Choose to Live an Active Life

May 05, 2021 2 min read

Andy talking in a meeting

Are you living your life actively or passively?

Are you running your day, or is your day running you?

Are you in control, or are you giving up control?

Are you paddling your boat in the direction you want to go, or are you letting the stream take you where you don't want to go?

Winners live an active life...

They go into every single day with a plan to win the day.

They're organized.

They take their big goals and deconstruct them into small daily items they can accomplish over time.

You won't find one successful person on planet earth who doesn't go into each day with a concrete plan.

You also won't find anyone who accidentally made the progress they needed to make without a plan.

If you wake up not knowing what to do...

You're living a passive life.

If you go into work without knowing what your plan of attack is...

You're living a passive life.

If you truly want to be successful...

You have to live an active life.

You have to have a plan...

You have to attack the day...

You have to win the day...

You have to stack these wins...

All you have to do is take the things that need to get done...

And do them...

Every day.

If you can make a habit out of winning your days...

You'll win your week.

When you win multiple weeks...

Winning becomes more about who you are than trying to win.

It becomes effortless...

It becomes a character trait...

You won't have to fight every day to win...

You can't go through your day just accepting what life dishes out at you...

Make a plan.

Execute the plan.

Win the day.

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