You Can Always Help Someone In Need

May 06, 2021 1 min read

 Andy with friend

Helping people is the best strategy for your own  success & happiness in life.

But there’s another layer to that…

People NEVER FORGET when you help them in times of need.

Try to remember a dark time in your life...

When you felt defeated...

When you felt down on yourself...

When you felt like the entire world was against you…

When you felt like giving up...

But there was someone who gave you the help and support to get through that situation...

Everyone goes through difficult shit.

I certainly do.

People always remember who gave them a hand and dragged them out of the dark hole.

You can be that person.

Every time I talk about this, people assume I’m talking about helping someone monetarily…

That’s almost never the case...

Most of the time, people just need someone to talk to…

Someone to listen...

Someone to share their experiences and wisdom...

Someone to encourage them to keep going...

Someone to just be there.

No matter who you are…

And no matter what stage of life you are in…

You can always help someone in need.

This kind of service will always come back around...

The hand that you extend to help out someone during their hard times…

Will come back to help you when you really need it.

That’s a fact.

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