When you start paying close attention to the people around you...
You'll find that most of them belong to one of two groups:
The first group of people think they've got everything figured out and can't get any better than they are right now...
They're wrong.
The second group of people think they're worthless pieces of shit that provide little to no value...
They're wrong too.
The reality is...
None of us are actually as good as we think we are ... and none of us are as bad as we think we are either.
The truth lies somewhere in the middle.
...But regardless of which side of the aisle you sit on...
Developing this level of awareness will be required for you to get wherever it is you're trying to go.
Winners are in a constant state of self-reflection because they understand that they will always have a lot more to improve on.
You and I do too.
The sooner you can recognize this...
The sooner you can start making progress.