't mind getting punched in the mouth...
You won't mind looking stupid...
Because you'll know you can push through that shit.
You just have to make it through the beginning...
...and keep moving forward.